Tunnelling and Camping makes this game unenjoyable. But there might be a solution.

That goes without saying. But trying to get better at this game is impossible when killers can face camp and tunnel the survivors just because that day they decided to be scummy.

I understand that there are perks that help with this, but that's the sad thing. I shouldn't need to sacrifice my perk slot for a chance to stop a scummy killer from playing horribly. Almost every killer I go against either face camps me and/or tunnels me because I stunned them once with a pallet, or get one flashlight save.

I have a solution that could fix both problems in one feature;

When a survivor is hooked, the killer has to be within a certain radius (Maybe 15-20 Meters?) for this to work. When in the radius, if the hooked survivor is saved, it's automatic borrowed time. When outside of the radius, it doesn't give the borrowed time.

Killers will feel more inclined to stop camping if there are negative effects to camping. And by camping, they can't tunnel either. Killer mains won't agree with me, because sometimes camping is strategic, especially when you've had a tough game and have a survivor on the hook during endgame collapse, while other survivors are opening exit gates.

So there's a counter solution to the problem.

This effect won't work if the endgame collapse is activated.

Easy fix to camping and tunneling without hurting either side too much.


  • awustzdn
    awustzdn Member Posts: 317
    edited June 2021

    So...your solution is to give survivors a fifth perk slot? No.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    You will get better at the game if you are chased and tunneled.

    Everything else is easier.

  • Crystopus
    Crystopus Member Posts: 35

    Yes. I understand there are strategies. Yes I understand there are times camping is an actual strategy.

    But the majority of times this situation happens to me, it has no skill to it. I have killers tunneling me for no good reason. I get off the hook and killers wait for me. They don't even go for the other person, they just wait for me to get downed again.

    And camping killers just camp me for no good reason either.

    But there is no strategy for simply put, "Not getting camped." Especially in solo queue. Just like you said, I cannot control what the other players do. So therefore I cannot stop the killer from camping me, and I cannot make other survivors save me. That doesn't make me ungracious for getting camped. If I cannot control what the killer does, it is therefore not my fault for what the killer does, because it isn't in my control.

    Thank you.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,393

    If you are losing to strategies that you consider to have "no skill" then that is not saying much about your own skill.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I don't think punishing killers is the way to go but instead reward them for not doing it also will the rest of yall calm the ######### down

  • Skaphegor
    Skaphegor Member Posts: 71

    I can't hardly believe they were camping for no reason. What rank are you at?

    Most survivors complaining about that are survivor who t-ag or beemerclick all the time to get attention, but then get mad when they loose.

    Often, survivors throw pallets behind my back, start buttdancing and following me all around after I've dropped a chase. They started thinking I am bad. In those cases, I don't care about tunneling. As soon as they got in my line of sight, I down them again.

    They often dc or play more decent the rest of the trial.

    But let's talk about your suggestion.

    I can see some difficulties.

    For one thing, ranged killers like Huntress or Deathslinger can stand father than 15m away without triggering Endurance.

    For another thing, survivors would become accustomed to gathering around the hook, because they know the unkooed survivor can take an extra hit.

    Dead by Daylight is interesting, as no one knows which perks are brought to the match. Such a mechanic would have a negative effect on DbD. If the killer always know there is BT, it's just a simple waiting until the timer runs out. Killers who tunnel will tunnel. But if they don't know BT is present, it might be actually triggered successfully. In your scenario it will be less useful with these changes, since they will always wait.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited June 2021

    They had a reason; you just don't know it. Chances are you are somewhat new. That means you are fighting against newbie Killers too for the most part. Like yourself, they just want to do well. They are desperate to secure at least one kill and don't know how to hunt people down yet. They will learn, just like you will, when certain tactics work best and when they are a bad call. We have all been where you are now. You get through it or you move on to another game. There will always be the odd match where you get tunneled or camped, but as you improve it happens less frequently. Once you accept that is part of the game, you will be less tilted by it. You are just paying you dues and learning the ropes. I'm not making light of your frustration; as I said before, I've been there too. But the alternative is worse, i.e. reducing Killers to bots.

    This game is about Player agency, i.e. choices. Killers only have so many choices to make. Who to chase, when to chase, and when to defend (camp) are the biggest part of what they do. If you take that away from them, they are reduced to ritualistic Bots. Nobody would stay in that role long. Could you blame them? Part of what makes Dead by Daylight unique and great is the fact that you have cunning human minds at work in the chaos engine. Mind games are never entirely predictable. Sometimes you and your team have to break down a wall and get through a face camper; it can be done. It happens all the time. Players are always coming up with clever new ways to win and frustrate their opponents. This is a GOOD thing, not a bad. While I played Pac Man back in the day, I would be bored to tears by it now.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I am sure you would not mind, if killers got Pop as basekit, so they are more motivated to go away from hook.

  • Harvexe
    Harvexe Member Posts: 17

    I totally agree with you, at the moment I no longer have any pleasure to playing this game because suddenly I am going to camp or tunnel and it starts to swell me

  • Crystopus
    Crystopus Member Posts: 35

    I actually wouldn't mind. I think it would be a good idea, and WOULD encourage killers to go away from the hook.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    tunneling and camping is gonna be more situational.

    people who say stuff about tunneling or camping as a whole dont play killer a lot to really understand the reasons behind it.

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    yeah i don't like any solution that rewards bad plays by survivors. IE in this case, if I hook someone and someone walks up in front of my face and unhooks them that's their fault not mine, it sucks for the guy who got unhooked but it's not the killers fault, the killer shouldn't be punished for it.

  • whereismykebab
    whereismykebab Member Posts: 228

    Needless to say, a Bubba would chainsaw through the borrowed time and the savior. But yes, IF something like this was to be considered, it would need to be something like much slower hook progression AND it needs to deactivate if there are survivors within the terror radius range (so 32m, regardless of the actual terror radius). You can't punish a killer for "camping" if another survivor is looping around the hook tiles or sneaking behind the killer or leaving scratch marks close to the hook.