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Let's be real, tunneling can also be caused by survivors

We've all had the situations as survivor wher we get unhooked. Only to find that our savior has vanished into thin air, leaving us injured as you hear the heartbeat grow louder.

We've also been on the other end of the spectrum, where we pull a move so smooth brained that it puts us back on th hook.

Point is that it's not always the killer being a dick that causes the tunneling. Sometimes our teammates leave the killer no better option, or we put ourselves back on the hook with a bad decision.

Yes it sucks to be on the receiving end, but sometimes it just happens.



  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Yep for some reason it's always someone else's fault.

    It's your decision to go back to the hook after someone is unhooked.

    Either you are already close enough to see both Survivors running away or hiding, or you are 50/50'ing whether you find the unhooked or the unhooker with it being more likely you find the unhooked because of sound and blood.

    The Killer makes this decision, putting the blame on the unhooker for not being able to find them is completely assinine.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    I have pretty bad luck so this happens to me pretty often too lol Normally it's a good opportunity to learn, but it gets frustrating when it's between tunneling matches or when you get tunneled afterward. The last trial I was in had a bad luck moment like that which turned into a second hook, but then the killer came right back as I was unhooked to chase me instead of the survivor that unhooked me who was still in plain sight.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Let me get this straight.

    You expect the unhooker to just stand around in plain site in front of the hook waiting for the Killer to come back so they don't tunnel the person that was on the hook??????

    Then if they don't it's their fault your chasing the recently unhooked, absolutely mind boggling.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I dont really consider that tunneling tho, its often easy to notice when your unhooker has vanished into thin air and when they actively tried getting the attention of the killer.

    I honestly think it should be best to add in a punishment in BP and emblems where a tunnel should punish the killer as much as an unsafe unhook punishes a survivor, and a non-tunnel rewards the killer just as a survivor gets rewarded for a safe unhook. Doesnt remove too much, but at least it stops tunnelers from climbing ranks and actually derank if they tunnel and camp too much, whereas now, I've had games where I just tested out how much I could get away with. I've tunneled and camped every single survivor all match, had 2 escapes and still earned a pip. I could have gotten a 4k with 3 gens left if I didnt camp or tunnel, while only getting a black pip.

    What I dont understand is how the current emblem system actually rewards players through unfun playstyles, and punishes players who dont. I've had a game as survivor where I kept the killer at bay for 4 minutes, but I didnt even pip and only had 9k bp, even though I did exactly as the game was designed for(didnt even hold W nor did I have any meta perks, it was just a really bad killer who reached rank 2 through tunneling hardcore). I've had games where I as killer barely got any BP because the chase simply wouldnt start for some reason, giving me barely 20k bp in the end but still a pip(short chases since it didnt start untill right before the hit). Allowing boring playstyles to climb ranks as efficiently as they do now is really destroying the fun for both sides.

    I've even had a killer say they tunneled because he couldnt otherwise handle the game, which should be indicative of that player being matched far too high. You could argue that MMR would fix this, but I really doubt that, as for a lot of players, they would arguably "win" when they play like they do. So they would keep playing like that untill they face SWF's with good communications, at which point they will refuse to keep playing as they never learned to apply killer basics and dont know what to do.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    The other day i was running stbfl so was trying to ignore jill, but she followed me for like a minute straight constantly clicking her flashlight in my ear. I said exactly that "you want my attention you now have it," it didnt go well for her 😂

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    No but the unhooker should do everything in his power to get the killer attention. If the unhooker just vanish in thin air the one who is the easiest to spot will be the injure guy who just got unhook.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    No. But I expect the person to unhook me in a safe way. Especialy as you get more points for a safe unhook.

    Just unhooking with the Killer on your heels and not trying to aggro the Killer (come on, finaly a point where clickering that flashlight is legit) or go into hiding with you is just bad. It is close to unhooking in front of the Killer without Borrow Time and you would not let that slide either.

    It is the unhookers job to make sure that the guy on the hook gets to safety. This does not account for bad luck or a tunneling Killer.

    You can also go into hiding with the one you rescued. But healing right under the hook is a bad decision unless you know that the Killer is already in another chase or you have We'll make it.

    At least the survivors should not blame the Killer in this case and complain about "tunneling". Same if you try to bodyblock with Borrow Time, it is not "tunneling" if this happens.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Nope. I expect unhooker to protect me, even more so if he didnt had BT.

    If I unhook someone and killer is nearby, I will bodyblock for them even to the point letting myself be downed just so they can escape and heal. Its my responsibility to make sure unhook be safe but I can see a lot of people who dont feel that way

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I mean, what other decision is there, to be quite honest? Progress a hook stage, or search for a fresh target who might be stupid enough to get their teammate out of the game on my behalf? And they call me the killer! I really could not have done it without the help of the survivor thirsty for unhooks. Rofl.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    Also don't forget to check the gen count, if you feel you're being tunneled and there's 2 gens left you're not being tunneled, just removed from the game.

  • You maybe don't know but all survivors always have a fifth perk that gives them Super Mario's super star for all game's duration after being unhooked

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,094

    Ive been accused of tunnelling before when the survivor went out of their way to get in my way. Like what?

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    Soft tunneling is necessary in order to compete, if the 5 players have a similar level of skill.

    My last game last night was ghostface on coldwind. I hooked survivor A, B, C, D then repeat the process. You wanna know the result? 1 kill 3 escapes all gens were done quickly.

    I'm not talking about chasing the same survivor over and over again, but at some point you have to focus one or two survivors in order to get them out of the game so they don't just spam M1 and game is done.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,330

    This is almost always the issue - What's going to be easier to immediately run into? Healthy survivor hiding so I can't find scratchmarks or injured survivor leaving pools of blood, wailing in pain and leaving scratchmarks because they're having a panic attack while running because their teammate unhooked them in proximity of the killer.

    I think the answer is obvious.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited June 2021

    I just run the other direction to leave scratch marks leading away from the injured person. As long as they walk away from the hook the killer should come after me and I got distance out of it.

    Now in practice a lot of survivors seem to lack the sense to not leave a trail leading right to them while injured when I'm making one away from them. No, they expect the killer to just let them go for free and its somehow the killers fault and in no part due to their own bad play.

    Like "oh I'm injured, better leave a trail right to me! How dare the killer follow it!"

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    Exactly. I imagine she cussed you out for it, too.

    Because Survivors are never in the wrong.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,838

    I play killer more than survivor, and I like to give everyone a fair chance but if I come across the same survivor again, I'll just slug them. Creates pressure. Gets survivors off gens.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Don't act like most killers just straight up don't prefer to tunnel one person out of the game. But you're right, this does happen sometimes. The other 90% of the time, it's the killer's choice.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    'It's your choice to go back to the hook'. #########?

    HALF THE TEAM is around that hook; the unhooked, and an unhooker. Sometimes 3 people are there, for various reasons.

    Am I supposed to ignore the hook because I might look like a meany-face for going back? 😂

    And let's say 2 or 3 gens popped in that first chase; a not uncommon result, these days. Am I now not supposed to go after the wounded prey that I only need to hit once, because Survivors think it's mean to 'tunnel'? Yet more 'The Killer is not allowed to try winning' propaganda.

    And it's THAT mindset, that the Killer has to play 'honorably' according to made up rules, that sees Survivors using the excuse 'The Killer played toxic, so I can be toxic back in chat' also known as 'He started it!'.

    And yes; the mindset, if not the situation, goes both ways; Killers see Survivors do something they SUBJECTIVELY consider 'toxic' and use it as an excuse to abuse people in the chat.

    And that mindset is also why you see so many threads about how 'unfair' or 'toxic' camping/slugging/tunneling/perk/Killer are; it's people trying to force their SUBJECTIVE rules onto the game as golden law, while having 0 idea what balance is.

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    If 4 survivors are still in the game, and you choose to go back to the hook... you can't complain about the rate that gens get done. You are potentially leaving 2 survivors to sit uninterrupted.

    Going back to the hook is easy. I run kindred in every game... 95% of killers proxy camp the hook. Meanwhile everyone is sitting on a gen, with no pressure.

  • Dodgingbears
    Dodgingbears Member Posts: 252

    I play with survivors all the time who I hear complaining of being tunneled ..... when they arent... the most common thing I notice is they do not recognize someone else was hooked in between each time.... so not tunneled .... or they do dumb things like hide next to a hook or go for a play near the killer... then wonder why the killer focuses on them.

    If you are easy to catch, go do gens, stop healing on hook or standing around killer. If you do that and they turn on you, then you better be good in chase, but either way, that is your fault. Also you are not being tunneled because you die and only two other people have been hooked once... you were just easier prey. The game moves fast, killers do not split hooks evenly. There is a ton of whining in a game that is casual and fun.

    It takes time and game sense and knowledge to be good at the game. Good survivors VERY RARELY get tunneled, its not worth a killers time. Do not make yourself an easy target, or get better at knowing where you are with what resources around. If you suck at loops, avoid using flashlights, or you will get moth killers that stick to you till you are dead, in low ranks.

    Most people cannot be introspective and would rather get mad to protect their egos.

  • Tysere
    Tysere Member Posts: 36

    I do this as well, having to end up downing the same person is something I find more often happens to me, in terms of also hooking them, in later stages of the match where the game is almost to Exit Gates time. I still don't love it, but none of us can choose when there's only 2 Survivors left or so. If we find you, we find you.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
    edited June 2021

    Here is a definition of tunneling.

    Tunneling /v/ - When a killer player stays close enough to a hooked survivor player so they have the ability to return to the hooked survivor player the moment that player is unhooked with the intention of exclusively chasing, downing and hooking the same survivor player, that was hooked previously, before that survivor player is able to perform any other actions with the intention of removing that survivor player from the game or reducing the number of hook states that survivor has.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Go after the person fresh off the hook or don't. Stop blaming the survivors for your choices though.

  • CuteAnimeGirlIRL
    CuteAnimeGirlIRL Member Posts: 38

    I do everything in my power not to tunnel. But if, in that 50/50 split of chasing scratch marks, I find the hooked guy, I just slug him. It puts more pressure on the team, while not giving them an advantage because I "play nice".

    However, I am toxic as hell when a survivor starts teabagging and flashlight clicking. Degenerates like that belong on a cross.

    However, like someone else said, if I'm down to my last gen, and my only options are tunnel or search, I will tunnel to remove that piece from the game. I don't like doing that, but I can't afford to play nice when the game's in the eleventh hour.

  • Midnght
    Midnght Member Posts: 65

    Seriously dont sweat it i mean lets face the facts here they dont want you to camp they dont want you to tunnel but they will be damned if they let you have one kill per game. Really till they step up and pony up at least one kill they really should stop complaining and asking us to be nice to them cause they wont be nice to you in return.

  • Tysere
    Tysere Member Posts: 36

    It's honestly extremely rare that I've had survivors I'd consider 'negative' in any way, other than seeing a game is going poorly and just leaving their other, harder-working teammates on the hook. SOmetimes at the end of the game, if i'm slugging a person, it's so I can try to find their other teammate who's obv. trying to let them die after doing all the gens for them so they can find the hatch they didn't help create. Hard to communicate that tho, admittedly.

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    And 100% of the people who use this as a reply do so because they have nothing of value to add.

  • BuddhaBing
    BuddhaBing Member Posts: 248

    Okay, 95% of killers never camp or tunnel. I made up a statistic too now! Does that mean my post contributes as much as yours did? Is this the value you're talking about?

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    I could care less if you tunnel or camp or slug or whatever.

    Placing blame on anyone or anything else trying to justify what you are doing is what I have an issue with and the reason why I commented here.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    in addition to that:

    if you get unhooked and i immediately see you jump back on a gen without even healing up first, you're going back on that hook.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 614

    I mean i never really tunneling but if i hook a Survivor and then after like 1 minute the same Survivor is running in my Face or working on a Gen in Front of me why i should Let him leave, why i should ignore the Survivor so he can finish the Gen ?

    Like you said it isnt just the Killer fault most time it is also the Survivor fault but then the Survivor is screaming " U hook me after i got Hooked Tunneling Tunneling Report !!!! "

    Also if there are like 2 Gens legt and you didnt killed somebody tunneling CAN be a solid Tactic to maybe still win the Match :)

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Do whatever you want, stop trying to justify it and simply move on.

    It isn't that hard.

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    No. You are responsible for your choices and behaviors. Stop blaming others. Fact is most killers only care about getting an easy 4K. Any opposition and they feel personally offended and start whining. It’s so weird.

  • BingBongMan
    BingBongMan Member Posts: 631

    Well any killer would enjoy an easy 4k at the hands of an incompetent team. Especially with survivors who unhook when the killer's within a decent distance.

    I've enjoyed easy games at the hands of such teams. I've also been through unfun games at the hands of teammates who would rather unhook me when the killer is near.

    Ultimately it's the killers choice whether or not they go after the unhooker. But for that choice to be present under those circumstances the unhooker needs to be there. Instead of letting the unhooked be the only choice for a chase.

    But that only happens during an unsafe hook. Otherwise that whole dilemma doesn't occur, and the survivors don't have to get their panties in a twist over some rule they think actually matters.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    im not trying to "justify" anything.

    mainly because i dont believe there to be anything that i would have to "justify" in those scenarios in the first place.

    The games concept is a simple one: survivors do gens, killer stops survivors from doing gens. if i see you contesting the gens, i will see you as a threat to my objective and therefore target you.

    that doesnt mean i was supportive of boring playstyles such as tunneling, i am merely pointing out that a Survivors behavior can have a big influence on how the Killer plays.