This event will be a DC fest

I just played a few rounds, always atleast 1 DC at the start, sometimes multiple. I am worried i will be unable to play my main role killer this event and would need to search for a farming swf, since they will not dc.
Edit: i mean with "farming swf" to search for a discord group of players that take legit farming serious not working with the Killer but the kind: as many points as fast as possible farming.
Without the dc penalty many disconnect willy-nilly, at the first sight of lags, a killer they don't like or something else. On top of the people that can not play the game normally right now that is.
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This simply shows that every last online pvp game that is based on small teams must have a dc penalty.
Of course at the moment part of those dc is /might be because of the new chapter disaster but a not insignificant amount is just abusing the absence of the penalty because they can.
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I actually think it will be the opposite. Who will want to lose out on 4 - 5 cakes every game? Nobody will DC.
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Hmm that is if they play a cake in the first place, some people dont really care and if they have a awful experience and have nothing contributed themself they loose hope instantly.
The higher stakes from the cakes could fuel the fire even more.
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Most events had killers dcing with a full lobby of gateau's just to screw over the survivors.
This event will be nothing new.
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Think about this:
Don't forget about the rounds were not many cakes were played. If they havent taken anything with them themselfs they can just search again for a full lobby of cakes.
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Might be the same paranoia Problem like the matchmaking. Will I get a group/killer that are/is chill or tryhard?
This might spiral out of control in a similar fashion until "noone" uses the cakes anymore.
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Well that's possible just like it would be possible with a DC penalty. I think you could DC like 3 times before it gave you a 5 min penalty.
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Hmm i remember that the dc penalty was 5 minutes directly after the first dc. But maybe they changed it along the way.
Edit: The missing dc penalty certainly doesn't make the issues any better.
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Only once or twice. I only intentionally dc'ed once (several years ago) but had two crashes/disconnects a few months ago on the same evening and got the penalty after the second disconnect.
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i mean in already being DC'd by error messages thanks to DBD spaghetti code sooo
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._. I hope the event will be at least somewhat playable, and maybe they extend the duration or something, since it could very well be problematic.
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extending the duration would be cool, would mean people like myself could not be time pressured and constantly worrying about being DC'd because of an error I have no idea how to fix and have to frequent the forums to ask why im getting error codes (thanks BVHR).
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I had been having more survivors DC, but this morning it's been way more killers. Either way, I don't think the event is going to make more people DC than before. If anything, more survivors are going to leave their teammates to die to get the crown, and more killers will not actually be playing either so they can get their cosmetics. RIP survivors with add ons.
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Yeah, it is kind of weird to turn the game into hide and seek. I might go for a few, but I don't have too many killers unlocked. Huntress is the only OG one I am in love with. After her, I will probably be done with the search.
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I dont think people will dc.
People will farm, be prepared for BT save rush.
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I mean the tome already kinda ruined the game for me as a solo survivor since so many people just play for objectives and not actually to win. This is just adding another layer of that. I guess the best I can hope for is some chill killers.
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I dont mind that at all, go ahead and feed me my juicy hits.
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Play killer and farm. No dc's, guaranteed.
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Are you telling me that i should break the rules ? Dont forget that teaming and farming are bannable offenses. Also this just wastes time, i 4k with max points easily and way faster than if i would play a farm round, were max points arent even possible without getting endgame hooks because of sacrifice category.
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Bloodpoints are so inconsequential to me I couldnt care less. Having no DC penalty makes it so I can get into games I will enjoy faster. If I'm a survivor and I see its a nurse, I will DC i dont care to bother knowing its a good one or not. If I'm killer and the survivors BM, ill dc, theyll still get some points just not as much but thats also their own fault. If i dont Dc then ill prob try to tunnel and camp one out which isnt very fun for me or them so its best to dc. And out of spite for some other games i might DC pretty early on to deny the survivors points because im a petty person.
A lot of people could not care less about BP so its not any incentive to stay in a match you dont want to stay in. At the end of the day you cannot force someone to participate.
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I edited my post, guess the word farming can be misinterpreted. There is the legit kind of farming and the working with the killer kind of farming. I am talking about the legit one, time efficency stuff.
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Farming is only reportable if you forcing people into it. If they want to farm with you its ok.
And teaming is when surv and killer work together to kill other survivors which us understandably bannable
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You can not force anyone, they either do it or they dont. Its only that there is no one to report anyone if everyone agrees to do it.
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Its basically the same as : refusing to participate in normal gameplay. Which is a offense as well. The intended gameplay is killer vs survivors, not killer and survivors have a jolly good time cuddling together.
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The mods have already confirmed that farming is only bannable if you force people into it.
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No plaintiff, no judge, what are devs supposed to do ? They adjust with the flow of things, thats why their recent statement may be like that. That changed with the years though and its still a little grey area since i believe in some legal texts are things that can be easily interpreted this way.
I dont support farming anyway, i find it boring and cheap. If it would be a problem their rules would change quickly, like with most things, its no issue right now. Thats the determining factor. It would be different if shards could be farmed so easily.
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Again, what do you interpret as forcing someone ? Its either not the case or always the case if not everyone is doing it.
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no penalty for DCing so it's a DC fest.
I can't even play an adept killer right now
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A survivor being hook farmed, for example. The killer hooks them, allows another survivor to unhook, then downs them and hooks them again, while other survivors body block.
A survivor being downed, picked up and dropped over and over again so they're freed, then downed again.
I'm sure you get the idea.
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My point is where do you draw the line ? Every survivor that took part in a farming session can state, that they were being forced. How do you prove it ? Its up to BHVR to decide who to ban for farming and who not to. Also what is too much and what isnt.
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In most farming cases the down after a unhook is so fast that there is not even the time or need to bodyblock. If the unhooking survivor isnt using borrowed time, as soon as the feet of the unhooked survivor touch the ground, they are down again. Not even a way for them to communicate that they dont want to farm.
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If you're recording, it's quite obvious when you're being forced and when you're not. A person who's being forced to farm would try to get away, for example. They'd likely be killed on the hook (because they're not cooperating). There are many ways to tell.
If you don't want to farm, then don't. I don't understand why you're so concerned about other people being banned for forcing players to farm when you already said you don't like to farm and don't engage in farming.
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You’d be surprised how petty some players can be
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I don't think there was a DC penalty all the other anniversary events so if they survived this one will too.
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About why i bother to discuss about it in such a way, well first of all i don't like waschy rules. Ones which aren't really clear and in the eye of the viewer to decide about. Secondly i like to ponder about things. And lastly i have nothing better to do right now, since i am waiting for the event.