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Why is there no double, or even 1.5x Blood Hunt event?
Being an older player who has been around since the first year, it is quite disappointing that there are fewer and fewer blood hunts. Back then we could count on one every 2 months at least.
And this is especially bad considering how bad the grind is now, with tons of perks being added every few months. Do you even play your own game or care about newer player experiences?
At this point I'm pretty sure bloodpoint codes and hand outs replaced those
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They are not even 1/100 as good as a blood hunt event though, especially when blood hunts stacked with party streamers and cakes.
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Could be because of the month long 1.5x bp gain last year something something bp economy idk I miss them
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what a clowny phrase! it's not an 'economy' when there is no exchange of goods or services, dummy devs!
I really miss the blood hunts too. Events are just not the same without them.
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“BlOoDpOiNt EcOnOmY”
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clowns. (no offense to our killer)
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Each new Tome’s set of challenges is I want to say around three million bloodpoints. Then the handouts like the half million today. I can see how these weekends are getting rarer.