Did we got BHVRd?

Seriously, all they did was applying a Event.
Now my game keeps crashing on PS5, Menu is EXTREMLY laggy, especially when leveling, where my game ALSO crashed multiple times already...And there isnt even anything new!
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XDDDDDDDD this is hilarious
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Ofcourse we did. Not a surprise!
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Maybe if we bought more cosmetics they'd have the funding to do more stuff, really it's the fault of the players here.
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I just want some cake none popped up for me yet
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Just crashed again. Anyone else got the same problem while leveling??
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Yep, got a "profile could not be saved" or something like this error and kicked back to the login.
And 280 ping lobbies and getting kicked back to the main menu after the match was already starting "you have been disconnected from the host".
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I'm not going to dare to use any anniversary cakes until I know I can play a game without someone crashing.
Pretty good job so far.
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And here I thought I was going to level up some characters...but BVHR begs to differ, as expected.
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Maybe if we had a premium rift pass, they'd have even more funding.
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Lol lobby died in loading screen first game! Lol I'm dead (by daylight).
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I had a similar issue on PC.
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My Fiance hasn't even been able to start a game because he keeps getting a "302 Error". He's playing on PS5 as well.
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Absolutely shame on these devs. Apparently gun media is getting the last laugh after all.
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and then they are wondering why people want to boycott this game
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I'll admit, I didn't think they could manage to make the game this unplayable. Haven't even been able to start a game yet, and spending my saved up bloodpoints was a 20-minute exercise thanks to all the disconnects and do-overs. Happy anniversary?
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They just rolled back BP spending and didn't refund me any BP. I have a new Bloodweb but now everything is in a different place and more expensive.
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I got BBQ in a bloodweb and then got rolled back... the perk it gave me next time was Deerstalker.
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Took me 35mins to try take a character from rank 40 to 50 due to menu lag that wasnt there before today. Ggs, scared to actually try playing.
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I guess the next phase is a fist just emerges from your rig and punches you in the face.
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I just lose 1,4M bloodpoints because of theses bugs ... i hope we can all have our refund.
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are u impressed this game not working properly after 5 years? im not.
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Did you expect anything different?
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Well looks like my DBD break needs to be extended
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People are still surprised these devs don't put effort into anything they throw at us.
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Game slows to a crawl on Series X when dumping BP.
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Happy anniversary.
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Did they seriously break current gen consoles too?
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Happy 5th Anniversary!
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Once the 'next gen' comes out, the prior gen always gets screwed. That's just the way it is and anyone that says otherwise is not operating in reality.
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"current gen" is referring to next gen.
Game is completely busted for many people right now.
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Oh I see, my bad.