100k players on steam!

I saw that a little while ago - incredible numbers especially for a 5 year old game.
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100k disappointed players :/
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lol well that announcement of loss progress didn't give me much hope too, but it looks like they fix it (hopefully)
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I’m happy that there are so many players now and honestly I want the game to be around for many more years. Congrats to BHVR for the success! Now they just need to get a bit better on not breaking the game with each new chapter :)
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Glad PC players are having a good time....
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thats kinda nice
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It's nice for them. But it's a bunch of old timers returning to unlock the crowns. Plus the new RE evil fans.
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100k on steam and ive been in que 10 mins 😔
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I don't get it: even if you're right, how is that a bad thing?
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It just keeps growing every year. Makes one wonder when . . . anyway
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yes lobby queue takes 7+mins🧐
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To bad you can't actually play the game right now. Looks like it can't create a lobby
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I wonder if DBD has enough servers to support that huge of player-base. this queue times are way too long for such massive number.
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imagine if everything worked flawlessly, how better the number would be
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Because its only temporary and compare to the other game dbd is worse in term of bug so this wont last. I cant talk for csgo i stop playing this game years ago because of hacker
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They're using AWS, so it scales up and down as needed. There's no practical limit to how many players that the game can scale to.
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Player numbers are always temporary.
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Yeah but they stay around a certain number. Now for dbd they are over the top normally the number are around 40 to 50k not 100k. Take csgo for example im sure the number are always around those number they wont get a huge drop in 2 weeks but im sure dbd number will take a huge drop in 2 or 3 weeks and we will go back around the 50k player.
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Us console players constantly suffer.
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Before 40-50k was the norm, it was 20k, with spikes of 50-70k. Food for thought.
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PC master race jk sorry console but I’ve heard optimization is really expensive
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Getting carried by the Resident Evil name.. Just wait until the new players realize how ######### the game actually is. Give it another month and then review it. It'll be back under 50k because BHVR refuses to actually fix the damage they cause.
Seriously, how do you announce a Resident Evil chapter and a brand new map (after we've been waiting for over a year), draw that much hype and a glimmer of hope for your community, only to have the map break during the PTB so we couldnt play it.. and then release the chapter with the map still broken?
They're one of the only companies that is able to survive on broken content and disappointment. It's absolutely mind boggling how they stay in business.
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Just look up gamelift to see what they have to work with.
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I remember the times where at 2am (GMT+) there were only between 4k-7k people playing this game and you used to face the same 4 guys over and over again. Easier times, definetely.
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Its a lonely life living on console. Or dying by daylight, We will get ours one day!