Event character crowns list request

Do we have or maybe can we get a list of all characters and killers who can obtain the new crown?
Every original character. This means:
- Dwight Fairfield
- Meg Thomas
- Claudette Morel
- Jake Park
- Nea Karlsson
- Ace Visconti
- Feng Min
- David King
- Kate Denson
- Adam Francis
- Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen
- Jane Romero (from "The Jane Romero Show")
- Yui Kimura
- Zarina Kassir
- Felix Richter
- Elodie Rakoto
- Yun-Jin Lee
- Evan MacMillan (The Trapper)
- Philip Ojomo (The Wraith)
- Max Thompson Jr. (The Hillbilly)
- Sally Smithson (The Nurse)
- Lisa Sherwood (The Hag)
- Herman Carter (The Doctor)
- Anna (The Huntress)
- Jeffrey "Kenneth Chase" Hawk (The Clown)
- Rin Yamaoka (The Spirit)
- Frank/Julie (The Legion M + F)
- Adiris (The Plague)
- Kazan Yamaoka (The Oni)
- Caleb Quinn (The Deathslinger)
- Talbot Grimes (The Blight)
- Charlotte Deshayes (The Twins)
- Ji-Woon Hak (The Trickster)
NOTE: I am unsure if Danny "Jed Olsen" Johnson (The GhostFace) is able to get one however I assume not since he didn't have one during the 4th Year Anniversary.
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Sweet thank you
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No worries :)
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Every original character who is not from a license can wear a crown
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It's basically for all characters except those that are licenced.
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@GoodBoyKaru you type faster than I do <3 Thank you for that.
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Footage of me creating that list
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Not all heroes wear capes, some wear crowns.
thanks for the list!
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I can check Ghostface if youd like as I know you arent the biggest fan of him.
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id appreciate that one :)
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now i wanna see ghostie in a crown
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Sorry for taking a while. First match I got rushed and couldnt find it while second match I had to farm after a Dwight and Ace threw.
Unless bugged, ghostie does not have a crown similar to the 4th anniversary.
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And my dumbass playing Chris and I was still collecting a crown. Realized it 3 minutes later that you can't get the crowns on licensed characters xD
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Can still get bloodpoints thankfully
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Ghost Face is not able to get a crown because even though he's mostly original in his outfit design, lore, and perks, Ghost Face is still licensed and no licenses can get crowns.
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Yeah I was curios. But it's only 250 when collecting it. I didn't escape yet, my second match. How much do you get anyways?
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No clue I haven't touched survivor for a long time because I don't want to be facecamped with 5 cakes
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250 for collecting 500 for escaping iirc.
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Ok, so 750 then. Thank you.
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I copied your list and put it on notepad lol. Thank you!
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No worries ^^
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Are the crowns different from past year ? Because the new crown thing that spawns on map looks not the same as last year
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here ya go 4th year and 5th year worn
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see above.
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Oh good
Im glad they did those ones different so the 1st ones stays exclusives :)