What's going on with killer ques?

I got qued with 3 survivors and we absolutely couldn't find a 4th so I backed out after waiting 5 minutes to reque.
and now I can't find any survivor for over 10 minutes.
More bloodpoints for killers per match. More cakes per bloodweb. This happened last year too.
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Matchmaking is literally not working at all for me right now. Killer or survivor. I wait forever then get an error and can't efven retry it. I have to EXIT the game entirely.
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Happens every event. More people want to play killer because of the ludicrous difference between the bp they get compared to survivor.
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I can't get a survivor game all of the sudden and I can't unready at all. I've restarted the game twice. No idea what's going on all of the sudden.
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Been stuck on the killer queue screen for about 10minutes now. I've restarted the game twice just incase but hasn't changed.
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Survivor queues seem glitchy right now. Lots of 'couldn't find a party' boots, and sometimes it seems like I end up in a ghost queue for survivor - it says I'm searching for a match, but it never finds one, I have no ability to unready, and I can't even back out into the main menu. Had to force restart the game twice now.
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Matchmaking is broken. I'm getting Matchmaking Failed error trying to play killer, and then have to alt f4 my game as you cannot back out to menu or fix it any other way. Survivor I go into like a 5 minute queue and the same thing happens. Something severely wrong with their servers rn.
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yeah that happened to me i restarted my game 3 times and it didn't work I had to restart my pc and then it worked but I'm still waiting in a killer queue for 10 mins now
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UK here.
Killer queues are usually non existant at this sort of time. **Searching for Match**
Got some US friends who get quick Survivor queues at this sort of time... Unready
I think something may be borked...
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The queue times are actually painful. I'm assuming that it'll go back to normal in a few days and people are just all hyped to turbo farm BP with BBQ.
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Everyone: Killer queues are instant because it's so awful to play
Killer queues: *become not instant*
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I was boutta say something like this lol
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Broken on both sides apparently.
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There's something going on joining lobbies.
As survivor it looks like it finds a match because the button changes to unready when it finds a group and you can't cancel the search.
Problem is it stays this way and tou don't join.
Killer same thing.