Killer mains are really being this toxic right now?

I’ve only been able to play about ten matches all through the day, but every single one has gone the face camping route. That’s not exactly normal ranks 5-7. We will have 4 cakes stacked, and have a face camping killer. Everyone’s base score will be about 12-14k that gets out. There’s no reason y’all killer mains aren’t making well over 100k per match if you just play the same way that got you down to rank 5.
I just had 2 escape with a key to avoid the nice 3 gen i spent the whole game keeping AND they left poor feng dangling on my hook when they did it.
If you can we can 🤷♂️
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If I had to guess all the unfun play being reported is due to no one being able to play the game properly and figure this is the only way to get enjoyment since chasing is impossible. Or bad luck.
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Yeah, I've never understood camping...well...ever but ESPECIALLY now. I suppose there are some killers who end up getting a ton of points for it as survivors are probably overly altruistic right now for those sexy sexy stacks (and altruism points) but still.
See also survivors who gen rush and sprint out like if they die in the game, they'll die in real life
But I can't control how others play so whatchagonnado? Some men (and women probably) just want to watch the world burn.
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If I see sparkles I let em go. I dont care if they are a licensed character and wont get it. I've been letting everyone go anymore because people deserve those crowns.
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all i get is gen rushing survivors, idk how they expect to get any points
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500k for logging in?
500k in tombstone pieces
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EDIT: I guess I need text to make the youtube thumbnail show up so here's some text
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Just had 2 survivors finish a gen in my face. Camp slugged and tunneled making sure neither of them escaped.
If you can we can 🤷♂️
Edited to add: i did let the other 2 go but they were bait several times
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Dude, I’ll take in small game, and make it my goal to eliminate all totems once two generators are left, and I get some nasty ass messages from survivors for it sometimes. I’ll take down all 5 sometimes, and end up getting messages that I didn’t do anything. Well the killer had NOED, and didn’t get to use it thanks to me. Lol
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Happened last year too. Today I've had killers ignore the licensed survivors and ones wearing year 5 crown, only going after originals without crown to keep them from getting the crown. Have had a bunch of killers pretend they want to farm so now just gen rushing and getting out. I'm not using any cakes so doesn't bother me if I get less BP if I can escape with my crown.
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To be honest it's been pretty good today since I came back for the crowns. Most killers have been pretty chill, if anything I had teammates that were misbehaving earlier sandbagging and trolling.
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You don’t run into this stuff in ALL of your matches. Hell, I see the stuff you psychos say on here. I have 20 something keys, and I never bring them in because of how different y’all play when someone does.
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Happened to me today on PS4. Played 7 matches as survivor and 5 out of 7 camped. Probably a result of piss poor performance.
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We do. Thats my point. Thats EXACTLY my point. If you can we can :)
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Yeah, I’ve had a few teammates that have just trolled the entire match today as well.
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Ah yes; because it's toxic if Killers win in any non-Survivor Approved(tm) way. This includes, but is not limited to: Tunneling, camping, slugging, patrolling a 3 gen, using non-Approved perks, using non-Approved Killers, dodging flashlight saves, avoiding pallet stuns, and more!
Ask a Survivor if playing Killer is right for you!
(Playing Killer is not for everyone. Don't play Killer if you have a heart condition, or if you expect to win. Winning is strictly not Survivor Approved)
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Yep, facecamping and tunnel vision to the max, to the point of slugging and ignoring the rest no matter what.
This is all I got first 4 matches, finally survived and didn't get a crown. Super done already barely a day in. Doesn't help even after the fix and a restart im STILL not getting them.
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You do not run into keys as much as we do face camping killers. Be real man.
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Yes that is true Tunneling=Gen Rushing and vice versa.
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With 4 cakes, got camped and slugged and only made 7K because of slugging and camping. The devs have put too much power in killers. There is no way to get points unless the killer cooperates.
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5th anniversary feels
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Yep there was nea, and a leon hook trolling earlier in one the matched I played. Just pretending they were going to unhook me. And we can all guess what happened 👋.
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GREAT! Now according to the image the devs think Myers is too strong.
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Basically every game has been a ######### show. Last game I had was Insidious camping Bubba with a Mori.
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I didnt say we run into keys every game. My point is if survivors can be "toxic" so can I. (I put that in quotations cause I dont see any of it as toxic, just people playing the game, but the "rules for thee not for me is horseshit 😂)
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These events usually consist of back-to-back bully squads that punish killers for trying to play nice, so it's understandable. It's just casual's getting caught in the middle, I suppose. Which is stupid because this is literally a casual, unbalanced game but what can you do?
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Cuts both ways. If survivors just predrop pallets, do gens and leave in 5 minutes the killer gets basically nothing.
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I play mostly solo and i try and get gens done because i have no idea what my teammates are doing and i want out lol.
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Only a bad killer will let that happen. Killers have everything to be sure they get most of the points.
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Yeah no you can beat even amazing Killers with said tactic unless they play one of like 5 Killers that can deal with that. Just try it a couple times. If you predrop 3-4 pallets that´s 3 gens done guaranteed unless your teammates are memeing.
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- Ghost Face takes crown in front of a dbd original survivor and slugs at 5 gens
- Nemesis takes crown in front of an original survivor
- Basement insidious camping Bubba who nods like he just accomplished something amazing
Sounds about right
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... right. Forgot who I was talking to. I'll go ahead and keep calling the killer bad because I dropped every pallet early while my teammates split up on gens and got the gates powered in 3 minutes. Lol, bad killer, should've played Nurse with range add-ons. Oh, wait, that still wouldn't have resulted in any points becuase the number of BP's a killer can get is directly determined by the number of hits, chases and broken objects.
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Yet every game if been in has been a tunneling camping killer. Not a single bully squad.
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Yes, because me running Distressing Thrill of the hunt, Beasts of prey and BBQ BP build is soooooo overpowered.
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For some killers a "bully squad" is a team that does gens and doesnt give them a free 4k.
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Right but in that case they left another team mate behind and if you felt bad for the feng then why do you want to be toxic like them and do something mean also?
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So either you're tunneling and camping everyone as the killer, or you're not playing killer and so don't have an accurate view on the general survivor behaviour.
Personally, I'm in the latter catagory, because every event so far has been filled with just the worst survivors. It's like playing in the evenings, but all day long.
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Im just playing the game. Just like you. You all do ######### that people consider toxic then get mad when the killer is being "toxic." Its honestly ridiculous. Camping, slugging, tunneling, gen rushing, flashlight clicking, pointing, tbagging, even keys. None of it is actually "toxic" or "mean." You play to win, so do i. Its as simple as that
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If survivors wait for you to leave after kicking a gen and start working on it, isn't this the survivor version of tunnelling the gen?
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Or finishing it in your face. Or working on it while injured. Or just coming across a random gen at 75% and not finding a new one to work on. Yes
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Am I the only one who had Bubbas that follow the BBQ?
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the chnce getting a key user is 3 to 4 times bigger than getting a tunneling killer
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I’m sick of being hard tunnelled & camped out of a game because I’m just trying to get a damn crown!! All I’ve seen is toxic af killers. I’m already bashing my head against a wall trying to survive on console without killers being ######### on top of that
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That’s why 12 out of my 14 matches have had camping killers, and absolutely nobody escaping with keys.
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you know what a chance is?
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How would my view be inaccurate? Every killer I've had so far has camped and tunneled. Every single one. Nobody was rushing gens. Nobody had done anything toxic. They've just been ######### for no reason.
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how do you know they didn't camp to get there? Believe it or not most killers defend the hook and tunnel a lot and That's their choice. But when you say play the way you did to get to rank 5 they could very well have camped their way to rank 5 there's no tellin.
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Sluzzy you are far too funny my person!!!
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Bait ALERT!!!