Survivors, please.

papichulo Member Posts: 271

I myself am a survivor main but how survivors have been acting is not fair. They expect to let the killers go easy so they can get their crowns and BP's. For me, almost every survivor that has a crown (little yellow glowy thing) they have DC'd when they couldnt get their crown. Hence the reason why they are toxic in chat. I just want to let others know just because this is an event doesnt mean we should just go easy and all that. If killers want to play, they will play however killers will play.


  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    It's an event. It doesn't hurt killers to play more chill. Survivors shouldn't DC or chew out the killer in post game, but c'mon already. I've ran against some pretty ruthless killers that are pretty much tethered to the first guy that gets hooked. Killers that run Franklin's knowing it's going to stop survivors from using their event items. Killers don't need to let survivors live, but they could definitely play a little nicer.

    And for the record, I've been playing very chill in my killer games today. Not hard to show a little kindness during an anniversary event.

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    No we don’t. We just want to play the game and get some points, without being tunneled off every hook by killers already op, on busted maps, with crutch perks.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited July 2021

    I was playing fair, trying to 2 hook everyone and giving last survivor hatch if they were sparkling. It turned into one t-bagging at the exit too many and after the sabo squad came with their toolboxes and 3 of the purple offerings that make the hooks spawn further apart and I am done with being nice.

    Back to normal for me.

  • sumps1
    sumps1 Member Posts: 66
    edited July 2021

    It’s also not fair being tunnelled & camped out of a game because a killer doesn’t want you to get a crown.

    I’m playing on Xbox & it’s been tough to escape normally, but then to have game after game just being camped out… I’m just over it. A killer can do f all in the game except find a crown & they get to keep it. I find it, get tunnelled out of my reward. Killers seem to be really sh!tty today since the event started & it’s rubbing salt in the wound on top of terrible console performance.

    if you want a prime example of killers being toxic today… every survivor had been hooked once or twice. I was busy doing gens/ totems/ healing wounded survivors. I get hooked once I get face camped out the game at 2 gens. The nurse let everyone else complete gens & leave.