Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

"Hex: No One Escapes Death" Rework Idea

The highlited Stuff is new:

Start the trial with 5 Tokens. Every time a survivor cleanses a Totem, 1 Token is removed from the Perk.

Once the Exit Gates are powered and there is at least one Dull Totem remaining in the Trial Grounds, Hex: No One Escapes Death activates and lights the Totem:

  • Your Movement Speed is increased by 2/3/4%
  • Survivors suffer from a permanent Exposed Status Effect as long as you have any Tokens left.
  • Putting a Survivor into the Dying State removes 1 Token

Hex: No One Escapes Death remains inactive if no Dull Totems are available.

The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

This pretty much changes how often you can insta down people at the end of the match. Also Noed loses power for each broken Totem and isn't as punishing if you can find 4 totems but didn't find the last one.

If you have no tokens left the speed boost is still active. Also it can still be completely removed by cleansing the noed hex totem.


  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Noed is fine as it is.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 951

    Noed is fine as it is it dont need a rework

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Noed is fine as it is dont need a rework thank you for your concern though

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Noed is fine as it is dont need a rework thank you for your concern though for our safety as survivors

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Noed is fine as it is dont need a rework thank you for your concern for our safety as survivors, but really that's a very bad nerf, now it rewards the survivors for not escaping death which is kinda the point of a perk called "Hex: No One Escapes From Death". No seriously not a good idea, i dont use noed myself (cept on Freddy), but that would kill the perk, then ds and bs would really need to be deactivated after all gens are complete or the doors are open, since it's kinda an inverse, i guess. you get the point

  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344

    Thanks for answering with at least some arguments, so we can make a discussion out of that. Please don't take anything below offensive.

    The difference between a noed active because of 1/5 totem cleansed and because of 4/5 totem cleansed is immense. That shouldn't be a thing in the first place. If people know they don't have the time to do totems they won't even do a single one. You could change that and gain more time as killer by changing that so people have a reason to do at least a couple of totems.

    The idea now is to change noed more into a haunted grounds for endgame. Usually you get 1 or 2 downs of a haunted grounds and these 2 downs can be a huge game changer.

    I honestly don't understand where you draw the line between noed and ds/bt, since ds/bt are pretty much unrelated to an insta down. Also if you disable them the killer will just keep downing and hooking the one guy to get 1 kill, which at this point won't compensate a overall "bad" match.

    You talk about rewarding a player, but what exactly is rewarding about noed?

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    here are some points;

    • noed is an inverse for ds and bt. instead of helping survivors to escape, noed will help the killer get kills before they escape. so if the killer get lessened effects that would stop survivors from escaping (which is it's function), why let survivors keep powerful abilities that help them escape.
    • noed is named "hex: no one escapes death". what's the point of that name if it loses power. survivors are now rewarded for staying in the trial longer since they know if the surv gets 1 or 2 downs the perk is useless, which will not force them out as it should. instead, they can come back in and rescue any straggling survivors the killer managed to catch.
    • survivors commonly cleanse totems, it isn't that they dont cleanse them.
  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344

    Ds/bt are defenses for the survivors against certain playsytles of killers. If the killer don't uses these playstyles, ds/bt will never affect him. Also what exactly benefits you from people not having the ability to use ds/bt at the endgame? So you can stand next to the hook and down the freshly unhooked survivor again without them having a chance to do anything? The player should have at least a chance to do something. Thats where ds/bt comes into play so they are not the puppet of the killer.

    Saying we need to disable ds/bt so you can get your deserved one kill at the end, even though you probably didn't play that good, is the same as saying the last survivor should get the hatch, even though they also didn't play good, because they deserve it. Also you can still go for the unhooker and make a trade out of that, don't see why you have to go for the guy on the hook again.

    Noed would still have its effects, only thing is you have to snowball now instead of waiting next to the hooked person, i.e. you have to actively do something (same as bloodwarden) to get the effect. Survivors coming back at the end is the price you pay, if you can't fulfill your objective. Would be the same if survivors say we have no chance when we are only 2 so we need a perk that lets us instantly repair gens if we tap it. If you want to force people out, then activate the egc or try to build up pressure.

    Since the archives are in play, there is more players that cleanse totems thats correct, but you could also increase that by giving people a better reason to do more bones which equals more time. I have more fun having more time when gens are not done as killer, than when all gens are done and i have to rely on a hex.

  • xerav
    xerav Member Posts: 392

    DS and BT are second chance perks (NOED IS the Killer Version of a second chance perk).

    All Perks have Counterplay which involve wasting the time of the other Side. (Killer has to wait for DS / BT to run out / Survivor have to do bones).

    Stop complaining.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    Sorry to put your idea down like this but ive seen this exact same concept on the forums too many times, noed is fine as it is.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Also you can still go for the unhooker and make a trade out of that, don't see why you have to go for the guy on the hook again.

    They're injured, while the unhooker isn't? The injured survivor tries to body block someone else with BT/DS (because clearly that was tunnelling, right?)? Just 2 situations.

    Would be the same if survivors say we have no chance when we are only 2 so we need a perk that lets us instantly repair gens if we tap it.

    You still have to catch survivor, fyi. It's not like noed gives you a magical insta win on the chase. It helps, ofc but it won't help that much if you're not good to begin with.

    Since the archives are in play, there is more players that cleanse totems thats correct, but you could also increase that by giving people a better reason to do more bones which equals more time.

    Oh you mean, noed isn't a good enough reason? We have 3 great totem related perks AND maps to even help with getting rid of noed

  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344

    Yeah and your suggestion is to let the survivor just die? Because if he gets unhooked he gets downed and immediately hooked again? Is that such a good feeling for the survivor? Feeling helpless is one of the reason why the game is so frustrating sometimes. If you get more people killed than the less people will bother you during the end game. Also if you just hit the survivor before the unhook or while hes unhooking you can down them before the unhooked one touches the ground.

    I don't understand why you can't take the loss there and move on. The 1 Kill won't make that match suddenly good. Also there are often times where people make bad moves and you get more downs, even though ds/bt are into play. There is a difference between me dying on hook because of the 1 hit of noed or a hole team collapsing of noed, because 1 totem was missing.

    Depending on the situation an insta down is a magical win the chase situation. Map design and dead zones do help. Reasons why having an insta down is pretty huge. Also you get a pretty noticeable speed boost. If you semi camp the survivor on the hook you also don't have to find survivors, because they usually come to you.

    Yeah noed isn't a good enough reason. If you know you can't do all totems because the match might be tight you're not going for any further totems. Theres no benefit or reason to do that unless you get all 5 totems. Equipping the perks or map doesn't mean you throw the match to search for dulls.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,495

    This suggestion suffers from a well thought out critique of the original perk and how your new suggestion would make it more desired?

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    all im saying is, the change is pointless if survivors don't have changes to their end game and perk used then. that's why it's fine where it's at. it needs to force pressure simply by being active not limiting it's already limited use. if the survivors dont escape and try to be captain save a guy, they die.

  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344

    Don't get me wrong, im definitely getting your argument and what you try to say, but imo you give the perk too much impact as it is right now.

    Also there is literally no difference between cleansing 1 or 4 totems. That could easily be something more rewarding for survivors and have a psychological impact on your games, where you don't run noed, because the survivors might cleanse more totems.

    The limitation comes pretty much with the cleansing of the totems through survivors. If they don't cleanse, you still have a good amount of insta downs and a chance for the survivors to recover from that.

    Also i agree with you, that its sometimes not smart to go for rescue attempts, which might result in people dying.

  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344

    Survivors might do more bones which leads in more time overall for the killer.

    Survivors get more counter play and the perk becomes more of a snowball starter than a pure second chance game round at the end.

    Close the difference between 1 cleansed bone and 4 cleansed bones. Makes people overall hapier to have an impact on a perk with their actions.

  • Katz214
    Katz214 Member Posts: 4

    I think noed should just have the totem visible from the beginning of the match, this seems a bit excessive

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,626

    -That- would destroy the perk entirely, since it'd be very likely to be cleansed before the fifth gen pops.

    But I fully agree with having NOED's effect be weakened with every destroyed totem. Since NOED is, gameplay technically, in all dull totems, it should lose strength from dull totems getting destroyed, as opposed to the current situation, where the alleged counterplay actually runs the risk of empowering NOED.

    NOED isn't so much an overpowered perk as it is a design fault. Instinctively, everyone on these forums says 'just do bones', but doing so runs the risk of shoving it into the one dull totem you can't find. This is why it's such a pain to deal with, in addition to how difficult it is to coordinate a 5 totem hunt with 3 other randos. In that regard, NOED is also adding to the 'solo vs swiffer' balancing gap.

    So we either fix NOED by making it dependent on every individual dull totem, or we shift the totem counter from Small Game to baseline.

    And honestly, if the totem counter were baseline, I think I'd be okay with NOED becoming baseline to truly force totems as a secondary objective, provided camping gets nerfed accordingly.