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Finally, FINALLY got RCPD, and it’s AAAAHHH-MAZING!!!

The details.


Things like hearing the safe room music when entering one of the typewriter rooms.

Oh my god. I’m in love with the amount of authenticity, mixed with twists from The Entity.

Bravo BHVR. Bravo 👏🏻

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  • Member Posts: 1,265

    So lucky ~ i hope you had fun.

    I'm still waiting to see the map again, it been so long and i miss it.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Without gloating, because I’m on PS5 everything was fine.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    It has god pallets like the game and there is a room with a window at either end and big table in the middle with a god pallet that can be looped for a long time.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    And every other pallet can be played by a no blink nurse. It’s just garbage design because they ported over a resident evil area and expected it to work

  • Member Posts: 634

    I got it once about an hour ago, still wanted to cry even though we just farmed

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    It's worse than The Game for hooks. Had to leave the last two survivors slugged because I literally couldn't get them to a hook as they were either upstairs are behind walls which required long loops

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    In terms of gameplay, it does suffer from some framerate issues, but the devs have mebtioned that.

    I wouldn't say they are game-breaking from my position though. Definitely needs improving, but it's okay to play on.

    In terms of the map design and such, it is absolutely brilliant, and I love how faithful to the original design it is and the Easter Eggs within.

    Overall, once they iron out the main issue, it's going to be fast one of my favourites.

  • Member Posts: 533

    I love the RE series and I like how faithful the map is to the original design, but it just doesn't work as a DBD map. It's probably the worst indoor map now, reworked Game is pretty good and Midwich is bearable.

  • Member Posts: 1,452

    I main Ghostface and Wraith so the map is perfect for me. Love stalking that main hall from the upper floor. Unfortunately I can barely play the map because PS4 DBD is kind of bad right now.

  • Member Posts: 92
    edited July 2021

    Only managed to play it once so far, the offering is still disabled though. So i am not sure if we were supposed to actually play on it, but it was very awesome with all of its details. In my opinion though I feel like it is a bit too large of a map. I like how navigating was easy given my many playthroughs of RE2 remake.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    It felt great playing on a new map, especially as it was against Myers. Froze and stuttered embarrassingly though. Think the map wont age very well, might get boring quicky. I really liked my first match on it though.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Yeah, Myers in my match slugged 2 to death and dropped me once, nearly twice. He knew the score.

  • Member Posts: 682

    Midwich 2.0... what a truly awful idea to port a map 1 for 1 from a completely different game. The maze-like structure of the building was built specifically for RE, not DBD. You can get lost in that game and it's okay, because there's no time limit going on like with DBD. Outside of specific events you're not constantly on the run from a killer... and you're certainly not a killer looking to find a way up the gotdam stairs to the upper floor. Until BHVR can figure out how to make indoor maps, this is going to suck big time.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    I was in the same boat. Because I had played both the original, and the remake to death, I was already pretty well orientated when we spawned in to the map.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Agreed. I love that freaking map.

  • Member Posts: 354

    Had it too. But no chance to explore at all. Played against a slugging Oni with infectious that killed everyone within the first two minutes in. I turned off crossplay.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    can confirm, youre meant to get it

    though map offerings are still off to help them monitor stability and ensure that if something is bricking it badly they can switch it off quickly

  • Member Posts: 716

    The offering is still retired so it's up to chance to get it rn

  • Member Posts: 66

    I still haven’t seen it yet! Wondering if I will see it before it’s disabled again…

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    im guessing dc penalty is still off

  • Member Posts: 1,562

    I like the aesthetic but it's way too big for 2 zombies only.

    I get why they went with 2; the game could not handle more. But that's not a post for this thread.

    I enjoy the RCPD map, but it's just too big, IMO. Low mobility Killers are completely narfed on it.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    I got it once last night, ran a Nurse on it for over half the game and then got ######### over at the exit by DH not working, lovely match.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    i mean, i really cant deny the visual / audio design of the new map is amazing.

    but gameplay wise i really, really dislike it.

    its a lot like Midwich in that regard. look amazing, but after a short while everyone hates seeing it.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    I agree it looks amazing, now try playing with trickster, huntress, nurse, billy.

    Just because it looks amazing doesn't mean is a good map, too big, no LOS for killers that require LOS.

    For Myers hey best of luck.

    For Billy, what's that? No curves and only back rev?

    For trickster......hell no.

    Nurse? Ok let me blink through out of bounds spots and get stuck in there!!.

    Looks amazing too bad it is horrible to play on.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Amazingly bad, that is. Playing on that map can be straight up painful, despite its details and visuals.

  • Member Posts: 271

    I loaded into a Wraith Game yesterday in RCPD and it was sooooo funnnn. But I sadly crashed.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    I loved playing there to!

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    How are the hook placements? They’re what’s worrying me the most about this map. Otherwise I’m really excited for it.

  • Member Posts: 804
    edited July 2021

    As someone who avidly speedruns RE2 is it so faithful of an adaptation that I'll know it like the back of my hand? Or are there a few differences that will throw me off?

    What of the rooms that have dead ends like the art room, the downstairs interrogation room, save rooms and the clock tower? Do they still have dead ends? Actually I guess the interrogation room would be vaultable because of the licker who breaks the window.

    Are the parking garage and cells there too?

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    This literally was not a thread about how the map plays at all. It was someone posting about how they love the visual aspects of the map. You sound like a broken record with how everyone is taking every opportunity when someone mentions how great the RPD map is to crap on it because you don't like how it plays in the game. Go make a thread about that so everyone who enjoys the map can do so and talk about it without you barging in and ruining that. People like this map. Get over it.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    The legendary playstation 5 owner?! But those are only a myth??!

  • Member Posts: 66

    I finally got to play the map. Against a billy that chainsawed everywhere. Needless to say I didn’t actually get to see much of the map.

    Looks amazing, I appreciate that. Plays terrible. Is confusing as hell, hard to find a gen, even harder to find how to get to some of the hooks. I thought people were being extreme… how bad can it actually be? Now I know.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    The RPD map is by far my favorite map in the game. To be able to run around this place in DBD, especially as the iconic RE characters who did go through there in the games is just awesome. I kind of wish the RPD map had a unique game mode where the survivors could do puzzles or other objectives and escape the Nemesis.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    No parking garage. Where you’d normally go to reach the parking garage just leads to the Basement. There are still some dead ends, but most have holes in walls somewhere to join things back up.

  • Member Posts: 422

    Too bad I'm gonna DC every time I get it.

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