Why should I use cake offerings?

I’ve gotten so many killers that either go for a crown and stand in a corner after or camp/tunnel. Had 2 matches so far with the killer slugging us all immediately and refused to hook us.
I have no incentive to use them if these are the games I’m getting… killer queues are too long so I don’t want to play that either.
Killers are once again ruining the event with the sweaty, entitled play style. Never fails. They only care about getting that 4K with zero effort or skill. It’s boring at this point.
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Give it a few days, now everyone is "crazy" about the points.
Eventually they will calm down.
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I'm not using them because I don't want to spend the BP to get tunneled out of a game with cake. I am rarely seeing them in my games, to be honest. Killers get them so much more frequently in their bloodwebs, it would be nice if they used them.
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Because when you don't use them and you get normal Killers or farming Killers, you'll wish you had used a Cake.
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Tell that to all those boring swf’s with 3 or 4 event toolboxes, each with a BNP. Then, when everyone is on death hook (because I play ultra nice) the 3man is teabagging at the exit gate while the poor random (the only one who collected a crown) is struggling on hook.
Not even a gg after I basically invited them to save that poor soul.
After three of those games in a row I just switched to survivor. Hopefully those survivors are getting the killers they deserve.
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Yea, its always the killers and never the survivors.
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And what about survivors who gen rush, and only care about escaping? Yeah, get out of here with this. I've had ONE group of survivors that cared at all about me getting any BP.
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Same here
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You don't need to. I mean I save all my for when or if they raise the BP cap. If you use them now or in 3 years I mean others will still be just as happy about the BPs you give them.
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This entire thread is assinine. People are still playing dbd to win. That dosen't mean survivors will slow the game down for you nor will the killers go easy on you. So many entitled moaners. Play the damn game get your points and if the killers or survivors are putting you on tilt take a break there will be plenty of cake going around after the event.
I'm going to do what I always do play my games complete my rifts and ignore the petty squabbling. Time is bp, don't waste it. Play to win, suck up any annoying losses you take and move on.
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What ranks are you guys playing at ? I am a red rank killer, and I have been deranking because I am farming with people having fun using cakes.
The only kill I got was someone I lost track of hooks on them because there were 3 identical jills.
I dont get the people who say theyre saving them for later. Its fun to get huge BP gains now, why get 80k later when you can get 200+k now
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That’ll be because survivors need to escape to get the crown. If there was another requirement to getting the crown, I think people would have played like they normally do. Gen rushing is about the only way I can ensure I leave with a crown & it’s awful. It’s not enjoyable for either side.
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After 50 games K haven't seen a single BNP add-ons. Just today had a 4 hour stretch and 0 BNP's 0 Mori's and got 1 500 000 points. Stop crying about add-ons or offerings. Both sides,really, stop crying.
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The team that gen rushed me didn't even get crowns. All they did was sit on generators. And they had a red forest offering. That would've required them to actually look for the crown. Also most of them were licensed characters who can't get crowns anyway.
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Because it is fun.
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Funny enough, I'm the opposite, even in a 4-man. I'm trying to farm a little bit for BPs and WGLF and if I find a crown pedestal, I spam fast vault something a bunch to get the killer's attention and bring them to the pedestal.
I'm maining Jill right now, so I don't need them and want the killers to get their crowns if possible. I've had a few start farming with me or let me live after because of it. ❤️
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Its not fair how in the anniversay people like you think that killers should go easy. I just want to play killer regularly and get some bloodpoints.
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It is a shame that, once you activate a crown pedestal, you don't get the crown regardless of whether you escape or not.
I play both sides equally and admit it seems imbalanced. A killer needs to do nothing other than activate it, but a survive has a condition: to escape, and that doesn't feel fair.
As a survivor, it's an extra step to get a crown the killer doesn't need to do. As a killer, you can get stick if you kill a glittering survivor. If the event if to bring people together to celebrate it, this current model feels it's more likely to draw a wedge.
Also, I've noticed more Mori's have been cast in the last day than I've seen for quite some time.
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By not using them you're just setting yourself up to be more angry when you do use them and the match doesn't go your way. Just use BPS and Cakes as you get them instead of hoarding them and you won't have an emotional attachment to them.
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For me it’s not about going easy… but playing like an ass. Slugging everyone at the beginning then refusing to hook, bringing devour, tunneling one person immediately. I get killers want to win but jeez if everyone uses a cake, maybe hook that person twice then move onto another person for a minute to give that person time to get some bp. I had a person get 5k because a nurse with lethal purser chose them first. 5 cakes used.
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I have a lot of bps. I don’t use them either.
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First off the objective of the game for the survivor is too escape and a survivor can't control the true speed of the generators that's completely on the devs yeah yeah you have proved thyself and leader which are perks that the developers put in so you getting mad survivors are doing there objectives....also there are slow down perks you know
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It's weird how Killers are the only ones expected to be the ones to play nice during an event.
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Fun for who? Every game I've had has sucked. Events are pretty much always miserable.
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the more of these comments i see from you, the more i am convinced you aee just another troll account trying to bait people.
this comment is so far off of reality that, should you really believe that, i feel very sorry for you.
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Fun for those who have characters to level up.
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And if people weren't playing like ######### I'd be doing just that.
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How can people play to win? No, seriously, you people who are actually playing, how?? How are you able?? I can't hardly do anything with the game in this state. I can't even run properly much less loop or evade (as survivor) or hit (as killer). The frames drop and the chase is over.
I'm finally back home and able to try the game on the PS4... and I've never had frame drops like this before. How the hell is anyone expected to unlock the crowns with the game in this state? I can't escape unless the killer holds my hand throughout the damn match. Killing me is embarrassingly easy.
I certainly wouldn't bother to burn cakes unless I'm prestiging that character and it's a choice between burn them or lose them.
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played a game earlier where someone played a cake and then DCd because they were found first. the killer played one too and yes they did camp and tunnel the three of us, killed me and let the other 2 bleed out with no attempts to hook them.
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Then don't complain about tunneling and camping.
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Dude you're all over the place
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lol, that sounds right
I don't get why so many killers camp and tunnel when a person DC's. They immediately have a huge advantage, would it kill them to not camp and tunnel for one game? Just the one?