Killers should remember they can do more harm than Survivors in this Event.

Just wanted to give a shoutout to all the killers that camp & tunnel with 3 or more cakes.
- If the match doesn't go right for killers, at least they get compensation. Their BP gain & score are usually higher than that of survivors, even when they escape.
- Survivors who get camped and tunneled get a measly 3-8k Bloodpoints, essentially making the cake offerings wasted.
My first game of today was against a clown with exposed bottles that constantly slugged, shook his head, hit us on hook, tunneled, camped and more. We all died cause my teammates were quite bad and I was SoloQ.
Didn't have space to include the part where they use their strongest addons. Almost forgot to mention the Mori.
"But shouldn't x play optimally"? - Shut yer trap. That doesn't excuse your scummy play style whilst there are 4-5 cakes offered. The unnecessary tunneling & camping on top of other things.
All the killers that I've encountered today were so lovely...Bless the wraith that was actually a nice guy...
Survivors have to deal with 5x more BS than killers in this Event. The reason you see more keys as killer is because of BHVR's poor condition to get crowns as survivor.
Edit: A lot of killers here think that killers should allow survivors to farm. WRONG...You are free to farm with them if you'd like & the survivors are free to farm with killers if they'd like. There are killers out there that wake up in the morning during this event and the first thing they think: "Oh, I should probably face camp today whenever I see more than 3 cakes, just to ruin the experience for 4 people"
I don't see how it is the responsibility of the killer to make sure everyone gets bloodpoints.
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Honestly yeah. Playing nice and not tunneling/slugging/camping would get killers more bloodpoints. That's how I play. However, if someone does want to play like that, they already have it in their minds as to how they are going to play and aren't going to be convinced otherwise. Sometimes garbage people are just garbage people.
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Blah blah blah play like crap so I can get BP.
No. Earn them. If you can't, back to the lobby you go. I came to play the game and kill you, not give you a funhouse ride. Screw up and you get a one-way trip back to brown town.
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That's not actually true. Survivors who predrop pallets and rush gens force the killer to also get no points, maybe about 8-10k, and. Alot of them deliberately burn cakes just to trick killers into going easy on them and then suddenly you're 2 minutes into the game at 1 gen left.
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If they play like that just because of a cake, it's pathetic, period.
The crown doesn't really worth the effort and these cakes can be used some other time.
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Yeah. I completely understand people can play how they want, but holy smokes, it isn't going to kill anyone to ease up a bit and help their fellow game players out a little. I farmed with most of the survivor groups when I got the killer crowns. I made butt loads of blood points. Me being the killer, I made it my duty to show the survivors I was ok with farming. As killer, I'm the power role in the 1v1 so I shouldn't expect someone playing survivor to just trust me that I was going to farm with them. If they indicated they didn't want to, I shook my head and left them so I didn't take advantage of them having to stop to communicate with me that they didn't want to.
Not the other way though. I tried to show killers I was willing to farm. They just saw a survivor not running as fresh meat. There were a few that made it seem like they wanted to farm. Nope. Foolish me.
The sucky part is I have to get them tonight or I won't get them. I leave tomorrow for a long vacation and wont be able to play for a few days when I get back, taking me past the event end date.
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The game is completely rigged against survivors, how can you control whether you get a lot of points? I bet you have never played survivor.
You are lucky your hand is held for a guaranteed win.
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I doubt that. All my trials tonight are over within 5 minutes because Survivors are popping gen after gen so quickly.
If they want quick matches I will start to afk in a corner to de rank myself no matter how many cakes are in play. Tonight's matches have been so boring so far.
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Ah yes, the whole 'If I drop a cake, you are legally required to not try winning, as per Survivors Handbook 4th Edition' Failure to follow this rule will get said Killer marked as 'toxic' and 'tryhard' for eternity.
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i really dont get people who feel the need to sweat and tryhard during this event.
i mean, im not saying you should lose on purpose, but maybe, just maybe, rethink whether you want to slug for the 4k, hardtunnel someone early on, camp the hooks or slug everyone to then onehook them.
same goes for Survivors too though. its an event, everyone brought cakes. stop. genrushing. and. do. literally. anything. else. whats the point of bringing in 4 cakes as survivor when the best player in your team got around 12k points because all they did all game was humping generators? go for chases, loot chests (there are event items in there!), cleanse some totems, search for the crown and heal each other up - you'd be making so many more points AND everyone (including your Killer) is having a much better time.
the most fun games ive had this whole event were when both sides went easy on each other.
everyone made a ton of points (yes, even those that got sacrificed) and no one really got upset at anyone. i dare say, we had fun.
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Sure go ahead. Just don't whine and cry when you get teabagged at the exit gate.
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Survivors are a bloody nightmare to help, hey if I go unbelievably easy on you and it's clear I'm letting you farm up as much as possible would you mind letting me get my hooks before you leave, it's not even like their being dicks about it they just look terrified I'm gonna turn and kill them all at any second and then they all run away terrified...
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8 out of 10 of my matches have been the same. I've switched from trying to be nice to pulling them into the basement and never letting them out if they want a fast game.
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That's because alot of killers unfortunately have taken advantage of survivors giving killers hooks by killing them. I saw genrush increase because survivors just want to escape with their crowns, they aren't trusting killers just want to farm. There's even been posts/comments with killers bragging about faking farming to kill survivors during this event.
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If I was playing survivor, someone "going easy" might be someone that is just bad though. And I might end up being camped or tunneled off hook. When I played killer, I made it very clear I was going to farm and let them live. If I chased them off the gen, I stood at the gen and hit it. When they inched there way back, I backed off and let them work on it. I go to a hook and hit the hook. They would usually come over and start the hook swapping.
Being killer is the power role in the 1v1, you have to make it crystal clear you won't kill them. Otherwise it is hard to trust it.
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Why is it that Killers just need to get good, take all the abuse thrown at them, but somehow it is also their responsibility to babysit Survivors?
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The thing is its the survivor who are in control of the match not the killer. Its the survivor who decide how much time the killer have to kill them all not the killer. If me as a survivor want to focus on gen and not interact with the killer i can do that because i will run on the opposite direction when the killer see me like that he have no choice but to leave me unless he want to spend a minute catching up to me before the chase music even start that mean during that time no resource are use and he dont have bloodlust. Big picture survivor control the match
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Tbh, every team I've gone against (3) have either tried to slam gens or have DDoS'd me.
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I mean I understand your frustration but
- There's people who want to play normally and don't care about the event
- Some people don't care about BP, especially while in the match
"BHVR's poor condition to get crowns as survivor."
Actually that condition is only there because when it wasn't (in the Halloween event) survivors just got their stuff and suicided to move on to the next match and screwed over everyone else in the trial (especially the killer because of their condition to get hooks for that event). So you can thank survivors being dirt bags for that one.
I wouldn't know how else to make survivors stay the whole match then require them to do the thing that happens at the end. I guess you can change it to EGC to loosen it a bit but that won't help people getting camped and tunneled and die before that even happens..
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Survivors should be happy with no nonsense killers. Brutal and straight to the point is better than mercy chances to make up for your own mistakes.
Tunnel, camp, baiting, iridescent add-ons, use every tactic at your disposal and try to kill us all with no mercy. I prefer a test of my ability over any handout.
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There will be no change if you just go to the forums. Queue up as killer and do better.
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I have my Freddy to farm this event, I love his passive bloodpoint gain. And the dream state either gets me more downs, or they have to go wake up, which gets me even more passive points. Even if I run into a 4 man swf that gen rush me, I am making a respectable amount of points.
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I'm just trying to get my 4 stacks of bbq and wglf and ain't nothing gonna stop me from trying to get either
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Literally every single match I haven't slugged survivors from the start and haven't patrolled an area around hooked survivors has ended with survivors splitting up on gens, getting free resets cuz im being nice and finishing the game in 5 minutes.
I'll tell you what I dont care for. I don't care for making the game easy for people whose main objective is literally to hold a singular button for a few seconds on an inanimate object while stacking up second chances to undo the fact they mess up, just so they can be arseholes about it literally all of the time. They are free to be arseholes about it after I have sacrificed all of them by actually outplaying them.
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Aww, this thread is already filled with "Why do I have to be a good or better person" responses.
It's won't hurt anyone to play nicer and have some empathy in your salty life... could do some good.
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Honestly I've mostly played killer the 2 days the event has been active, so far literally every game has been an absolute waste of a cake for me. Gens done in 4 minutes, everyone out, routine as clockwork. Most abysmal experience I've ever had playing DBD. Most games I can't even fully stack BBQ before everyone is gone.
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You can still be a merciless force 4king all without being a total scum about it. How is it a "test of my ability" when the killer finds me first in a bad spot (may happen fast with Lethal Pursuer), and then camps / tunnels we down until I'm out of the game? "Bring certain perks" is hardly skillful.
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I don't see how a killer can camp, tunnel, slug, and shake their head and don't get punished for any of it. What are the other survivors doing, just watching? They could be doing 5 gens in the amount of time the killer is doing that stuff.
Win = killer's fault, lose = killer's fault I guess.
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Exactly what's happening to me, everytime I hook someone a gen pops.
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It's weird how when you're Survivor, you seem to mostly get the salty and tunnel happy sweat lords trying to 4K as soon as possible cause this game is totally some esports potential.
Then you switch to Killer and instead of getting these teams that are casual or noobs... you get the SWF team bringing their key and not caring to do anything besides the gens.
I remember during the one year's event hooks and gens where I'd face IH Huntress or Bubbas literally sitting on the event gen or face SWF squads sabotaging my event hooks. Community certainly has not changed.
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And sometimes survivors force the killers to play that scummy.
Just got out of a particular frustrating demo game. They split up on gens from the start, powered through them without healing. Whenever I approached they sprint bursted / lithed away, w shifting as much as possible. And to top it all, even denied me my measly third hook by using flashlight. I only got two hooks this game, for trying to play nicely without camping / tunneling, since three cakes where in play. I would have def. got more with doing all the scummy tactics. Sure I got about 20k points, but that does not change the pure frustration and powerlessness I felt about this game.
So when a killer is fed up with such BS, I cannot really blame them for switching to scummy tactics. Don't know about your Clown, for obvious reasons, they could just be giant jerk.
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That sounds strangely familiar to my experiences so far, lol.
In a ton of survivor rounds I've played in two days, I think we had a whopping one killer who farmed, no matter how many cake offerings were present. We had mostly ones who played "normal", which is fine -- farming is not expected, but a nice surprise when it happens. We definitely had a number of tunnelers or face-campers, though -- definitely more than usual (a special shout out to the Oni who, with 4 cakes in the lobby, ran the wall-hack build, sent us to Lery's, and mercilessly slugged the 4K at 4 gens).
My killer rounds, I've WANTED to be nicer. My Pig rounds, I've brought cakes/BPS with the idea that, playing as THE killer who is most likely to meme, survivors would at least want to see if I was up for it. Considering I've started every match non-aggresively, crouching and oinking to try to coax a Snoot Boop to signal a farm-fest, I would have thought at least ONE group would have been up for it with so many BP there for the taking in games with literally 4-5 cakes/BPS. The number of survivor groups to play along? Zero. But I did get taunting and teabagging from at least one, which literally made me wonder why someone would want to antagonize a killer purposefully when so many potential BP were there for the taking (spoilers: that didn't go well for that survivor, lol).
It's only two days in, but I definitely feel like there were less players on both sides going all-out last year than there have been so far this year.
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Sometimes I have the suspicion that the doubling of players on PC is not a sign of people coming back to dbd because of the re chapter or to celebrate the 5 year event but to "celebrate" it by ruining it for everybody else. Which led to the community as a whole turning into even more of a swamp of toxicity.
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Yeah, I am a pretty chill dude used to insane toxicity from Overwatch, so it doesn't really get under my skin THAT much. I get a little salty when they deny my consolation kill, but whatever, that is their job. That being said, the way some of them act? Surprised they didn't draw the correlation that perhaps Killers tunnel and camp for a reason. I do not blame anyone who does it, quite frankly. I am also surprised more people don't do it. Like, why wouldn't you proximity camp your 3 gen when you know 2 of them are going to drop everything to unhook the stage 2 that you can remove from the game? Seems like you would have to have some sort of condition not to figure out what they are doing and how to stop it, but whatever... People can play as they will.
I have more fun running around. I kind of enjoy breaking pallets. So sometimes I purposely let those pallet campers that flash you right after a drop do it a couple times just to kick the wood. Lol.
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Welcome to the forums
Where snarky comments, bait comments & sheep type mentality gets you upvotes.
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Great, every time someone makes a thread similar to this, we get comments like this...They're always in the top 3 and have the most upvotes...
Why must u find for them an excuse to play scummy...
Would it HONESTLY kill you if you played nicer during the event? And not like a total piece of garbage? (Not asking you)
This is why we can't have nice things. We honestly suck as a Community and there's no way around it.
2 weeks of constant pain.... Should be fun.
Pretty much what @Red_Beard & @VexTheHex said...
Yeah. I completely understand people can play how they want, but holy smokes, it isn't going to kill anyone to ease up a bit and help their fellow game players out a little
Aww, this thread is already filled with "Why do I have to be a good or better person" responses.
It's won't hurt anyone to play nicer and have some empathy in your salty life... could do some good.
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Because it's not your opponent's job to make sure you get out of a match with a high score.
You don't see people asking survivors to give killers hooks at the end of the game so they can get points.
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Why are u so stuck up behind the whole "it's not your opponent's job" mentality?
It might not be their responsibility but killers have the power to determine the outcome & how much a survivor gets during a match. You can't just ask a killer in the match to stop camping & tunneling you... But they sure as hell can stop from doing that and chase someone else.
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Both sides are doing a lot of harm to the other during this event. I've had times where I've just tried looking for a crown, 4 generators pop and there goes the fifth fast, out the doors, didn't get a crown. Then there are times where as survivor I've had multiple insidious basement camping Leatherfaces where their goal in the game is to make sure people get as little done as possible and then act like you're the one being overly toxic for just wanting to play the event and get your crown.
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Yet killers think it's the responsiblity of the survivors to prolong doing gens so they can get hooks?
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DBD is a PvP game.
If you want to play a game where another player helps you get a high score you should look for a co-op PvE game.
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During events I usually play way more killer that usually to let the survivors have an easier time since I have complete control over how my side behaves.
But I'm not going to deal with console problems so -1 "nice" event killer I guess.
Sorry you guys are having problems but this happens during every event.
Some people don't care and just want to play. IIRC last time this event ran there were a ton of players complaining "I don't care about your crowns or bloodpoints I just want a normal game! Stop looking for crowns and farming!"
Some people go out of their way to be a jerk especially during an event and especially if it hurts the other side. Survivors going out of their way to sabo killer's event hooks was a big thing and led to the devs having to make the event hooks unable to be sabo'd. Survivors suiciding on hook after getting what they want in the Halloween event led to the "escape" clause of the crowns.
Some are too stuck on the "us vs them" and just see an opportunity to make the other side extra unhappy and jump on it.
Not to mention everyone's friends are more likely to be on during the event so its toxic SWF city. Killers get fed up and slap on their strongest build and that's when you get the solo groups (a classic scenario in DBD).
It really is just up to the players in the match how things go, I hope you guys get better luck moving forward.
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Oh boy, here we go again telling Killers to play the NPC in the game...
While I do agree that Killers should not camp and tunnel, I do not think you adress this the right way. Offering a cake does not mean that the Killer has to play the way you like it. You are not "paying" them to play nice with a cake.
I do agree that Killers should use the opportunity to farm. I do so myself by taking BBQ and hunting as many hooks as possible. But you should consider that some people do not want to farm but rather want to play a normal game. Now for me there is no difference as I start to look at my points more and more when comparing my performance as a Killer...
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I have the same problem with killers demanding survivors play a certain way as I do with survivors with demanding killers play a certain way. However, one is far more common than the other.
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The killer doesnt get as punished as the survivor who was camped/tunneled, and that's a fact.
Make so the camped/tunneled survivor gets points for the others doing gens and escaping.
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Can u explain the scummy play style then? That came out out of the sky all of the sudden? When the event dropped?
I have no idea where all the toxic, tryhard & scummy killers came from.
- Survivors get no compensation when they're being camped and feel like the 4-5 cakes that got offered are wasted.
I played Jeff last night, I encountered a plethora of toxic & tryhard killers that came out of nowhere.
Hate it. BHVR can't do ######### to fix their game. The community takes a piss on itself... On events like this, we have the same level of toxicity as a Nuclear Power Plant... A fantastic way to introduce the new players that came with the RE chapter as well....
I'm so thankful that Moris got absolutely gutted before this event came by. The last year was an absolute massacre....
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I mean yesterday i got two games as Trickster using a cake offering :
- one on Lery's where the survivors rush to unhook when i was on my way to hook someone and then dropped the survivor to prevent the unhook, basically ending the game in a matter of second because the the other survivor was also there. Aftergame chat = you tunneler you camper... Like sorry to be taking advantage of your mistakes while playing the weakest killer of the game on a terrible map for him.
- one on Coal tower, where i played a "1 shot build" (Haunted Grounds, Dragon's Grip, Starstruck and NOED). From the start of the game i literally showed a pedestal to a survivor for her to grab. When i downed the Claudette with NOED, all other survivors just literally left her behind instantly. Since i'm a nice killer i already planned to let her go before they left but their excuse in the chat was : NOED, you are going to camp and there is nothing we can do...
Sorry but as killer i'm doing my best to play fair and help survivors get crown but i can't help you if you are being stupid ;)
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Nah. My first game in this event was the game where I tried to play as fair as possible - leave the hook, leave the unhooked, pick an easy target instead of a guy who was already hooked etc etc. They fixed all gens (which is fine), and then I downed the guy who already was hooked twice so I could get at least one kill. Guess what - that guy DC'd.
People won't appreciate if you play kind as a killer, they think it's their own achievement. So I'm playing as usual, screw it. If I can win by 4-man slug at 5 gens, I'll do it.
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I'd rather get outplayed and have all 4 survivors escape than do a boring farming match.
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But we're not talking about farming here.