This game should have been fixed yesterday

How long are we supposed to wait? This game has been borderline unplayable for sssooooooo loooong. The maps flashing, the freezes, the various other bugs. I can't play the new killer, new map, or even play at all without being assaulted by all of these things. And this has become normal for those who are still playing regularly through this patch, but just because it's normal does not mean it's not outrageous. A big online game like this should never be in this state for this amount of time. I honestly don't think that BHVR is even attempting to put in the appropriate time or effort required to fix these issues. Maybe they've bitten off more than they can chew even with the, what, once every 3-month big update cycle that they've had going? Either they're just lazy or the work is simply too much for them, so I recommend either getting a better work ethic or hiring some new people. Right now this whole game is on a back burner, and they're gonna lose this gold mine of a game if they don't step up right now.
My least favorite bug prevents vaults and pallet drops in a chase. Don't matter who I am or the perks I have nor the map. I can try slow or rushed and they don't happen. prompt is on screen and I hit the button followed by nothing. I try pre-dropping now to give extra time. This hasn't happened in a while and now it has returned. Hard to care to try when the game screws you. Frustrating to try to recreate when you are being tunneled.
Why can't it work?
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We will fix some bug in a few weeks.
In meantime, please enjoy buggy mess of an event with FPS drops left and right.
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They wont fix anything but PC issues and then they will fix the dumbest stuff first. Lets have this massive event, or so they say, on a game that no matter what you do just simply doesnt play right. I am so tired of the broken mess, here I come Hulu you ready for a sleep deprived killer main...hahaha
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Oh you came here for the gameplay quality ? Unfortunate.
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I haven't seen that one. You can make a thing about that in the bug reports section.
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next time it happens im closing the game right away and following procedures. I don't play nearly as much as I used to and I do my best to not get chased to avoid the frustration of knowing i was screwed and it usually leaves me last to get first hooked. still soloing a couple gens and making a few saves so I guess aside from points it's a push but I'm sure the others would like a little less heat. Don't feel like the risk to performance to record so I can't try to figure out if it's a certain angle or just some kind of delay.
Not gonna taint my games trying to help when I don't think it'll change anyway so it'll be a while. I got something else to play that I overlooked and I've met my goals in dbd for awhile so maybe someone else will in the meantime.