Can someone talk to a news website about DBD's poor optimization?

With how long the poor optimization has been present in DBD it's surprising that no news website has talked about it. Hell, console has been dealing with it for about 5 years now.
At this point it's ridiculous how long this issue hasn't been addressed by the devs. To the point it's almost comical how hard they're trying to ignore it.
With this new hotfix consoles are still stuck with freezes every few seconds. Who knows where you'll be facing next time the game freezes, god certainly doesn't.
Can someone please try to get in contact with a news website? These devs have been ignoring this crap for too long. If they won't listen to us right now, maybe they'll listen if their reputation is at stake.
I dont know if we can Cyberpunk dbd but that would be cool.
15 -
Whilst I completely understand your frustration - we have acknowledged the performance issues and advised that it's being worked on. It's not something that's being ignored. Sadly, it's not an easy fix and whilst small fixes have been implemented up to know (including today's hotfix which should have resolved the "out of memory" issue), we are aware that other fixes need to be done and the team is working on these.
12 -
I'm not talking about the stuff that was introduced with the last update. I'm talking about the stuff that's been around for years now.
Remember 2 years ago when the devs said they were shooting for 60fps on every available console? I sure do, and have they fulfilled that statement?
64 -
Body is 1 character too short
4 -
I understand the difficult situation you are in, but quite honestly, that's not going to be good enough for people anymore.
They were told it was being worked on in March of 2019 (and even before).
When every other promise has been broken, and every other acknowledgement has yielded nothing, people aren't going to be satisfied with that anymore.
They'd like something more tangible. Improvements they can see.
63 -
BHVR literally does not care about last gen consoles
So they shouldn't care if we can convince MS/Sony/Nintendo to threaten to delist the game. They only "care" about PC anyway.
25 -
Not ignored now eh?
What about that 30 page thread about console optimisation that you closed in september 2020 where you also said we "weren't being ignored" and "our voices have been heard". And then NOTHING was done in the next 9+ months about console optimisation?
Why should we believe that we aren't ignored?
Also, you should start playtesting consoles before release so a situation that cannot be patched in 2 weeks cannot happen again :)
55 -
Wait until they fix the optimisation that they're working on right now.
Otherwise they'll just say "oh we fixed it now" in a few weeks when it's still ######### on last gen consoles.
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Well, sadly it's not a AAA game like Cyberpunk or Star Wars Battlefront 2 where it actually was on news sites that eventually led to action being taken. Suppose it could be argued that content that was paid for is faulty and half of it is not available, in addition to optimization issues dating years back now, but nothing will happen because the Devs don't have EA or Cd Projekt red status.
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I've been living in a a cycle of "they're going to fix it next update," for 4 years now.
I'm tired of waiting for something that may or may not happen.
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Neither of those companies are known for releasing good content right now. I wouldn't want their status either.
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This game isn't newsworthy.
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You say that, yet look at the colourblind incident.
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I´m sorry but hasn´t the optimisation campaign supposedly started march 2019? It may not be an easy fix but it´s been almost 2,5 years of "working on it" so it´s safe to assume the team is either unable or unwilling to deliver on their promise of 60 fps on all platforms without the presence of outside pressure, at least that´s how bhvr was pushed to implement colorblind settings.
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For the most part it really gained traction after "That" dev snapped at his viewers on stream.
10 -
That was a pretty unique case where someone was able to distort the facts and create an illusion that BHVR was callous/carrying some animus towards a marginalized group. The story didn't matter because of DBD, it mattered because of sympathy for said group.
1 -
"Distort the facts"
BHVR had essentially up to that point said "we're working on it," for years. With no indication that they actually were until they went into damage control mode.
I don't know about you, but I find it extremely convenient that they finally had something to show for it after they got called out by the community.
25 -
The very core of your game had been rendered meaningless via this issue. The console client has been in a state of emergency for weeks because the game is entirely meaningless when you cannot properly chase in your game.
This isn't "fps loss" or "performance issues" or however you want to underplay it. I've spent money on killers that powers fundamentally don't work.
We should have devs on the forums being far more transparent about what the actual issues are and we should be being compensated for every week we are having to put up with it. Instead we get radio silence except a downplaying post and a few very selective downplaying tweets.
Yes games media should be involved because apparently that gets actual members of behavior in the thread I'm 5mins talking to us..
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MandyTalk regularly comments on threads like this. It has nothing to do with your implied "threat".
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Of course they had been working on it. Are you actually suggesting that BHVR came out with the colorblind feature solely because that story went viral? What about BHVR's track record makes you think they could actually come up with something like that at a moment's notice? You have way more faith in BHVR that I do, at least.
Also, idk why you quoted that first part, whether or not BHVR were working on something is not what I implied was distorted.
2 -
I've participated in most the console issue threads I'm aware of what's been said, I'm not attacking the person, I know Mandy is a community manager and not an actual dev, correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the most detailed conversation about the issue we have had with behavior since this started.
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I did reply to this but my post is waiting approval and vanished...
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Yep, the post disappeared for sec for me too.
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Unfortunately these issues have been present for several years now. They only got worse with the update. Id love to believe they'll be fixed now but I've been told this for 2 years so it's just hard to believe at this point. Its unfortunate because I love the game and would like to be able to play it properly
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If you edit a comment too often and/or quickly, it gets caught up by the spam filter.
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Thought my post had been deleted. Wouldn't've been surprised, but at least it's still up
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Don't worry guys. Optimization will come in 2023 when the 7 year plan is supposedly completed and they move on to a different game. Or atleast that's what I've been told by people on how long bhvr has stated they plan to support the game
8 -
I never see news of bad optimization in Dead by Daylight on websites, but this should end here, the more silly projects like releasing a multicolored skin for Trickster that almost no one will buy for sure, the more the real problems with it are delayed. Enough we've had.
15 -
How about until the issues are resolved have the devs send a message to Sony, Microsoft, etc... letting them know the new update/DLC/add-on is faulty and to give refunds.
I just tried to request a refund for the new DLC from Sony and they said because it had been downloaded I could not get a refund unless the publisher sent them a letter listing the DLC as faulty. Show you believe the issues will be fixed by allowing refunds and I'm sure people will buy the DLC again when it is functional.
This would show you are listening and truly believe you can resolve the issues. Many issues have been around for so long that people are not going to take you seriously otherwise.
15 -
Yes, we need to make this Public. A 9/10 from a BOUGHT IGN Review is not the truth about DbD, not even on PC is it a 9/10 let alone on any other platform. All BHVR cares about is Money from New players, they don't give credit to the people that actually made DbD a viable source of income for them, they don't care about the players that during 5 years expose the game to all corners of the world. BHVR wasn't ready for DbD to grow, the proof to this is the state of the game right now, the lack of basic option settings, the lack of optimization, etc. All BHVR wants is New Players, because New Players = More Money, More Profit Margin. Doesn't matter if they play for a long time, it matters that they buy the game. DbD is self published, there's 0 accountability on all Non Licensed Content and apparently the Licensed Content owners don't care much either given how we have no word from Capcom on this COLOSSAL FIASCO.Maybe Capcom doesn't give a rats ass about DbD and just took the money and free exposure for their characters. Maybe that's why it took a lot of time to change Freddy, to change Bubba, why Ghostface and Myers haven't had Updates in Years, BHVR doesn't care they already made their Money from the License and the License Holders couldn't care else either, because they also got Money. Everyone is getting Money while we HAVE AN UNPLAYABLE GAME. Maybe we should not CARE aswell...
7 -
March 2019?
Try December 2018.
23 -
Jesus, so we're edging towards 3 years of crap optimization...
24 -
Glad to see you're still commenting :)
16 -
We were told it would take time and many small changes to achieve the target 60fps on base consoles and low end PCs, but things have gotten worse rather than improve.
Each patch brings things for everyone else but nothing towards the optimisation and we are closer to 16fps now than 60fps.
At this point it feels the 2019 roadmap was just lip service and empty words to placate those of us who had been begging for console optimisation for years; just to keep us playing and spending when it seems like there was no intention of ever following through on it.
The map, lighting, effects and graphics updates are clearly more graphically demanding to benefit new hardware, at the cost of the performance of old hardware.
Actions speak louder than words, and I hear you clearly.
21 -
We've been waiting for console optimization and BHVR has yet to fulfill their promises from years ago. Very disappointed.
17 -
Can't let them sweep it under the rug, so to speak
13 -
We should be getting 100k bloodpoints a day while stuff like this, and the RCPD map werent up. Itd be fixed in 5 days
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As they've been attempting for 2 years now. Still waiting on that "early game collapse" too.
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Talking on a forum wont resolve this. If this has been goinv on since 2018, then talking really hasnt done anything. People need to stop buying cosmetics and/or playing the game. Get enough people who stop, news sites may then notice.
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With all due respect Mandy, we were promised optimisation but every chapter release breaks the game in one way or another, and the issues just keep getting worse with each patch on consoles.
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The websites only tend to mention the new chapters and crossplay/crossprogression. Though, it's quite interesting how many of the review outlets have given it at least a B (80%) in score.
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Hm, a 5 year old game with a break through in the asymmetrical genre that has almost all of iconic franchises in it is not news worthy.
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I CAN'T play Blight, it came to a point were the game freezes EVERY TIME you use his power on a chase, one of the strongest killers power is USELESS during chase on console.
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Given the fact they would have easily known they were going to break the game for all consoles by pushing the update from their own internal testing and they still pushed it and took our money for it and then downplayed the situation on the release of a major resident evil license I'm pretty sure it is new worthy.
If they stay silent for much longer without it being fixed as I said before, it's time to go to Capcom themselves and express your disappointment with how you bought such a broken product that you trusted due to it having their IP associated with it.
Capcom have very high standards with their licenses, the rhetoric on these forums that they don't care as long as their making money shows a serious lack of understanding to how it works.
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I seriously and whole-heartedly believe that BHVR is just sitting on their hands and posting little messages every now and then while getting maybe an intern to look into how they could fix last gen optimization.
Then they'll do this and say 'we're working on it' which TECHNICALLY isn't a lie; until the newest gen consoles mostly phase out the old gen then they can go 'Nah it's fine, no one plays on old gens anyway!'
Very pessimistic and very cynical. But that's what BHVR has made me think about their company and development progress.
Last gen consoles basically can't play this game right now, it's atrocious how bad this game is. They need to recognise this issue and give us a roadmap for fixing it, they DO love their arbitrary time constraints as seen with a number of their DLC's after all.
Worst thing is with the 5th anniversary patch on the new loading screens I'm seeing 'quotes' from BHVR staff AND THERE IS PEOPLE WHOSE JOB TITLE IS PLAY TESTING AND QA. WHAT.
6 -
You said in 2018 that there will be 60 fps on consoles by 2020, but here we are. Console optimization suffered, and now we, console players, can practically not play, because it is impossible due to freezes and lags. Your optimization team, especially on consoles, is very incompetent. You need to add new employees or fire these and hire new ones in their place. Now, after the new chapter, the moment has come when it is simply impossible to play. Optimization on consoles has always, I repeat, have always been terrible and you have never moved in the direction of improving the game on consoles.
5 -
It's understandable to have the belief they are trying to just wait out old gen however it's not really an option they have.
The issue with the client on all platforms at the moment is something to do with it's data streaming that's making the harddrive make the client stutter, the only reason next gen is helping mask the problem is because a SSD naturally helps compensate for an issue of that nature.
Many PC users have had similar issues on their client that was solved with a SSD, there's nothing in the old gens hardware that couldn't run DBD at 60 fps (if the client was written properly) and if BHV were to just ignore fixing this client problem by the time next gen consoles are widespread enough to be standard all the extra content that's been piled onto this problem will actually stop the SSD being a workaround and even more issues will come as a consequence.
They don't really get to ignore or wait this one out, because it's just going to get worse and worse.
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Is this confirmed or is this more along the lines of well-thought out theory crafting?
If so I'd love to see some quotes from them about this!
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Ha I wish anything was confirmed, the SSD fix is a real thing for the issue for a lot of people on PC and the client stuttering in such a way definitely makes it seem correct, hell I can hear my PS4 HDD no other game is making it sound that way.
They also are in no position to abandon last gen with this issue for so long simply because it will be at least another year before they become the current gen, if they did try it would eventually be removed from the ps store for being a broken product.
They have to fix it basically and I'm sure they will they just need to work on their communication and transparency rather than shafting us because they don't want it to look bad on their Capcom release and their 5 year Anniversary event.
Tl;dr: All we have is theory while they refuse to open with us
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I installed a Samsung EVO 850 SSD in my PS4 slim which very slightly improved performance on DBD. The problem with old gen consoles is that they are held back by the SATA II interface so you will never get the full benefit of a SATA III SSD.