So does this lay to rest if the grind is too much or not?

500% + extra bloodpoints, and it still takes ages to unlock stuff!
Their issue will be new players who just started, when its over and going back to normal earnings.
the grind is really just the sorrow of us not getting what we want while leveling. so that makes agitated and not wanna grind, despite doing it anyways.
and with newer players. they wont have perks they want anyways.
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At this point this should just be normal BP gains. Make at least a cake default in every match.
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1.5 bloodpoints in my opinion should be permanently on
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Not in my opinion. This bp gain rate is too high. If it was always like this a lot of regular players would quickly run out of things to unlock and just leave. The gameplay of DBD isn't deep enough on its own to keep people engaged like games like CSGO or Dota2. The grind is very important to player retention in DBD.
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Rift and challenges was made for that purpose.
Devs should probably implement more stuff for completionists. Maybe add new currency that can be only found in trials and used to unlock unavailable stuff, like old event items and old rift charms. Or even exclusive stuff that can only be unlocked for that currency.
Edit. It could be a rift fragments. For example, it can be earned from old rifts and used to unlock old stuff in another section of the store. So it should be also earnable even when rift is closed.
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This level of BP reward wouldn't be sustainable long term. While everyone hates acknowledging it, there does still need to be some form of "bloodpoint economy" to maintain the pace of acquiring rare items, add ons and offerings.
But the perk grind is growing exponentially and is incredibly unfair to newer players, and will only get worse as more chapters are released.
So perks need to be easier to unlock. I'd suggesting making every perk available at Tier 1 automatically when unlocked, so that you only need to grind out tiers 2 and 3. This would reduce the perk grind by a third without impacting on the value of items/offerings, it wouldn't really affect the 'older' players much, but would help out the newer players tremendously.
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I think I've had maybe 1-2 games with everyone bringing an offering. I've stopped. I'm not giving teammates who don't play the game a bonus anymore, and when so many survivors are tunneled out of a game with 5,000-7000 BP, I'm not giving that killer a bonus either.
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I disagree, I have been playing on and off for about 9 months now and I'm still close to having all perks on any character, and I still have 3 Killers to unlock (although tbf I have shards for them, just didn't buy em yet)
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That's a fair point but there should be a balance between making the grind too easy and boring out regular players and keeping the grind as it is which gets worse everytime a chapter is added and scares new players away. Also there's always iri shards to grind for outfits, i don't think the devs are planning on making this one any easier lol
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Currency to buy perks for your character in a bloodweb shop, I like this idea. It won't benefit the long time players who has everything p3 but people like me, who I may add has been grinding for 3 years on and off and the grind still continues to this day, and new players would benefit greatly from it.
Maybe something else, possibly more expensive, for those who have everything levelled and for the rest of us to work towards.
Currency in chests, or something new environmentally, would give players something to get off of gens for, possibly slowing the game which some of us want.
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i spent about 3 mill to get every perk on my Jill thank god for the cakes !!!!
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I started playing when pyramid head was released and have since unlocked almost everything for both sides except for the few survivors I don't own. *feng, ace and puppthand man* It took around 5 months for me to unlock all perks the best way I found to do it was killer questing and taking advantage of older tomes. get one killer you like get them a bp build and just play for fun. You will earn more points as killer if you dont camp so dont do it. you need to be chasing even if you lose the chase its fine you get points for following them around and smashing things.
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Not if the game is fun to play. Only poorly made games need to rely on the addictive nature of grinding to keep players going. If unlocking things is the only thing keeping players around, that's a much more serious issue more grinding doesn't fix.
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The early game grind hurts so bad, it really isn't helpful that new players simply cannot play this game on the level of people with more hours because they simply don't have the depth of perks to pick from. Even now that I have several good survivor and killer builds, the grind still hurts because I've unlocked enough teachables now that every new killer or survivor i get takes so much longer to get useful perks on.
We really need to be able to either avoid buying teachables or turn off certain teachables from appearing in our bloodwebs. I never want to use predator but I had to unlock it in order to get any useful perks on wraith. I have several perks that are extremely situational and they always seem to spawn on my bloodwebs of new killers instead of useful perks like bbq or ruin.
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I've said many times before they need to allow us to sell back stuff we don't want for bp.