Killers should remember they can do more harm than Survivors in this Event.



  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    Okay, I wont.

    This guy gets it. This is the point of the game, not farming and getting free points.

    Everybody wants to win and play hard, but Survivors just won't admit it and can't stand to lose because they aren't used to it.

    Yes, it can. It ruins my fun because I came to hunt people down and kill them. Get out of here with the moral judgements over someone's playstyle in a game. Your fun is NOT my fun, so take your entitlement elsewhere.

  • AlohaSnacBar
    AlohaSnacBar Member Posts: 64

    I play regularly until a survivor gives me a sign to farm. Then I farm with them. Either way I'm getting bloodpoints why not farm for 200k of them haha

  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 526

    Play with a squad and make killers regret their existence.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I just had a game where one person DC'ed immediately on Red Forest, and they brought a Bloody Party Streamer. Second person DC's when they get hit by the Legion. Third person is hit and stays in game. I finish my gen. The killer then proceeds to slug the other person and come after me. I throw shack pallet early, get her up with WGLF, and he slugs me. Hooks her in the basement, hooks me, and proceeds to stab us on the hook until game over. Oh and the person who stayed? She brought a cake.

    Why are killers playing like this?

    This is why I'm not brining in any cakes.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920
    edited July 2021

    Let's see. Advantages killer has in the event:

    only have to find crowns - survivors have to win

    way more cakes in web

    event items are extremely bright and help killers find survivors

    So no, of course killers don't have to, but it would be nice if they didn't camp and tunnel100% of the time during these events. But that's too much to ask for killer mains.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    You’re looking at this in your Killer-bias tinted glasses and missing the point.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
    edited July 2021

    I'm just saying,

    If there are 3 cakes and a party streamer in play. Survivors manage to barely do two gens while the killer has 6 hooks. It's a bit of a dick move to kill everyone with one of the survivors only making 8k points.

    Thats all.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,570

    If you are having that much trouble just call some friends and SWF. It will make things much easier.

    People play the way they want to play, and nothing can change it.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705


    The survivors could play well and earn their points rather than expecting to be given freebies.

  • KillerKirby
    KillerKirby Member Posts: 79

    Personally after I have stopped using the cakes entirely I will wait for normal play to return apprently the event brought out the baddies and if they tunnel I just yeet off my mortal coil and move on. I get less but so do they and I don't have to play with killers who dont understand that they would earn more points by chasing other people and not derping at a hook. I feel bad for the other survivors but because alot of survivors just want crowns their not on the survivors they normally play and their perks are lacking because of it unfortunately.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562


    Survivors could stop expecting Killers to cater to their every want and need, and expect people to want to play the game instead of farming.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
  • Who cares. If you struggle gaining bps as survivor why not play killer? It is too hard compared to survivor? What a pity

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Reading this just makes me want to tunnel and camp.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Being an ass is clearly having the upper hand, (6 hooks with 3 gens standing. Clearly not a sweat squad out to ruin your points), and killing them off without any mercy while a 415% bonus bp is in play during an event where survivors waste time looking for a crown instead of holding M1 on a gen.

    This is not about normal DBD outside this event.

  • katerbater
    katerbater Member Posts: 128

    I'm not even asking for a farming match, I just want a well balanced match in which the damage is spread evenly among survivors (2 hooks for everyone by the end and not all at once) so everyone has a chance to get points. I don't care if I lose in the end if damage is spread evenly.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119
    edited July 2021

    Disnt know those are the rules...sorry guys need to camp the sparkly ones make up for lost time🤑

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Ahh, so me wanting to play normally is being an ass, because you don' want to play normally, and only what you want matters?

    Since you, or other Survs, want BP, I have to reel it in, since only Survs matter and they don't want to play the game as intended during the event?

    That's basically what you're telling me; that I'm an ass for not farming because Survs want to farm.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    Thank you for understanding my point of view & not coming with snaky comments & comments like "Bruh, it's a PVP game, let me play how I want" "Bruh, survivors telling killers how to play again" "Bruh, why should killers care"

    There has been nothing but pain since the Event started.

    I'm very thankful that Moris have been absolutely gutted, otherwise, we would have a similar situation like last year....

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158
    edited July 2021

    Bro, we are not talking about FARMING here.

    Just don't play like a ######### ass during the Event.

    Is it not clear enough?

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    No, because 'don't play like an ass' means different things to different people. 😯

    I just pointed that out in a previous post. What YOU consider 'don't play like an ass' may only be half of what someone else considers 'don't play like an ass'.

    YOU may think 'Just let people get BP' while the next Survivor thinks any camping/slugging/tunneling/playing Nurse/using NoED is 'playing like an ass'.

    And, again; you guys are demanding Killers stop playing the game as it was intended to be played, so you can get BP. You want Killers to cater to your wants instead of playing.

    'Just let us do gens if you're winning!"

    Last time I did that; Survivors continued to run lops after I let them bang out 3 of 5 gens, banged out the last two, left, and badmouthed me in the chat.

    So no 'don't play like an ass' is not clear, because it has no set meaning. And the last time I did so, Survivors abused my goodwill.

    So I'm going to play the game as it is intended to be played. And if Survivors get their underwear in a bunch because I'm not doing as the Upper Class Survivors demand; oh well!

    Blame other Survivors for it.

    I'm not a bot. And I'm not the one demanding people do what I want outside of the normal game loop.

  • Forrestgump
    Forrestgump Member Posts: 60

    As a killer main myself some killer players are absolutely disgusting when i play survivor. Its like "oh hey we have 5 cakes lets play as sweaty as possible even the survivors are all chill solo players".

    Trust me, im normally really not that guy who tells people how to play, but some killer players especially slugging sweaty nurse players need to chil.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158
    edited July 2021

    I don't need your straw man arguments. I made a point in my post, you come to me saying that survivors want to farm.

    I'll PayPal you 300$ if you tell me where I said that killers want to farm. Just where in the heck did you pick up this idea that killers should allow survivors to farm? You might've seen it around in the post sure, but that's not something I said. Just because ONE person said killers should farm with survivors that don't mean you should put all of us in the same bowl.

    This event brought killers that literally wake up in the morning and the first thing they pick is either the most tryhard loadout & addons or literally camp, face camp, proxy camp & tunnel for no reason when there are 4-5 cakes offered. We have no compensation as survivors when we're getting camped. What if the survivor camped gets kills himself on hook? Should I blame him or the killer for playing like an absolute ass, sucking out all the fun out of the match.

    Do you want me to bring up the Anniversary event from last year? Where moris were still a thing? Where the MOST toxic killers came out of the woodwork and abused the old moris essentially running the event for THOUSANDS of survivors including myself? Up to a point where playing the game honestly, gave me Depression? Killers always had more choices to do harm in events like these unlike survivors.

    On top of all this, we have a collective objective now as a community, killers playing like ass & tryhards are going to dictate if we get all the rewards or if any at all.

    I never called you a bot... WHERE are u getting these claims from ??

    And, again; you guys are demanding Killers stop playing the game as it was intended to be played, so you can get BP. You want Killers to cater to your wants instead of playing. ust let us do gens if you're winning!"

    WHO SAID THIS ???? You are free to farm with the survivors if you'd like. Just like survivors are free to farm if they'd like with you. Just play the game normally, don't tryhard your ass off, remember we have a collective objective that all, if not a majority of us want to meet & do your thing.

    You want BPs as much as the other 4 survivors want BPs. Survivors are starved on both cakes in the blood web during this event & BPs in general. Slugging at 5 gens and killing everyone before any gen pop is an ass move. The only person who is going to get over 15-20k points is going to be the killer whilst the other 4 survivors don't go 5-7k.

    This is your comment. You completely misinterpreted my whole point & just threw your opinion at us. I never said any of this. You said it yourself. You even mentioned the whole Survivor Handbook. Where in the hell did I mention that?

    This is what I would like to happen:

    Yes, from both sides, but right now, killers are the ones doing the most harm. Thank Christ moris are not a thing anymore....

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    So don't play normally and try to

    Nah. I'm gonna do what I want and you can deal. In fact i'm gonna go tunnel a team to death right now and every time I see a Survivor post whining about a Killer not playing the way they like, i'm just gonna hop in and tunnel a team til dead. And I'll get a ton of points for it, too.

    Know why? Because I can do that and still get great points and thus great value from my cake. Which works because.....

    inhales deeply







  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    Nah. I'm gonna do what I want and you can deal. In fact i'm gonna go tunnel a team to death right now and every time I see a Survivor post whining about a Killer not playing the way they like, i'm just gonna hop in and tunnel a team til dead. And I'll get a ton of points for it, too.

    You give killers & killer mains on this forum a bad image.

    You are a disappointment.

  • Forrestgump
    Forrestgump Member Posts: 60
  • velosinhooo
    velosinhooo Member Posts: 295

    You did not say what have you guys done for the clown. Its really difficult to believe that he shook his head camped and tunneled because of nothing, I might be wrong but I want to know the full story, if we just see how a David King tells the story its really not reliable.

  • velosinhooo
    velosinhooo Member Posts: 295

    And also, survivors might be affected in a bad way during this event, but are badly affected by normal gameplay.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    You sit there and claim you never said Killers should not play normally, then you say 'Don't tryhard your ass off'.

    Again; these terms do not have accepted definitions. To YOU, tryharding is going for the kill ASAP. Not Letting people get BP.

    To Sam McSurvivorMain, tryharding is camping/slugging/tunneling at all, ever.

    So, if people read between the lines of your post, they see that you are indeed telling Killers to stop trying to win. To ease up.

    To suspend the normal gameplay loop for your benefit. Or they are 'tryharding like an ass' (your words, not mine).

    So you are trying to shame Killers into easing up, by saying they are playing 'like an ass', because YOU want them to.

    Even if that's not your intent, it's called 'Subtext'. It's pretty common for people to say more than they intended, if they are not careful of WHAT they say and HOW they say it.

    So even if you did not mean it; as others have also pointed out (so it's not a 'me' thing), you are giving off the subtext that you expect Killers to play the way YOU, personally, want, because you said so.

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360
    edited July 2021

    if i get deadharded for distance on a map like mothers dwelling or haddonfun, im probably just camping your ass regardless of bp offerings... sorry bro

    last event i went against a streamer who played insidious bubba the whole time wasting everyones offerings... bruh it was fun.

    certain instances sure... its on purpose. i understand that.

  • icequeenalexis
    icequeenalexis Member Posts: 3

    who hurt you?

    you can still kill and not be an ass. extremely easy to get 4k. maybe u are rank1 and deal with sweaty tryhards swf. how fun is a game if it end in 5 mins.

    games are more fun if all 4 are running around scare ######### less than killing 1 of their teammates within 2mins and other 3 just giving up bc why play anymore bc you won't win/ match won't last longer than 3 more minutes

    if people want to farm, i farm with them. if they want a normal game. i do the same (i wont kill, i refuse too)

    EVERYONE WINS! everyone has a great time. they get 10k-20k BP. i get my 20k+.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    The survivors have to take part in it too. All I've run into playing survivor during this event are killers that just want to slaughter teams and get the game over with ASAP.

    Playing killer all I've run into are survivors who want to gen rush and get the game over with ASAP.

    see the problem there?

    it makes the cake offerings pointless because both sides of the game don't give a ######### about the other. That's the biggest issue this game faces as a whole.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    Ah yes, we should blame the game, not the player.

    The devs are at fault for the players employing toxic, mindless, scummy tactics, even though there are like 100 different tactics they could choose from that are not toxic. It's the dev's fault for the player choosing the toxic option out of a hundred other options...


  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360

    I swear every time there is an event and survivors get bps, its a free ride to run bnps and prove thyself... i honestly never want them to change survivor bp gains until they fix half the items they can bring in.

  • YokaiPhaseshift
    YokaiPhaseshift Member Posts: 99

    Killers technically aren't entitled to letting survivors get a lot of points, no, but all my games as survivor have had a lot sweatier/scummier killers who are trying SO HARD to 4K, even if the team isn't genrushing. I had a long game against a Nemesis where it took us ages to get all gens done, and he literally watched me pick up the crown earlier in the match, so he knew I was trying to survive so I could keep it, and instead he spent 3 minutes gunning me down after the exit gate was opened even though there were other people on death hook slugged on the ground (it was the game map, and I super suck at finding the exit gates for some reason. Found the closed one, but not the opened). Once he downed me he proceeded to hook me and then punch me repeatedly until I was dead.

    I just wanted the stupid crown cosmetic. Sorry that was too much to ask.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158
    edited July 2021

    You'll even see "wholesome" streamers go "damn, I got outplayed or am losing gens too fast, time to play dirty to secure the win."

    Are u lowkey talking about yourself in this situation? I would ask you to name the 'wholesome' streamers you mentioned but that'd be breaking Forum Rules... Gotta love it

    It's not a design problem... It's a player problem, a community one. DBD's community is beyond toxic. They can have up to 1000 different ways to play but if there is a toxic way to play to ruin other's people fun, they will not think twice to choose that option.

    Also, bro, we're talking casual play, we're not talking tournament frickin tournament matches. This is not the Best of the Best tournament from last year that was held by Hexy.... We ain't talking Agony VS Oracle... We talkin' about players who have jobs & lives.....

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Would be difficult to mistake me for a survivor main.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    So, if people read between the lines of your post, they see that you are indeed telling Killers to stop trying to win. To ease up.

    Since when stop trying to win & ease up are the same thing? To ease up, perhaps. To stop trying to win? Where did I say that?

    I am aware of the Subtext & how it works. Then... you can downgrade all posts similar to mine to what you said it's expected of killers to do...That's if u decide to fix yourself on nothing but the Subtext...

    Nothing changes the fact that killers have more power to ruin the event for people than Survivors do. They have proved it countless times, especially when moris were still a thing. Last year I pleaded for the moris to be disabled cause it was ruining the event for me and other thousands of players.

    I want this:

    My mistake was asking so little... Asking killers to ease up their toxicity a little & the whole tryhard thing during this event where survivors are both starved of cakes & BPs in general and then them upping it to 11... There are literally killers who will tunnel the survivors who have golden sparks around them to deny them the crown... There are still killers who will tunnel you cause of the Pride Charm, to give another example.

    This is why I'm playing more Killer now, during this event. Not only it's more profitable, but it's also more enjoyable as I don't have to deal with all the issues a survivor & especially a SoloQ player has to deal with... I may encounter a SWF, or some toxic specimens along the way but that's, really... just the usual... just the common stuff, nothing out of the ordinary.

    Are there any posts of killers complaining about survivors doing something out of the ordinary during this event?

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987


  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    And what is 'being an ass'?

    Sitting in front of a hooked Survivor just because you want to and tunneling one down because they have the crown. They should have a fair shot, not a "freebie".

    I think I speak for all Survivor's when I say I'm not expecting a free win, & if you're going to kill me that's fine. Just at least give me a chance to get points & don't sit in front of me on the hook when there are 4-5 gens left in the match.

  • BuddhaBing
    BuddhaBing Member Posts: 248

    Ditch the sarcasm and you're totally correct.

    Or do you think the team of developers you gave money to provide you a fun experience have less responsibility then some random person you get matched up against? What other game puts that kind of responsibility on its players?