Where are all the cakes?

I have been through 5 bloodwebs and not 1 single cake! What's a celebration without cake?
I ate them all, sorry.
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I was just thinking all this cake talk is going to make me add Funfetti to my next grocery order. AND I WILL, TOO
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Apparently making their way through uken's digestive track
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I'd say the devs decided to celebrate the event early this year and "ate" them all before releasing the left overs.
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I get nothing but a fricken flashlight or toolbox in my bloodweb, so no cakes this year it seems. Just turn on Double Bp at this point
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Survivor is harder to get because we have a lot of ######### in ours compared to killers.
Ive seen killers usually get 2-3 each blood web while survivors are lucky to even get 1 every other web
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meanwhile i have gotten a whole 35 cakes while trying to prestige my blight
now i have to choose if i want to continue prestiging him or wait until ive used up all the cake
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I finally got a cake. All 5 players offered their cake and then magically...the match was canceled and I lost the cake! This is getting ridiculous! I feel like the kid that sends out invites to his party and no one shows up!!
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Literally went through 6 level 50 webs and found nothing....
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Its mainly Survivors who are having an issue getting them because thy have like 3 other even items, that aren't even close to equal in value. Killer's just have the Cake so they get them all the time.
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Took me 12 bloodwebs to get my first cake. At 50k per lvl50 Bloodweb... This event isnt worth