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Community Poll: Should Dead by Daylight Go Free To Play?

Personally, I could see pros and cons to either side. I just wanna hear what you guys think.


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  • Member Posts: 608
    I would support that especially with all the profits they probably get from DLC and cosmetics... but at the same time... the game isn't terribly expensive as it is.
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Avariku said:
    I would support that especially with all the profits they probably get from DLC and cosmetics... but at the same time... the game isn't terribly expensive as it is.

    Yes but the profits from the DLC and cosmetics help pay for more hirings which helps them produce a better product and now dedicated servers. If they go FTP they'd have to go PTW like most of the other games out here where it's all about buying stuff that helps you skip ahead.

  • Member Posts: 747
    No. I like the way it is now. 
  • Member Posts: 3,965


  • Member Posts: 1,269
    Keep it the same just for special events to get people's throats wet with the idea of the game like say 1 week after realse it's free to play but once that weeks up you got to by the game but the upside is you keep your progress but if only stays for another week before being removed 
  • Member Posts: 3,823
  • Member Posts: 831
    I can see it:
    Buy 2 000 000 BP to spend on your characters!
    Buy our loot boxes that contain a part of an outfit or a random teachable!
  • Member Posts: 2,051

    At the expense of everything else becoming more expensive?


    But if it helps the game grow then maybe./=

  • Member Posts: 15,095
    F2P with tons of cheaters, hackers and lag switchers? Sounds fun!

  • Member Posts: 1,187
    popoles said:
    I can see it:
    Buy 2 000 000 BP to spend on your characters!
    Buy our loot boxes that contain a part of an outfit or a random teachable!
    I like the BP idea 😂
  • Member Posts: 2,270

    Most definitely not.

  • Member Posts: 3,688
    No. The game can be hard enough for solo survivor as it is.

    I'd hate to be thrown in with more casual players and have my team wiped out in 10 seconds. At least when they buy the game there's some form of investment to give them a reason to get better.
  • Member Posts: 1,899

    @The_Crusader said:
    No. The game can be hard enough for solo survivor as it is.

    I'd hate to be thrown in with more casual players and have my team wiped out in 10 seconds. At least when they buy the game there's some form of investment to give them a reason to get better.

    That in addition that it will increase hackers and cheaters since there are no consequences since the game is free and you can just create another account.

  • Member Posts: 531
    I just wonder when in shop i see option buy all basic perks for this killer etc. Becose grind in this game is omg.
  • Member Posts: 72
    edited December 2018

    Hell no, considering how many cheaters there are during free periods already and how awful the community can be F2P would kill this game

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @NightmareReborn said:
    Personally, I could see pros and cons to either side. I just wanna hear what you guys think.

    All killer content should be free.
    Why should anybody pay to be the entertainer for their true costumer?

  • Member Posts: 5,176

    No, the game isn't even that expensive compared to other games and the cosmetic store and DLC's are fine in terms of pricing.

  • Member Posts: 7,383

    The "Free Weekends" are good enough for the taste of the game

  • Member Posts: 21,675


  • Member Posts: 21

    @NightmareReborn said:
    Personally, I could see pros and cons to either side. I just wanna hear what you guys think.

    Why would this game go F2P? It already has a F2P model but you have to pay for the game.

  • Member Posts: 677

    It wouldn't for any game that has been a paid version from the start be fair for those who purchased it, if it went free to play, even if that's what would make the game in question "survive". But generally people would probably rather want that the game in question "survives" rather than it "dies".

    Personally, I'd rather that the game remained pay to play, especially because when a game goes free to play after having been pay to play, the free to play model is for the most part also going to continuously affect those who've paid for it, but obviously this definitely depends on the free to play model. I'm personally not a fan of the free to play model, as I'd personally rather pay than to have some free to play model forced down upon me. Don't expect that if it wen't free to play that they'd be able to actually keep it going by charging for cosmetics and various dlc's only.

  • Member Posts: 469

    No .. you think its toxic now? Now imagine a bunch of people who didnt give a crud to pay for it. Not to mention the inevitable micro-transaction hell to keep up with costs. No I dont want it to be f2p.

  • Member Posts: 5,176

    Only game that should go free to play now is F13 the game, loved that game so much until I realized they can't fix it and they can't add more content. That studio legit broke my heart, seeing one of my favorite horror icons become a punching bag. It hurt me more than when BHVR nerfed Freddy

  • Member Posts: 137

    Also considering the move to dedicated servers, I don't think BHVR has the muscle to make it f2p. So I guess keeping the current business model would be a wise choice.

  • Member Posts: 1,165

    No, money was well spent, got a game that gave me a story and something that i love. Gave me a character that i aspire to be in the future (Detective Tapp/Homicide Detective) and made wake up in the morning to continue playing it.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    @NightmareReborn said:
    Personally, I could see pros and cons to either side. I just wanna hear what you guys think.

    Cheap game.
    Cheap DLC.
    Expensive cosmetics but can "somewhat" reasonably be grinded for free.
    Constant updates (for better or worst)
    Still a growing company and not a "AAA" greedy gaming giant.

    I'm happy to pay for it and support them.

  • Member Posts: 1,089

    @Peanits said:
    Honest answer, no. Not yet at least.

    The game is still doing well. Growing, even. I don't think it needs it. There's not much to gain by doing so. Sure, you'd have more players, but you also open up the floodgates for anyone to make an alt account and start griefing or cheating.

    I don't have a problem with free-to-play, I think it's great when a game that's past its prime get a second wind by going free. But Dead by Daylight still doing well, so it's not really necessary at the moment. I think waaaay down the line it might be a good fit. You could have a "free" version where you get a rotation of killers each week, and then have a standard edition that comes with all the currently (and future?) 'free' killers. I definitely it might be a good idea some day, just not any time soon.

    This. Plus, the games price point isn't high. The basic game is 10 bucks. DLC are 6, or free if you want.
    The company has never really been super into monetization.

    That would have to change, if they went FTP. FTP can exist only because of microtransactions.

  • Member Posts: 66

    Free To Play = cheaters paradise

    If devs lose their minds and open the gates to all the scum of earth (cheaters) I'm not buying any of their future titles that's guaranteed. If they do that they simply say a big ######### off to their player base.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Is this foreshadowing of a Necromancer killer?

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Member Posts: 810

    Why the necro my guy?

  • Member Posts: 696


  • Member Posts: 14,110


  • Member Posts: 111

    Given that the playerbase has seen constant drop in 10 months now i dont see any other solution.

    Nobody is spending 100 usd on this game.

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