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How do people enjoy playing legion ?

You can't down with your power and if you miss your power you take a stun longer that nurse. They are just so dull to play


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  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Because people loves simple killers. And Legion is not weak like people mentioned. They can be seriously good with some good perk combos. They can make game very slow. And plus, you can keep everyone injured. So getting them down will need one hit.

    Legion just needs map mobility or chase power. And they will be perfect.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    This is pretty much why i can still somewhat enjoy Legion.

    It's like my man Wraith: Simple.

    There's differences, but this is most likely why i enjoy them.

  • Member Posts: 248

    Pretty much this. I don't like playing them often, but sometimes you just wanna be 'dude with knife'.

  • Member Posts: 995

    I dont know, at least Wraith very good,while Legion is quite bad

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    Mainly because I enjoy just constantly putting people in deep wound, lol.

    I don't play them as much as I used to back before I took a break, but I just enjoyed constantly injuring people to mend over and over. Even if I wasn't hooking them.

    There's something fun and satisfying about getting 4 hits and then hitting a fully mended survivor immediately after.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I liked zooming aboot and mashing m1 on old Legion. Dont play them after the move speed change

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    I like legion because I'm more into the very simple killer powers player and legion for the most part is pretty god damn simple

  • Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2021

    Legion is the textbook example of an M1 killer, so if you enjoy killers like that, you're almost guaranteed enjoy Legion. If you know how to manage your power (i.e. cancelling when you know you can't make it to survs across the map, body-blocking vaults or pallets while in cooldown), it's not super bad. Granted it's not the best power either but I'm assuming you know that before you play them.

    Also haha killer go fast stabby stabby

  • Member Posts: 36

    Legion needs a rework something fierce, for sure. I'm not an expert, but even just removing the detraction to your power cooldown on M1s would be sufficient as a start.

    I picked up Legion initially bc of Susie's Year of the Rat costume, but I keep playing them bc, at least for me, they seem to really teach you how to do the more difficult player-based skills of DBD. Like playing loops, mindgames, severe map control, those sorts of things. Bc their power only helps you slow down the game a tiny bit and give you information, and also speeds you up during chases, you're relying a lot more on what you yourself can bring to your matches.

    That isn't to say I'm good, I've just been learning more bc of it. That said, Legion is very tiring to play when you have a good group of Survivors. You will work like you've never worked before and you tend to always feel steps behind on tough games. Other killers don't feel quite so....desperate when things go south as they have more answers in their kits, generally.

  • Member Posts: 13,616
    edited July 2021

    Oh don't get me wrong, just cause i like it doesn't mean i think they're issue-free.

    Blight is becoming more and more liked by the community (at least from what i see, and not just on these forums), but i can't stand Blight.

    Visually very cool though, but that was me showing an example of it being the other way around. 😋

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    They are the opposite of dull to play. Its fast paced and lots of interactions with different survivors. I love legion, i agree theyre weak but man they could be so awesome if tweeked

  • Member Posts: 4,893

    What other killer out there can vault pallets? Also those speedy hits are just so satisfying.

  • Member Posts: 145

    I love playing legion, those chases against healthy survivors are so fun, being able to vault behind survivors. I just wish they could be tweaked so that they became a m1 killer when the vivor is injured. I'd love something like having a short stun if you cancel the power yourself, so you could use frenzy to close the distance and then get the down with a basic attack.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    They're fun if you go against average survivors, but against a team that splits up and knows what they're doing I'd wish I was playing Blight.

  • Member Posts: 464

    Legion doesn't even run that fast. Holding W also cucks his power, unlike other mobility killers.

    It's probably because he awards free hits no matter the loop, making him accessible to all levels of play, though the higher level will be able to get as good results without cheating through pallets/windows. Instead they'll downright noclip with Nurse as an upgrade!

    Jokes aside. He gives the feeling that he DOES things. When in reality he does so little. It's a feel-good thing. Also works very well against solos who are terrified and heal constantly. Bad habits but hey, I agree, can be fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Adding onto this... Legion is also the sole owner of a 4v1 focused power that does not require setup. So... if one is wanting a control focused killer who doesn't need to spend tons of time setting traps/portals, Legion is your best option.

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    People understimate Legion. With the correct build and in small maps he can snowball survivors fast. For me hes really fun and relaxing to play. And survivors really hate him cause hes really annoying so.. thats a plus 😅

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Bunny legion let gooo

  • Member Posts: 1,298
    edited July 2021

    Legion is likely the most raw-general-skill dependant killer in the game, 70% going to your macro decisions and 30% to how you run tiles as short M1 killer.

    Playing against decent coordinated teams is really tense as literally 1 mistake or slight overextention costs you the game immediatly. Playing against weaker opponents provides you with the most unloseable matches out of all the killers, and usually you know survivors have quite literally 0 chance 30-40 seconds into the game.

    Regarding the latter part of the original post, do you actually miss hits with legion in FF? How?

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    I've stopped playing Legion because landing FF hits is too much for my xbox sometimes. It was still bad before, but the RE update has made their power a lot more risky and honestly, it's just not worth that hassle.

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    Stuttering is a legit problem indeed, forgot about that.

  • Member Posts: 339

    I am not a fan of playing legion. My son however loves playing Julie. He loves to go around and make people mend. I think he likes even more when he can go across pallets and windows. I remember one match he scared a Meg and she blew up the generator because he didn't look like a killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    Look at that face, what's not to like?

  • Member Posts: 3,144
  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Because an honest simplisity is enjoyable.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Freezing, lagging, teleporting survivors, validation abuse, frame drops, more teleportation...

  • Member Posts: 36

    Literally exactly this. Like I said, this is what turned me on to Legion originally when I watched some Rank 1 play to see how they operated. It can feel really amazing, like you're learning, or totally struggle bus and be very tiring. They are absolutely not a killer for everyone, but can be a great learning tool for raising your personal skill floor if the work doesn't put you off.

    But I can tell you it's a world of difference say picking up Spirit to not have that weight sitting on you the whole game you do sometimes on Legion. Depending on the game, it can be a lot more like 'Anxiety Frenzy' than 'Feral Frenzy'

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    i dont think they are dull at all.

    thanks to the killer instinct, their power got a surprising amount of depth to it.

    plus mindgaming with them is really fun (short killer = easier time to mindgame around many loops)

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    He's very simple. With a power which is run & stab which you already do. Don't like to face him or play as him. Also worst killer in the game.

  • Member Posts: 18

    because you can constantly apply pressure and slow down gens

  • Member Posts: 1,270

    I just enjoy how legion can quickly injure at least 2(3 or 4 if they are close enough) survivors it's fun running around and stabbing people as long as I can get a 3k a match as legion I'm satisfied lol

    Also legion has some sick cosmetics

  • Member Posts: 36

    Year of the Rat Susie is what first got me playing Legion, ngl.

  • Member Posts: 2,697
    edited July 2021

    In my opinion, Blight is the better version of Legion. Not only does he have the speed, but his power recharges very quickly. The downside about Legion is that his power is very easily countered. So long as survivors separate and work on generators, it robs him/her of being able to injure multiple survivors. Worst of all, is that if you miss a single attack while your power is active or deplete your entire power, you incur a stun that is on par with decisive strike, and it takes forever to build back up.

    They definitely need a buff.

  • Member Posts: 1,270

    Not really imo legion's ability is better than blights as you don't need to smack a wall first to hit someone also it can be a pain to aim blight

  • Member Posts: 1,167
    edited July 2021

    Simplicity. Though i do wish their frenzy had a slightly faster speed or the stun of ending frenzy was a little less.


  • Member Posts: 1,259

    As someone who's had Legion as a secondary main since their release, the feeling of running around and stabbing in quick succession is a large part of the draw for me. It's such a simple power, but it feels really satisfying for me. This same reason is what ultimately placed Blight in my mains as well.

    Sometimes simple is best.

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    Plays like this are why I love legion 😍

  • Member Posts: 118

    It's a simple killer that doesn't require much skill. They go fast which is VERY enjoyable might I say and even if frenzy can't down a survivor you can always get your first hit on a survivor and put them in the injured state. My rake never goes up so I'm always playing against pretty bad players (or new I can't really tell sometimes) and they don't know what legions power can do so they'll drop a pallet really early and it's so fun just sliding right over it and seeing them freak out. To be quite honest before I started playing legion I had no clue what their power was so I would freak out whenever I played against them too and they aren't very exciting or interesting to go against so not many people bother to even check what their power is.

  • Member Posts: 91

    I main Legion because they're simple and require me to do clever things to win. I don't really feel satisfied landing some mechanically whatever hit like you'd need with Billy or Oni or Nurse or whoever, but when I know that I should have lost but I managed some clever play that kept me in the fight... that's the good stuff. With Legion it will always come down to that. You can't down with your power so at least 50% of the time you're gonna have to go back to basics and somehow make it work. And that's just fun for me.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    He's good at keeping people injured, buying yourself some time. And the only being able to down can turn into a point of pride like, "yeah, I can down people well with just a basic attack and some good mind games".

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