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Its ironic to see all those proud people quotes in loading screens

Member Posts: 684

...While their game is totally bugged for 5 years now. Do they actually played it once ?

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  • Member Posts: 339

    LOL I was literally saying this to my husband earlier today. Great minds think alike.

  • Member Posts: 174

    I really wish that made sense to me, but it doesnt. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    There are spelling errors in some of them. I've found two so far.

  • Member Posts: 265

    What are people gonna complain about next? The fact that the Steam overlay popups are on the upper right and not lower right?

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    At least one of them is looking out for our health and trying to make sure we say hydrated

  • Member Posts: 293

    The one l love is the person who said when they saw the Halloween chapter coming they knew this game was destined for greatness

    Yeah decisive strike really took the game to the next level of greatness……………..

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    They aren't the best but why you gotta be negative about their project? If it wasn't for them you wouldn't be playing as any movie killers unless it was terror dome.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    there are bugs in an steadily updating & changing online multiplayer gamer?

    a shocker.

    how dare they be proud of their (i might add, VERY succesfull) 5 years of maintaining and working on the game, constantly improving it.

    its not like we peaked in player numbers on Steam recently or anything weird like that. clearly the game is a huge failure and no one is interested in playing it whatsoever. heck, imagine something weird like a community forming around it! - just imagine something like an official forum or something where said community could come together to discuss problems / new ideas for the game and get in contact with the devs - an unrealistic thought, i know.

    yup, absolute failure. nothing to be proud of at all.

    have you ever stopped for just a second and thought about your own comment?

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    Nah this community is great, did you not see the dev quote it being the most amazing community lol, gave me a chuckle

  • Member Posts: 623

    This post just reminds me of Futurama

  • Member Posts: 784

    Do you know how hard it is to make a video game? Like if I ever made a 5-minute RPGmaker game with recycled assets I'd be proud as hell of it. The devs are allowed to tell you how proud they are once a year.

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  • Member Posts: 118
  • Member Posts: 354

    When I first saw the "QA Tester" thing under one of the names, I audibly chuckled.

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    The person who said that Trickster is the first killer to speak is on thin ice with the Plague mains

  • Member Posts: 1,377
    edited July 2021

    Bugs are normal,the game breaking in half every update isn't,DBD players are so used to this buggy mess that they don't realize this is not normal.BHVR is the only company I can think of that can leave game breaking bugs in for weeks.

    Of course the game is successful when it never had any real competition and it draws fans of multiple horror medias.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    Me too. Imagine putting "Dead by Daylight QA Tester" on your résumé!

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    but the game isnt "breaking in half" every update?

    thats just people like you overexaggerating the bugs that came in. are bugs annoying? yes. thats why BHVR constantly releases bugfix patches to fix them. and those usually come out exactly one week after the chapter dropped that introduced said bugs. plus its very rare that we actually get something thats literally gamebreaking (such as the performance issues from this chapter, which, btw, has been acknowledged as a high priority issue that they are working on fixing (for reference, the first fixes for that issue dropped a week ago in the very first bug hotfix)).

    and of course said hotfixes wont get rid of all the bugs. some bugs take much longer to get fixed than others, due to them being much more complicated. you cant expect them to immediately know where the issue is and have a fix for it ready within the first week, thats not how this works.

    Of course the game is successful when it never had any real competition and it draws fans of multiple horror medias.

    first of all: the only ones at fault here are the ones who didnt have any such ideas before BHVR. They just found a gap in the market and filled it with a product that, despite their early believes, turned out to be a huge success.

    secondly: the game got competition over the years.

    Friday The 13th - The Game

    Last Year: The Nightmare

    Home Sweet Home: Survival

    just to name a few. and yet, despite being such a "abnormal buggy mess" as you called it, somehow Dead by Daylight has survived every attempt at competing with them with ease. If the game really was as horribly bad as you like to make it seem, then i wonder how it did that?

    now, i dont want to make it sound like the Devs were perfect.

    They are rather slow and sometimes its quite obvious they put quantity over quality (cough a Binding of Kin cough).

    But saying they were incompetent / wouldnt care about DbD / wouldnt deserve to be proud of their creation is just absurd.

  • Member Posts: 21

    "the game isn't breaking in half every update"

    Have you seen the state of console for the past three months? These performance problems that have persisted since cross play started? The fact that people crash when trying to use Nemsis' power? That there is a literal untextured hole in Nemesis' arm? That literally half of the characters added in the RE DLC don't even look like the characters they're supposed to be portraying?

    Let's not get started on last chapter's bugs, back in February + March, where the game was broken for a literal month and a half due to horrible desync when the new survivor animations came out.

    I love this game, and I play it to death, but don't act like there aren't more bugs than everybody pretends there are, and don't tell people that they have no right to be outraged. They're upset that something so unique, that they love, has been such a dumpster fire for a while now.

    Should the devs be proud of what they've achieved with licensing and game design? Yes, absolutely, and I've been enjoying the anniversary event so far.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    and have you read further than the first sentence?

    i literally said above that this chapter was the first in a very long time that features actual gamebreaking bugs (latency will always be an issue. and while it definitely was a problem with the All Kill Chapter, i would not go as far as to say it was gamebreaking. annoying would be a better word to describe them), so you listing gamebreaking stuff that was added this chapter really adds nothing to this discussion.

    regarding character design, you are aware that BHVR is forced to use whatever the license holders want them to use, right? every character you see ingame has the seal of approval of the Resident Evil license holders.

    but don't act like there aren't more bugs than everybody pretends there are

    i am not. i actively acknowledged the existence of bugs. i merely stated that a good 99% of them are not gamebreaking bugs, as the comment i commented on wanted to make it look like. and the ones that are gamebreaking are on the top of their priority list and get fixed relatively quickly.

     and don't tell people that they have no right to be outraged.

    i once again am not doing that. i am however saying that they should stop needlessly hating on the devs, as is the case with this entire discussion we are in. ######### like this is the reason the devs stopped communicating with us, because some people just can not understand that, if they have issues, they have to give CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK.

    "haha lol you all suck and should be ashamed!" (as is the basic statement made in the OP) is not constructive feedback and helps literally no one. in fact, as already stated above, those people ended up shooting themselves in their own foot with this behavior, as the devs response was to further cut communication with us.

  • Member Posts: 9

    I love how she screams "REEEEEEE" when she misses lol

  • Member Posts: 21

    "annoying would be a better word to describe them"

    Survivors were getting hit around corners, through pallets, and through windows they were sprinting 5 feet away from. That's not "game breaking" to you? Stop being an apologist, you are embarrassing yourself.

  • Member Posts: 320

    I get the frustration people have with some of the technical issues, I do. The poor console optimization and game breaking bugs, it can be a downer. But to infer that the devs should feel bad for working on one of the most successful games in the last 5 years, is just silly.

    DBD has problems, but I believe that at its core it’s a great game. Gameplay has issues, we all know that. I feel that belittles the rest of the great work done on the game. The sound design, killer design, overall aesthetic of the game is spot on. While I’m not into it, they e added a lot on the lore side of things as well.

    I think a lot of people who are burnt out on the game get overly cynical about the whole picture. The people working on the game should be proud, resting on their laurels no, but definitely proud of what DBD has accomplished.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    annoying? yes, absolutely. pretty unfair too - but not gamebreaking.

    you could still play the game normally, essentially you just had to predrop pallets. play the game like the killer was two setps closer than you see and you could play just like you normally did.

    that isnt gamebreaking, gamebreaking would be something like we currently have that makes it literally impossible for many to play the game at all.

    personally ive not had that many issues with it - i certainly had issues, dont get me wrong, but absolutely nothing that would have been "gamebreaking" to me. neither as Survivor nor as Killer have i experienced many of these hits tbh.

    you know what?

    even IF we counted that towards "gamebreaking" - that would still not mean that there would have been a large amount of gamebreaking bugs, especially not every chapter / in a majority of them.

    in addition to that, said latency issues were handled pretty quickly if i remember correctly. so my point, that even if there are gamebreaking issues (which is rather rare), they are being handled as quickly as possible, would still stand.

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