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General Discussions

How would you make The Legion Tier-S?

Member Posts: 1,985
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

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  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I'd like something where he forces a survivor to wear a mask that allows him to switch places with them wherever they are on the map. When the switch is done, he looks like the survivor and can attack their teammate.

    I know this is asking a lot and isn't going to happen, but it would be nice.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Should they and any killer be S teir? Now it seems that when a killer is S teir they are annoying and nearly game breaking. Shouldn't we settle for A teir?

  • Member Posts: 873

    Stuns not deactivating frenzy and canceling frenzy have near to no fatigue.

  • Member Posts: 313

    God I hope Legion never becomes viable. Rework this killer only way to fix them.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited July 2021

    2 things:

    • Substantially increase the duration or movement speed of frenzy. As it stands now, if a survivor is 16 meters away and holds w, they can outrun the duration of the power. That is half a terror radius.
    • Every time you hit a survivor in feral frenzy, reduce the cooldown time period (the 5 second "stun" at the end of the power) by 1 second. This would mean that if you can feral frenzy the entire team, you basically get a down.
  • Member Posts: 5,922

    It's a cool idea, but practically SWF completely ruins it.

  • Member Posts: 824

    Make it so the 4 members (Joey, Julie, Frank, and Suzy) all spawn into the map. All of them are in random lockers except whoever skin you picked. You can climb into a locker to switch control to any of the other members of the gang. Has cooldown at the start of the match so you can't immediately change into a killer where the survivors are at the beginning.

    If a survivor checks a locker a killer is in, it gives off a notification like hag traps to the killer.

    Also make it so they can disguise as a survivor. Tap the button to switch between who you want to disguise as and then hold to change into that survivor. When disguised they move like a survivor and can perform any actions of a survivor but provide 0 progress.

    And on top of all that, they can keep their run fast power too since that's just a single button.

    Iunno. It'd be a lot more fun this way and more true to the trailer and lore.

  • Member Posts: 882
    • Feral Frenzy no longer makes survivors have to mend
    • Feral Frenzy now downs injured survivors
  • Member Posts: 1,985

    It would be good in the first place, basically the objective of this discussion is to see the creativity of the community and get a laugh with the good ideas that people comment.

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    The first and second survivor hit with Feral Frenzy has deep wounds applied, tge 3rd recieves deep wounds and mangeled for for 90 seconds, 4th recieves deep wounds, mangeled till healed and is broken for 90 seconds. 5th and beyond can be downed by feral frenzy as long as they arent afflicted by deep wounds and are injured. Obviously this is all within the same iteration of ff

    Reduce fatigue slightly (maybe 1 second), slightly increase duration, make bloodhound basekit while in feral frenzy.

  • Member Posts: 36
    edited July 2021

    I know people are terrified of Legion actually having a useful power for something other than seeing if a survivor is right on top of you and making them waste some time off of gens (bc deep wounds is a joke and I've literally only seen one baby Dwight get downed to it)

    I would just love if nothing else your M1 to not decrease your charge on Feral Frenzy, bc it's honestly incredibly stupid and only exists as a final 'F you' from Legion being super OP at first. FF remains unable to down and also still doesn't count as a basic attack? Take the horrible stun at the end down a notch. Or allow it to be a basic attack again, for the purpose of Sloppy Butcher for some added slow down, since that's all Legion really does anymore beyond actually being able to chase you at speed for a bit in loops before stunning themselves for 20 years anyway.

    Your power isn't helpful enough in terms of being a real threat to any remotely competent survivors, I feel, to justify constantly having to choose between your only real method of securing a down (m1) or using FF at all as they directly compete with each other and with a Killer's primary gameplay and objectives right now (secure downs and hook survivors, which FF does not primarily provide). Perhaps some of the addons that increase KI range or cooldown could become basekit just to alleviate the constant sense of Legion's mechanics being in competition with themselves to get anything done you would otherwise just do on any other killer, and more easily.

  • Member Posts: 337

    Deep wounds timer counts down no matter what, even while in chase. Extra hits from Feral Frenzy speed up the timer by a good chunk.

  • Member Posts: 6,025
    edited July 2021

    Is the S tier part just an exaggeration? Like is this series just about making killers truly viable, or absolutely OP?

  • Member Posts: 118

    Realistically: take away fatigue all together, or instead of making it an add on to be able to break pallets when sliding over them make it automatic (those two wouldn't work well together tho because people would just go into frenzy to break pallets faster so one of the two)

    What I would love to see but it's too much too ask for: Make it where they can go to a locker and can "change clothes" and dress like a survivor, but in order to do this you need to have hit them in frenzy before. When your in disguise you have no terror radius and can vault and slide over pallets but that's it so no repairing gens, cleansing totems, ECT. When geting out of disguise you have a five second stun.

  • Member Posts: 145

    1) If you manually cancel your power, the fatigue is reduced based on how much of your power meter is remaining. This means that you could feral frenzy hit someone then cancel to immediately go for the down.

    2) Make deep wounds tick down at 75% speed while sprinting. Make subsequent hits tick down the timer. Rework frank's mix tape to instead increase feral frenzy move speed by 5%

    3) Make killer instinct activate as soon as you activate feral frenzy instead of requiring you to hit someone first.

    Maybe not all of these at once, but they're all fun ideas.

  • Member Posts: 174

    Was this not the reason they were so hated to begin with?

  • Member Posts: 882

    You know what, you're right.

    My suggestion was just too lazy, so to add to the changes I already made.

    • Feral Frenzy is now a passive ability that is always active
      • Basically, Legion is now a very fast M1 Killer with detection and the ability to vault pallets.

    There, now there's a different reason to hate them.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    edited July 2021

    Pretty simple, Feral Frenzy will injure survivors. Using Feral Frenzy on an injured survivor will inflict Laceration, which requires 6 points for them to be put into the dying status. Laceration fully decays after being fully healed or downed.

    Feral Frenzy Scale

    Healthy Survivors

    • 0 Chain Hits: Injured
    • 1 Chain Hit: Injured + 1 Laceration
    • 2 Chain Hits: Injured + 2 Laceration
    • 3 Chain Hits: Injured + 3 Laceration
    • 4 Chain Hits+: Injured + 4 Laceration

    Injured Survivors

    • 0 Chain Hits: 1 Laceration
    • 1 Chain Hits: 2 Laceration
    • 2 Chain Hits: 3 Laceration
    • 3 Chain Hits: 4 Laceration
    • 4 Chain Hits+: 5 Laceration

    Quality of life changes / Buffs

    • Fatigue reduced to 3 seconds
    • Damaging a survivor with a basic attack doesn't reset half of your FF cool-down
    • Can chain FF hits between 2 or more survivors — as long as each survivor you FF is different from the last
  • Member Posts: 18

    you people are stupid wasting time on these "buffs"

    all you have to do is make feral frenzy an insta down

  • Member Posts: 732

    Ability to vault pallets and windows outside of frenzy.

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