Remove all Mori items from the game.


It is a useless item in the game now that no one uses, it just vacuums up bloodpoints now. Please just get rid of them, or at least make it so the entity gives a crap about them being on the web? Like for real, the biggest joke is the entity will go after brown items before it goes after and irridescent Mori.

Just get rid of the useless thing already.


  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,558

    Nah I like my 400 7000 bp dump items that I use once im a blue moon, glory kill look good

  • Product
    Product Member Posts: 108

    I hope you two are joking

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,024

    odd bulbs are in my nightmares, along with green maps

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,901

    They will be retired soon cause mori’s will be built into the base game

  • Lydon127
    Lydon127 Member Posts: 4

    That's what would make the most sense. It's final hook, just give them the kill. Survivors OP as it is anyways XD

    If anything, keep the irri mori, but get rid of the green and brown....useless.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Idk why they dont just make the yellow one basekit 🤷‍♂️

  • PsyQuil77
    PsyQuil77 Member Posts: 130

    sure, remove the moris when they do something about 4 man SWFs using voice coms, keys, maps, and hatch offerings.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279
    edited July 2021

    Mori offerings are trash. Funny thing is that I never used them even when they were super strong. Then they nerfed them and now they are sitting in my inventory reminding me how much BP I was forced to waste on them in bloodwebs.

    But to be fair, same can be said about a lot of bloodweb items

    Post edited by ShinobuSK on
  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Well I do agree with the OP but not for the same reason. I feel like they're just mean to use them on survivors. Before though they were a big problem in that many matches would be over in no time and survivors would get very little points. Now I just see them as a very mean thing to do to survivors that causes unnecessary anger at the end of matches. Its probably faster for you to hook them anyway so why would you want to make them even more mad by using a mori on them (besides trying to do a challenge which wouldn't even be there if they weren't in the game).

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    nah i love moris. i buy all the ebonys i can get my hands on.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    When and if that happens, survivors should have a way to block the use of them through offerings. I've never liked moris and just see them as a means for killers to be mean or toxic to survivors. I guess I'll try to enjoy the RE chapter while I can because that change is not something I think I'll want to be a part of.

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    The thing is mori do nothing against all of that. It take more time for the killer to mori compare to hooking a survivor and at least when you hook a survivor you still have your perk.

    If you want to beata 4 man swf and map you need to main nurse. You cant counter key the dev made sure of that with the franklin nerf unless you slug the key holder all game

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    How are moris mean and how is it making survivors mad?

    They are nerfed to the ground, people just use them for daily rituals. As you said, its last hook anyways and if I could choose I would rather be moried to see cool animation.

    Unless someone is hard tunneling just to get that mori, I dont see why people should be mad, and if thats the case they would be mad for tunneling even if there was no mori

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    I mean what about all the reagents, luck offerings , sacrificial ward, useless add-ons , the oaks for the hooks and the lower blood point offerings that barely pay for themselves. Moris are at least a little bit fun

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Tunneling someone right off of first hook when old Moris were a thing could certainly have been considered toxic, or at least, "mean".

    But how in the world could the Mori used now, when a survivor is already dead, possibly in ANY world be considered "mean" or toxic? Using that logic, how is the killer sacrificing anyone at all NOT considered mean or "toxic" when it's accomplishing the same thing essentially (unless it's being using to bypass a 2nd hook DS)?

    When I played survivor with the old Mori, I would dread seeing the last offering not flip over, knowing that one mistake early in a match would probably mean a ridiculously short game on my end. Now when I play survivor, the Mori offering instills no feeling of dread or worry at all -- it's simply a different death animation. Considering how neat some of them are, I would rather be Moried for my death as a survivor in a match than just thrown on a hook -- especially if it's Ghostface (who has the funniest -- and IMO, the best -- of them all).

    I'm hoping that the upcoming rework will remove them from the bloodwebs -- they're currently a waste for the most part, and as neat as the animations are, I pretty much never run them as killer, so I do everything in my power to avoid getting them.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    You guys are still using/seeing moris?

    I haven't seen one since... damn, I can't even remember.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Same here. I can remember seeing them multiple times in a long session of playing survivor (4-5 hours of gameplay a night, 3-4 nights a week) before the change. Now, I see them maybe once a week in the same amount of gameplay. As killer, I almost never ran them, except for a daily. Now, I'm as likely to run Devour Hope to get those daily challenges done.

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    Ah I love these comments has nothing to do with the post but they always appear!

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    See my problem I have with tha oak offering is....I kinda...cant tell the difference if they are used or not. Hooks dont feel that spread out. Back when maps were bigger it made a slight difference but now it just doesnt matter. I think a lot of the old offerings could use a rework.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I have a daily to kill a survivor with my own hands. I'm hesitant, because it's a event. I'll probably use Rancor instead.

    Don't even want to count all the useless moris I've stacked up over the years. What a waste.

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    I would rather just delete them or convert to blood point offerings bloodweb is bloated enough

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I'm a survivor main. Surviving is my objective and interest in the game. I'm not interested in seeing my character get murdered in a "cool animation" so for me personally its not something I care about. I'm trying to escape to avoid that. Moris are not required to win a match so to me it just feels like a completely unnecessary thing to do. I've had just about all of them happen to me and never once was I excited for it or thought it was cool. The way I see them is just a taunt at the survivor for losing. You can disagree with me this but remember that was my opinion of how I personally feel about them. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person that feels that way about them either if many post game chats I've seen in mori matches mean anything.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    Moris still have a very good use, once someone is dead on hook you can just kill them instead. That means they wont be sacrificed on a hook, therefore the hook wont be broken for the remainder of the trial that you wouldve normally sacrificed them on.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Nah, when I am Pyramid Head, I always use his execution BECAUSE it is faster, and safer.

    I was never around to see what they were before. But honestly, it doesn't bring enough benefit for me to go out of my way to run them. I am not even sure if the game will be a 4 man escape, so I would hate to waste them.

  • ryseterion
    ryseterion Member Posts: 445

    I dont think this is a final decision. If it was than the whole sacrifice idea would be useless. No one would use it anymore it would just be moris. The only mori i see being base kit is cypress.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    A reminder, that in a previous thread, you said this:

    "Also I don't really think tbagging is that offensive. I personally think its funny in most situations. Maybe if the survivors had more animations? I'd like to see a wave animation. I also think it'd be pretty awesome if survivors could dance but I'm sure that would be called toxic too."

    So, for reference, I play both sides about equally. Your feeling is that Mories are a taunt -- many people who play the killer role feel that teabagging is a direct taunt. You argued there that it was "funny" and essentially a harmless gesture. Many people who play killer would feel that the Mori, at this point in its existence, is equally harmless.

    You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you feel that Mories are "toxic" and "mean" to survivors, then you should equally feel the same about the taunting aspects of teabagging, which you defended, and the way they could be construed to be "toxic" and "mean" to killer players (or the way killers who've been trounced in a match would likely view "dancing" in their face after a loss). If you don't acknowledge that and defend one while condemning the other, you might want to check on the definition of "double stadard".

    Again, as someone who plays both sides in the game, and who doesn't engage in that type of stuff from the survivor end, and someone who hardly ever played the Mori even before the change (and I've run a Ivory one ONCE since the change, for a daily, and I waited until everyone had been hooked once and more than one person twice before I used it), I'm consistent with my positions. Are you?

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096

    Mori's give killers a chance to bypass a pallet/flashlight rescue on last hook to secure that kill, as well as avoid DS with it if the survivor happens to still have it. They still have functionality and on top of that mori's are just cool lookin', so I think they are fine.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,310

    Nah, add a decent BP bonus to Mori kills, maybe a stack of 25% to all BP after the game ends for each kill like BBQ, that'll make them worth using without making them OP again.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Yes I am consistent with my positions. There's a difference between someone who tbags the killer 50 times in the match at every pallet and in the exit just to be mean to them and someone who does it just a few times in harmless jest to have fun with the killer. Also tbagging doesn't remove the killer from the match early. Survivors can be mean to killers but there is a far stretch between someone who does it a couple times during a match and someone who does it all match. Do you see now how proper perspectives on situational things matter? If you think a survivor bouncing up and down a few times is as mean as a killer beating their brains out then your idea of what is being mean to someone in this game is very strange to me.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Really? it's a glorified 3rd hook. How is it 'toxic' to do a neat kill animation?

    I swear; half the stuff this community (on both sides!) lists as 'Toxic' boils down to 'It makes me feel bad! :( '

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Not when devour hope is in play usually. Keep in mind that tensions often get very high in this game. Throwing a mori on someone can just make the emotional tensions worse sometimes. I know some survivors don't care but I've never liked the idea of moris in this game. They usually happen to me after I've been tunneled down anyway.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Honestly, ALL mori animations should only be useable after a Survivor is in Second Stage. I mean, the next hook will kill you ANYWAYS, so you're dead either way.

    Change them so you have to pick a Survivor up to trigger a mori (thus allowing fast flashlight/pallet saves), too.

    Because if the Killer has picked you up, and your friends cannot flashlight/pallet save, and you're on final hook; you're dead either way.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    there are achievements tied to them.

    plus they enable you to hardtunnel someone off of their second hook.

    yep, the anti tunnel nerf made it so hardtunneling is their only upside now :D

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    You get mad when you get mori'd? Lol I like it. It's something different for once

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    I still use the Moris because i love the Mori of the Twins :D but yeah they are sadly trash now. I Think the only Killer where playing Mori CAN be strong is the Pig because her Mori is very fast and can save some time

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    You're making incorrect assumptions about myself or playstyle. I've been very clear as to how I play. I do NOT taunt the killer. I do NOT act "toxic" as a survivor. That said, I do NOT whack people on hook, or facecamp survivors, or any other "toxic" behaviors when I play killer, since I view those actions as inappropriate when they're done to me and bad form, and I'm try to be as "nice" a player as I can no matter what role I'm playing at the time.

    You never answered a point I made earlier. If a Mori is somehow "mean" or "toxic", do you not think slinging a "person" onto a bloody hook that impales them through their shoulder, causing them to scream out in pain, isn't "mean" also? Using your own logic, I could say that I find that YOUR idea of what is "mean" and what isn't is strange to ME, but I won't take the assumption-making path you did about me. (We could discuss how this isn't actually "real" -- that it's a game in which one role sacrifices/kills the other role -- and that playing the game as intended isn't the same as actions that aren't part of any in-game objective advancing, but one of etiquette, but that's another story altogether).

    I'm simply pointing out your inconsistency -- you can claim you're being consistent, but I'm sorry -- you're not. You personally don't find a harmless teabag here and there insulting to a killer or a taunt -- but it's been clear over time that other people (particularly newer players) DO. I have friends who won't touch killer because of the relentless taunting they've gotten in-game when they were just starting out, so I've heard it first-hand from full-time survivors who'll never play killer again because there's no fun in being mocked and taunted by better players when learning.

    There's no way to read intent in-game between what you call harmless teabagging and taunting teabagging -- some of it might be a "hello" teabag, some might be a "come chase me" teabag", some might be a "you suck, you're a loser" teabag -- but the motion in-game is still all the same. What you consider to be harmless, someone else might find insulting to them. Just in the way that you might not like the Mori animations, but other players find them harmless and fun. I can usually tell the difference between the worst offenders and the ones who are just looking for a fun chase, but not always -- if you want to point me to the "teabag interpretation guide", I'd love to see it so I know the differences. 🤔

    Simply acknowledging that what you consider harmless might be offensive to someone else would be showing a consistent viewpoint on your part. Even if I don't agree with your take on Moris, I won't begrudge how it affects YOU, so I AM being consistent -- while doing so, you'll find no post I've ever made on this forum defending tunneling, camping, whacking people on hook, purposefully leaving people bleed out, etc. while condemning "toxic" survivor actions. But if you want to follow your reasoning from the prior thread I quoted you from -- defending particular behavior from a strictly survivor viewpoint -- then you're utilizing one standard for what is "mean" killer behavior -- due to how it impacts YOUR feelings -- and another for survivors by ignoring other people's feelings about something you think is fine.

    And I don't know where you equate the Mori -- what this thread was about - with your claim about the killer "ending the match early". This isn't the old Mori we're talking about, obviously.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited July 2021

    I stand by what I said. I am not inconsistent. You have a perspective on this that I believe is flawed and wrong. You can think you're right, and thats fine. I can too. Thats what opinions are for. Perspective matters and yes while the killer's intent may not always be to be mean to you when they do it, its much harder for me to believe that over a survivor hitting their crouch button a few times in a match. Now if they do it the whole match then yes its easier to conclude that survivor is probably trying to be mean to the killer.

    Oh and by the way, you've said you have friends who won't touch killer because of survivors taunting them a lot. I have friends who have literally quit this game because of how killers played the game in many of their matches. A better community starts with the community.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    We can agree to disagree. No harm in that.

    I will add that you are a self-professed survivor main (or at least, I believe you've said you were -- if I'm mistaken on that, then my apologies in advance). Have you ever played killer? I can assure you that it's an eye-opening experience. As I said, my friends who are full-time survivor players who tried killer (and gave up quickly after the abuse they received from their opponents) have told me that, once they saw what it was like from the other end, they appreciated better what their opponents have to go up against at times. My perspective comes from being on the receiving end of "bad" behavior playing BOTH roles. It's harder to empathize with both sides or understand the problems/issues they face if you only see what things look like from one side of the street (and that goes both ways -- for killer players who never play survivor as well).