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Why are killer ques so long?

Member Posts: 2,109
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

I'm trying to que as killer it has been over 5 minutes, nothing.

So then I que as survivor it takes literally 2 seconds.

it's so long I'm just watching a movie while I wait.

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  • Member Posts: 1,146

    Today mine has been 8-10 minutes on average. Most it's been in a while but more people will be playing killer to get more bp during the event.

  • Member Posts: 174

    Because killers make more points since its such a traumatic experience most games, there's also a bigger rate of cakes in the killer web. So everybody is playing killer.

  • Member Posts: 394

    No cakes in survivors bloodweb so playing and leveling up survivors are pointless

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    This is not reason lol. Survivor is still strong role of this game.

    Reason is winning points with killer is more easy.

    I played 5 - 6 matches as survivor. And it was nightmare. Survivors were so bad. Killers were camping and tunnelling. And all my cakes wasted for this. And i did not won so good points. And then i back to killer. Avarage 150k points.

  • Member Posts: 843

    That because during the night you have more swf so killer stop playing. I know for me its the case and i dont think im the only one who do that

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    this makes zero sense considering survivor is the power role

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Its like this since RE chapter

  • Member Posts: 410

    Survivors are only the power roll for the tippy top 1%

  • Member Posts: 3,347
    edited July 2021

    Because there's an event going on where killers have an easier time getting their hands on the event's BP offering.

    And no, I'm not claiming this is something intentional or some form of "bias". It's simply a result of killers not having item reskins competing with the cakes in the same quality, while survivors might get event flashlights or something instead from an event quality node.

    Sure goes to show that something as simple as bloodpoints is a rather powerful way of influencing the population of killers and survivors a bit. Makes me pretty optimistic about the talked about incentive system where the "needed" role is incentivized, assuming the incentives are good enough.

    EDIT: And oh, I haven't actually experienced any queues that made me think "Man, this is taking forever" for a very long time. Not as killer, not as survivor. Not during this event, not before it (and not just after the RE chapter, before that too). I know that's a "Works on my machine :)" statement, I'm just saying that even though I haven't personally experienced what you're talking about, it's totally rational that the event will influence the population of killers and survivors.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    i get matches in less than 20 seconds usually as killer, survivor is longer for me

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    I wanna play but solos are terrible. And when my friends are online, we are playing SWF. And so much killers dc'ing.

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    New killer just came out AND theres an event going on. Thats killer city

  • Member Posts: 1,302

    Survivors are only the power role in a SWF, and on a good map. Solo Q is usually a massacre. Enough they should probably address it.

    You think these streamers are going on 50+ win streaks because the game is balanced? Try that in league of legends, nobody is that good unless they are smurfing. It doesn’t happen in those kinds of games.

  • Member Posts: 621

    This has everything to do with the event. It is easy to get all crowns on killer. It is easy to get more blood on killer. It is extremely easy to do well on killer unless you face a swf team.

    It is hard to do well on survivor. Killers are camping and tunneling like never before, which takes how well you do completely out of your hands. Killers are acting like 4k every match is deserved. Killers target glowing survivors. Getting the crowns on survivor is hard. So why would anyone want to play survivor?

    Two days ago I played every single killer that can get a crown. I got crowns on all of them on the first match but one (twins is bugged - end your match playing Charlotte or you can't get the crown), and I ALSO got adept trophies on most of them for the second time (PS5 adept trophies don't transfer from PS4).

    Yesterday I worked on survivor crowns. I played ALL DAY. From around noon to 1 am. Breaking only a few times for meals etc. I still need 9 crowns.

    The game is heavily balanced towards killer in ALMOST all situations. This event highlights that imbalance and makes it plain to everyone who is honest and doesn't have an agenda of trying to keep exploiting this imbalance. BHVR KNOW this information. They see the numbers. What they don't know is how to fix it so it's fair. That much is blatantly obvious. The only way to do this is to add survivor voice comms to the game. Then, and only then, can you even begin to come close to balance in the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    That has little to do with it.

    DC penalty has been gone for a long time but survivor queues have been fast and slow depending on the current state of the meta. Also survivor DCs were far worse back when there still was a penalty. Ironically when it was removed less people started DCing.

    Survivor ain't the power role. If it were you wouldn't be having a hard time.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    I have not hard time againts killers. My teammates makes us lose in solo. And when killer chase them, max 15 seconds later they down. But they had to keep chase longer and they have so many pallets and windows but they just cant.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Remember when SC was so strong, it could be used between 2 killer hits without ever getting downed?

    Ahh good times!

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    I'm rank 10 killer atm and still always get placed with the tippy top 1% red rank survivors somehow.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Killer is more popular during events because you get more points for less effort. Plus it's easier to get the crown cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Probably BP farming.

  • Member Posts: 309

    I´m guessing people A) still want to try Nemesis and more importantly B) want to ensure they get many BP in their matches. I can only anecdotally report that there´s been a huge influx of terrible killers (survivor mains?) and the vast majority of matches end in 0k or 1k, so I´m happy to take my 150k+ per soloq match and have an instant qeue ^-^

  • Member Posts: 824

    This is to be expected. If you've been playing for awhile you'll have noticed the patterns.

    Killer queue gets long when

    • New Killer is released
      • Everyone wants to play the new killer.
    • BP Events
      • It's easier to get BP as killer. Every bonus BP and other events has everyone playing killer to farm BP. Blame the ######### dead stupid grind.

    Don't listen to Sluzzy or these other posters who are saying survivors are leaving. They're just talking nonsense. This increased queue happens EVERY TIME because of the two points I mentioned.

    I almost always wait weeks before I try the new killers because the queues get so long every release. I'm willing to sit through these wait times on events though.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    "People are leaving the game"

    Steamcharts: DBD has 90,000+ players, beating some of the most popular PC games on the market.

    Ya, nah, they aren't leaving.

  • Member Posts: 352
    edited July 2021

    Even if it’s because of survivor mains wanting more points on killers and re chapter bringing in new people I don’t think it would have this much effect on red ranks queues. I get that it’s not the hardest thing to do to get to red ranks but it’s also not the easiest once you start hitting those swf teams that have somewhat of a brain. There’s been like 70k+ people playing lately so I’m thinking not enough servers to host games?

    Edit: those are just steam numbers, probably a lot more people playing on console as well.

  • Member Posts: 102

    I think Nemesis and bloodpoints are the two biggest reasons. But I also wonder if the busted survivor emblems are another contributing reason. It’s currently really difficult to pip thanks to broken benevolent emblem so killers of varying ranks are competing for the same pool of survivors.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Nemesis is still new killer so more are playing killer to play as him.

    Getting crowns as killer is 0 effort.

    During event killers get more BP easier.

    Event as survivor isn't fun so waiting until event is over to play again.

  • Member Posts: 191

    I've been getting plenty of BP on survivor just playing normally with WGLF and whatever BP offerings are used. Are people really that bad at survivor they can't get 20k+ in most games?

  • Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2021

    7/10 of the killers i faced were camping and tunneling and guaranteeing easy 3-4k against my solo queue teams, i switched to killer to make use of cakes and not feed it to ######### killers who sweat their arses off, i'm sure a lot of people are in a similar situation. The BP gains are also really unfair, i always play killer when i need BP, because even if u do exceptionally well as survivor, you will rarely get more BP than a less skilled killer.

    Killer overall has too much capability to ruin and make the game unfair, as someone who plays both in red ranks, just because swf is strong doesn't mean you should keep nerfing survivor and buffing killers, majority play solo queue and is a terrible experience after all these balance changes that i'm considering finding a swf team to be able to enjoy survivor again.

  • Member Posts: 1,855

    Or they consistently are matched against killers playing in esports mode or camping them cause they have the crown glow.

  • Member Posts: 2,068

    Killers are making out like bandits on this event. I literally have 200+ cakes spread out on my 4 main killers, and its only day 4 of this 15 day event. Survivors have it rough in this regard because they have 3 items competing with the cakes in the bloodweb RNG so its more likely that they'll get one of those items instead of a Cake, whereas killers only have the cake showing up so they can get between 1 and 4 cakes per bloodweb.

    Naturally, most people have realized this, and more are playing killer than ever before due to the massive amount of BP gain and cakes they can stockpile in their inventories for the year to come. This isn't necessarily a bad thing as survivors have always outnumbered the killer players for the longest time, which has resulted in long survivor queues and short killer queues. Now things feel a bit more inverted as far as wait times go, but hopefully this will also mean that there'll be more killer players available from this point on, and the overall wait time for both sides will even out to under a minute after the event ends.

  • Member Posts: 348

    Disable cross play. Someone on the stream forum suggested this for a fix for slow killer queues.

  • Member Posts: 221

    When there is not an event going on, exactly the same for me. I'm North America. Might be different for folks in other regions?

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    ??? Ah... hmmm.... huh? Not attacking, just surprised to read this coming from you. Or is this sarcasm?

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    My queues were about 2 minutes for both pre anniversary. During the anniversary, instant for survivors and about 4 minutes for killer.

    Pretty sure it is because you can get 100-200k bloodpoints a game for killer and survivors get... Way less. Imagine spending a cake that is already harder to get as a survivor and then getting face camped after first down.

    Better to just go killer right now, pretty sure it will return to a balance after the event.

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    My queues were less than 30 seconds for killer until last night. My insomnia has kicked in so I am a night player right now, it had extended to 10 minutes for my queue times as killer, hopefully tonight is a bit better.

    10 minute queue times for 5 minute matches are not good imo.

  • Member Posts: 172

    Killer queues are long because Killer is easier to get extra BP and crowns on. A lot of survivor mains are playing killer for the event.

    IRONY: Survivors are complaining that killer toxicity is at an all time high. You'd think it would be the other way around with so many non-toxic survivors coming to the dark side and diluting the pool. I think survivors might have inadvertently proven that killer mains have been correct all along.

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    Good these survivor mains can finally find out how hard killer is

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    holy ######### I just got into a lobby in 10 SECONDS!

    but the downside is that it's swf.

    So are all my games swf now?

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