anybody thinks old freddy (before rework) was stronger?

his add-ons combo (class photo + pill bottle before rework) was so strong. I think old freddy is comparable to spirit or blight.
definetely not that strong.
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why? class photo basically gave u wall hack, and pill bottle was barely counterable
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Stronger? No, not even close.
More fun to play as / against? Healthier for the game? Stronger add-ons? Yes, yes, a hundred times yes!
The most fun and unique killer BVHR has ever released. He deserves another chance. We Old Freddy mains deserve another chance.
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Even if he was stronger, his strength was not the point of the rework. The rework happened because it was frustrating to play for both sides.
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Only if you had no idea of what you were doing. And that goes for both sides.
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why both sides? playing freddy before re-work was a lot of fun. Now he's like clown and the counter is u have to drop pallets early which is pretty boring.
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If survivors back in the day knew how to play against old Freddy, killer didn’t stand a chance though.
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On that we agree.
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old Freddy could see auras of sleeping survivor outside of his terror radius. Imagine this in a 2v1.
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Technically the same can be said about pretty much every killer, excluding Nurse and Spirit. And Old Legion, for obvious reasons.
However, his weaknesses did not require a full rework in order to be fixed. He basically required only 3 things: Patch 1.8.1 reverted, Incapacitated status effect during the Transition and modern-day Dream Projection. That would've made him a very good killer: far from overpowered, and viable on higher ranks.
Because trust me, while he was much stronger than perceived to be, he did require some love. BVHR merely chose the wrong method.
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Given that old Freddy was battle with the Wraith for the title of being the single worst and most add-on dependent killer in the game...
No he was insanely weak and often viewed as a joke.
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He wasn’t stronger
but he was certainly more fun and more original.
They may have made him stronger but they killed the character originality wise.
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Mostly because people did not know how to play him properly. Yes, he had his fair share of weaknesses.
But worst in the game? Never.
And if you don't trust my word in the matter, because I've mained him for a very long time so there is some bias involved, then trust Otz:
Skip to 1:06:20 and see it for yourself.
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He was wonderful, and my all time favourite killer to play as. I miss him.
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An opinion shared by most, including me of course :)
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Honestly the only thing that made Old Freddy weak was the fact that he couldn't do anything when survivors are going to sleep.
Keep the teleportation Freddy has right now and bring back old Freddy.
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Now here is someone who knows what they are talking about!
This is what I've aimed for on my proposed idea for a Freddy rework.
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I used to main Old Freddy when he was still around in Rank 1. Honestly he is still the most fun Killer I've played in DBD and I would love to see him back again.
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Not stronger, no way in hell. Fun? Hell yeah!
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Same, my friend. Same.
I might be a very old fashioned player, but among every single thing I would like to see in-game again Old Freddy easily takes priority.
Just like you, I miss my main.
In my honest opinion he was easily the most fun killer in DBD's history. Especially his on-release version.
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Not really and I hope they don't bring him back, hated playing against him.
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That was still a failing on the Freddy player: being too close when using Dream Demon.
The 7 seconds, for all intents and purposes, was like a 32m TR. I.e. if a survivor ran straight away, 7 seconds (roughly) is how long it took to close distance on the survivor from (roughly) over a 32m distance. As long as the Freddy didn’t travel in a predictable straight line, this could result in LOTS of free hits on survivors caught off guard from Freddy appearing where they least expected.
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old freddy was stronger in stuff like tracking and being sneaky but new freddy is better at everything else
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He was the laughing stock of the community for 2 years, so much so that many gave him his own "Freddy tier" on tier lists. Bringing him back would likely just make him the main joke once again.
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Nah, he definitely wasn't stronger, but was he funner? Absolutely.
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Everyone who placed Freddy on the low tier did not know what they were talking about. He was never the worst killer in the game and, truth be told, it did not take much to realize that.
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Amazing every word of what you just said was wrong
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And funner he was. The most fun, in my honest opinion.
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Sometimes, even being right beside the survivor would result on a free hit. It was up to you to take an unpredictable approach, though.
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I loved playing as old freddy
But I hated it when I could not stop a survivor from opening a gate or healing another of the floor because they were not asleep yet.
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What I liked about old Freddy is that everyone of his add ons were actually sorta useable I only remember old black box being garbage really
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Yeah it’s be fun to frighten the survivor by being next to them when they start to transition, then double back and have them wonder where the hell you went before advancing on them again before the transition ends.
There were lots of fun ways to make them panic.
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Personally? I am glad he was reworked. He is the killer I have most fun with and old Freddy looked like he didn't really have much going for him besides... Wall hacks?
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Forever Freddy FTW.
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Me too. As one of the elusive switch players I only got to play him in December last year so I couldn't play the old one. But from what I could gather he was m1 knife glove man that could be looped and gen rushed to hell and back. So yeah I'd rather take his current iteration over his weak and "unique" old version
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No way. The only Freddy’s that got gen rushed were the ones not using Freddy properly.
An (old) Freddy that knew what they were doing would make it almost impossible to get gens finished. He had the greatest stalling powers in the entire game, and nothing has come close since.
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OK maybe not gen rushed due to the dream world slowdown but definitely looped to oblivion
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Old Freddy had some problems and needed fix. But they just killed most fun killer in game and they gave us stronger version. I still love Freddy but old version kept me in this game.
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Classic Freddy was pretty strong if played correctly, even against high ranks.
The problem is you'd have to juggle targets and sleep-tag everyone constantly and the game would last forever. Like, by the time you won a Freddy game, you could have won 2 or 3 Billy games.
He wasn't that weak but he definitely had a "Slow the game down until literally every pallet has been broken" playstyle.
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Something the Incapacitated status effect could easily fix.
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Precisely. And I did my absolute best to learn all of them and everything else he had to offer.
Not sure if I ever reached mastery, but I sure tried to.
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Pre-Rework Freddy was the one killer i was fine with losing with. Legion, same because i just like stabby stabby but my point is that he was fun when i played him on the leaked dev build.
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Old Freddy was extremely fun to play as, my friend. He was my main since I first started playing DBD, back in 2018, and by the Entity I loved that killer.
I miss him so much.
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Compared to spirit and blight?
Not even close.
But he was definitely more fun for me, especially with the purple Z block and the red paint brush and some perk combo.
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I usually paired RPB with Class Photo, M&A and PWYF to create what I usually called the "All-Seeing Freddy".
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Not as strong but infinitely more interesting I wish they hadn't given up on the original concept so easily. All we're left with now is a blood puddle borefest that plays every loop the same way except when you try your hardest to stay awake then he's just man with claw.
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Yeah i used M&A also on him.
But can't remember the other 3 perks.
I just loved how quick the went into Dreamworld with the Z block and rpb.
They never expected that and always thought they could easily reach a pallet, which the very rarely did 😂
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No, he wasn't. He had his extreme advantages such as always knowing where the Survivors were at in the dream world and they never knowing where he was. But beyond that, he was average.
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That didn’t matter. Play the match right by creating enough stall and Freddy gets rid of all the pallets by mid game.
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Being able to get out of Dreamworld easily, and making him a non threat, made him the worst Killer.
Sorry. 🤷