What's your one crutch perk?

I'm not the greatest at loops, so it's hard for me to drop brutal strength or bamboozled as killer. For survivor, again since I'm not great at looping, Iron Will is a godsend.
What's yours?
Borrowed Time. Frankly, i've had too many situations where teammates would have just never made it out otherwise to take it off.
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I guess mainly Spine Chill.
Since it allows me to focus more on Skill Checks rather than constantly looking around to spot the killer, specially if its a stealth one.
And its just an amazing perk in general.
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Iron will and Corrupt
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Lately it's been Deliverance+BT combo in Solo Queue. Too many occurrences where you cant trust teammates to go for the save before you hit stage 2.
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Yep. BT or Small Game is my go-to teammate perk. Hexes are so popular these days that it's hard not to run a totem detection perk.
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Self Care. Red Rank Survivor and Killer btw.
I can play without it, but then I end up running another healing perk like Inner Strength or Bond to find people etc. Why do that though when you can establish dominance by healing on top of hills?
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I agree. I can't count how many times that self care has saved my hide. I've used it far more than any medkit will get me that's for sure.
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devour hope. its just so goddamn fun
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Brutal Strength. It feels so... slow without it.
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Spine Chill as survivor, and Surge as killer. I looove me some Surge.
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I keep going back and forth between rather or not kicking generators is a waste of time. But Surge is definitely a great way around that.
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Killer: Save The Best For Last
Just feels nice hitting survivors with 8 stacks.
Survivor: For The People
I had too many clutch and insane moments with this, and it's also pretty dang fun.
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Spine Chill. Played a game without it, got tunneled off hook by a Tinkerer Blight. Was NOT fun.
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Detectives Hunch and Premonition for me.
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BBQ and Chilli
At first only for the blood point Bonus but now i actually do need it's aura information to know where to go next.
I felt so lost doing adept nemesis
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bamboozel I'm garbage at running window loops as killer so I equip it to make it easier
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Iron Will. I can't handle hearing my character doing "umh argh ouch". (I mostly run it for this reason. Really.)
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All of them. All perks are crutches at the end of the day
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We're gonna live forever and BBQ. Otherwise the grind would kill me
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Iron will and spine chill but iron will mostly you will see that in my survivor builds
And for killer I would say iron grasp especially now because of the frame dips
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Dead Hard cause I'm trash at chases, and Hunch cause Ruin is my biggest enemy.
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I forgot BBQ. Since I got it, I can't remove it from my build. The BP is too sweet.
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As killer enduring always comes in clutch. As survivor spine chill for sure
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Windows of opportunity for me since i unlocked it i have not took it of but really iron will makes the biggest difference overall i think
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One? Um... people only use one crutch? Ha ha... ha.
BBQ, Ruin, and NOED. The last one is where I get creative!
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Self Care
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Decisive Strike.