Toxicity and Try Hard players in the community these days

How come this game all of a sudden have more Toxicity and Try Hard players than ever within the time of this game is out and it just seems even worse because of the 5th Anniversary like I don't expect farming but holy hell it's just been a cake waster it's like killers also don't want blood points like my last few games before coming to the community I've had a Trapper, Oni, Wraith and a Deathsliger down everyone and let us bleed out no hooking like what is the deal with that the game isn't competitive


  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    They've always existed unfortunately 😔

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    I still get face camped but not as much today as before but proxy camping is just as bad. I don't understand why to play the game this way like don't you want to pip especially how the game has changed the way pipping works. Either learn to play the game without being a complete prick about it just play the game so that everyone wins even if you do end up killing them on the hook. Sometimes not gonna like I wish that the Ranking System would just be removed or replaced it's already broken as ######### anyway so why not. I'm always either getting paired up with low-rank and high-rank killers and survivors anyways just remove it that way no one can claim they are better at the game because of rank which is one of the problems with the killers they do this because of rank shoving in the faces of survivors who are lower ranked than them its the stupidest ######### ever seeing in the game but that's just me though

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I never used to play as a toxic killer but faced so many toxic survivors during the event it's the only way I can get points now. All those toxic players ruined it for everyone, chill survivors and chill killers alike, and matches lasting less than 5 minutes due to gens popping every hook on average.

    There is a spike in toxic killers now to combat the spike in toxic survivors.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    I remember frequenting the steam forums when the game was a few months old and the number of threads with the same complaints was the same then as it is now.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Proxy camping doesnt prevent pipping. In fact it helps in pipping since if youre smart youre still patrolling your 3 gen and making the game more difficult for survivors getting more hits, downs and hooks especially in end game.

    I mean a dev literally told us to let the gens far away go...its almost as if the game was designed to be this way 🤔

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    It's probably bad of me to assume but I did expect some killers to farm, or at least let the people who just got crowns escape. Wow I wasn't just disappointed, I was horrified with the behaviour. I'd say only 3 rounds out of around 12 were good (by good I mean fair). The rest, the killer would tunnel and facecamp. One round there were 5 cakes, everyone died with less than 3000 bp. This is the norm now and I don't get it

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    I played two games as survivor today, two "face" campers in both games. It seems some people just have to ruin the anniversary for everyone.

    Closed the game after that and went to other game.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    I'm a Killer main, I understand camping when the survivor is toxic or tunneling when the gens go so fast. I understand toxicity on killer side is born bc of how survivors behave.

    But camping on the first hook for no reason...that's another thing.

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    there is a block option but IDK if it does or does not make it where you play against them again I would assume that it wouldn't make you play against them if you have them blocked

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    Then hate to say that Dev is ######### and when I mean by Proxy camping is being close not going to any gen and just staying close enough so they can see you but you cant see him and that play style is garbage no wonder the game has gone to ######### if the devs play this way themselves

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    I do agree that the amount of Toxic Survivors has gone up in the last year or so but it mostly because of Killers at a point stopped caring as what someone else had said in this form. I do feel that if there was a way for Killers and Survivors to communicate in the game not with Voice Chat but some kind of body language like survivors pointing or killers spinning to indicate that help I'm willing to farm or I'm willing to not be a prick then problem solved but the issue with that is no one will do it or Toxic Killers and Survivors will just use it as a form of bait and just make this an even worse problem and have to find a new way to show we have a Truce and that I am friendly but that's just me though

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Yeah but if you hook someone in the middle of your 3 gen you can patrol the gens AND camp the hook. Proxy camping = proximity camp. Youre staying near the hook but youre not in the persons face.

    Understand, it takes 400 seconds for a gens to be done by 1 person, we can say 460 for time moving between gens, thats 7.7 minutes. We'll say 8 to round up and be generous. 1 survivor working gens solo can have all 5 gens done in 8 minutes.

    Now lets look at 2 survivors working gens: if theyre both working the same gens thats 236 seconds to do 5. Thats basically 4 minutes. Add a minute running between gens thats 5 minutes. If they split and work seperate gens but come together at the last gen thats 3.4 mins, add 1 so 4 and a half minutes.

    I can keep going but it only gets more ridiculous.

    From the killers side: assuming everything is perfect theres 24 health states he has to go through. If we say average 15 seconds per health state thats 360 seconds.

    Lets also assume it takes 10 seconds to find someone in between chases, thats another 80 secs

    Theres an average of 10 pallets per map thats another 30 secs.

    360+80+30= 470/60=7.8 minutes

    What this basically means that for a killer to "play nice" and never camp tunnel or slug they need to keep 3 survivors off gens AT ALL TIMES. This literally is not possible since they cant be in 3 places at once. This is the game at its base level, perks and strategies adjust this. Gens can take longer, but chases can also take longer. This is why killers dont play nice, they dont have time. If a killer hooks you and camps you and all 3 other survivors get off gens to get the rescue hes shaving down the time to get health states considerably. If he slugs you and immediately starts chasing someone else, thats another person that has to come off a gen to get the slug. If he can force a 3 gen it wont take as ling to walk between them and get hits/downs.

    Believe me, i understand being camped/tunneled is frustrating. But its literally how its designed to be. You cant play any other way.

    And understand to im being stupid generous here, its actually worse because it can take way longer than 30 seconds to down someone

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    You do make a valid and strong point doing all the math into this and believe me, I do appreciate the time you took to do that. I just never see any of this in the game sadly and I don't really want them to be nice but more considerate when it comes down to the events that BeHavior releases for us the Community. I as well as other people would have liked to see both killers and survivors working together to get as much out of the event as humanly possible like I don't even mind if at the end they kill me or not but it just seems that between the end of 2020 and all of 2021 this game has just gotten worse with the type of players this game has attracted like what is the point of all 4 survivors and the killer adding 5 cakes that add 525% more with blood points just to end the game in seconds if not mins just to get 30k blood points that a massive waste.

    This about this 525% of 25k = 131,250 and that's if you make 25k which if you're working together and farm you'll most defiantly make that even more especially if you add Perks like  Barbecue and Chilli - Beasts of Prey - Distressing - Thrill of the Hunt for Killer / No One Left Behind - Prove Thyself - We're Gonna Live Forever fir Survivor

    If we actually worked together for just the event then it will be 100% worth it that way you can blow all those sweet blood points on your favorite killers or survivors. After the event play, however, your heart feels like playing I would just like for all of us to just take advantage of the event and I bet a lot of people do is all.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    The game was over when that terrible Jill DC'd after being downed.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again.....survivors are their own worst enemy through and through 1000%.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Im not opposed to farming when survivors want to, most of the ones i come across are slamming gens and trying to escape and get their crowns. I need my points too so i have to stop them. If i try and be nice im lucky to get 4 hooks before theyre out the door 🤷‍♂️

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    I've had way more toxic killers with survivor puddings, sweating out of their seats, bm'ing and being extremely toxic post game. Inspired me to only use bound envelopes. I wish there was a survivor offering for 100% for my entire team rather than bps for these kinds of people.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    A whole thread of Survivors whining about Killers actually trying to kill them? Haven't seen one of these in a while.

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    I must have a way of telling survivors when I play Killer let's farm then since I somehow get the whole team to farm with me lol must be the Ghost Face crouch

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    I am mostly on about the 5th anniversary and just no one really taking advantage of it which is shocking since last year and the year before that is all the game was about if it wasn't for there is an event I wouldn't even be here at all

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    100% Fact I see so many other Survivors Sandbag - DC - getting other survivors caught ECT regardless if I am a fellow Survivor or the Killer

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    Stop being a scrub, and educate yourself:

    An excerpt from the book:

    The derogatory term “scrub” means several different things. One definition is someone (especially a game player) who is not good at something (especially a game). By this definition, we all start out as scrubs, and there is certainly no shame in that. I mean the term differently, though. A scrub is a player who is handicapped by self-imposed rules that the game knows nothing about. A scrub does not play to win.

    Now, everyone begins as a poor player—it takes time to learn a game to get to a point where you know what you’re doing. There is the mistaken notion, though, that by merely continuing to play or “learn” the game, one can become a top player. In reality, the “scrub” has many more mental obstacles to overcome than anything actually going on during the game. The scrub has lost the game even before it starts. He’s lost the game even before deciding which game to play. His problem? He does not play to win.

    The scrub would take great issue with this statement for he usually believes that he is playing to win, but he is bound up by an intricate construct of fictitious rules that prevents him from ever truly competing. These made-up rules vary from game to game, of course, but their character remains constant. Let’s take a fighting game off of which I’ve made my gaming career: Street Fighter.

    In Street Fighter, the scrub labels a wide variety of tactics and situations “cheap.” This “cheapness” is truly the mantra of the scrub. Performing a throw on someone is often called cheap. A throw is a special kind of move that grabs an opponent and damages him, even when the opponent is defending against all other kinds of attacks. The entire purpose of the throw is to be able to damage an opponent who sits and blocks and doesn’t attack. As far as the game is concerned, throwing is an integral part of the design—it’s meant to be there—yet the scrub has constructed his own set of principles in his mind that state he should be totally impervious to all attacks while blocking. The scrub thinks of blocking as a kind of magic shield that will protect him indefinitely. Why? Exploring the reasoning is futile since the notion is ridiculous from the start.

    You will not see a classic scrub throw his opponent five times in a row. But why not? What if doing so is strategically the sequence of moves that optimizes his chances of winning? Here we’ve encountered our first clash: the scrub is only willing to play to win within his own made-up mental set of rules. These rules can be staggeringly arbitrary. If you beat a scrub by throwing projectile attacks at him, keeping your distance and preventing him from getting near you—that’s cheap. If you throw him repeatedly, that’s cheap, too. We’ve covered that one. If you block for fifty seconds doing no moves, that’s cheap. Nearly anything you do that ends up making you win is a prime candidate for being called cheap. Street Fighter was just one example; I could have picked any competitive game at all.

    Doing one move or sequence over and over and over is a tactic close to my heart that often elicits the call of the scrub. This goes right to the heart of the matter: why can the scrub not defeat something so obvious and telegraphed as a single move done over and over? Is he such a poor player that he can’t counter that move? And if the move is, for whatever reason, extremely difficult to counter, then wouldn’t I be a fool for not using that move? The first step in becoming a top player is the realization that playing to win means doing whatever most increases your chances of winning. That is true by definition of playing to win. The game knows no rules of “honor” or of “cheapness.” The game only knows winning and losing.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    That's because events are not in any way special aside from more BP and free cosmetics. People act like the game should change because they want to farm for a week and that is simply not the case. Not everyone gives a damn about the event; some of us just want our kills :)

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Survivors are exceptionally terrible right now. All I get is toxic tbagging/clicking and all of them expecting to be able to farm off of me without me getting any hooks or anything out of it. I can't tell you the amount of survivors that just leave when I'm trying to get deviousness points at the gate, even though they'll sit there and WAIT until EGC ends if I don't come chase them out because they are all apparently time wasting scumbags of the highest order.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    The weirdest one to me was when we had 4 cakes up and they just gen rushed me and bolted for exit gates a$ap. Like... I felt a little blue balled. Luckily I get more cakes than they do, or my disappointment would have lasted longer than 30 seconds.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    I've had multiple games of 5 cakes up with less than 6k points because of the masterful hold W simulator so far ahead that neither of us was getting anything out of the chasing. It is honestly such a ball ache.