The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

killer and survivor balance

for awhile ive seen how the game is going down, and I would like to suggest some balance changes and maybe even some new interactions to Dead By Daylight.
What I would like to start off with first, is survivors. survivors are at the moment still a good bit more powerful than the killers. To combat this, what if we made the survivors unique? For example, claudette.
she is the medic, therefore she would have a base healing speed thats faster than the others, but she would be one of the slower survivors.
meg is the athelete of the group, so she could be faster than the others. lets say she kept her 100%base speed. this means the other survivors could have a slightly lower movement speed, like 2-5 percent. If we could put in a update like this for survivors, Team composition could matter more, and could encourage diversity of survivor selection because of people who want to play a certain way for a match.

Next I would like to address the maps. Right now the pallets and windows are a good way for survivors and killers to interact with one another, but pallet looping is still a major problem. one way to slow this down is to remove some pallets. However, there needs to be something to replace them so killers dont just get demolished. what if there was something new added for chases that was unique to the map? For example, haddonfield could have crawlspaces that led to the basements of the homes for a quick escape that allows them to either lose the killer or live just that much longer. This goes in to my next point

the objectives are too easy to complete right now. Generators are repaired way to fast, and they are the only thing you have to do to escape. I was thinking that some new minor objectives could be put in place.Maybe something like a switch you have to find to supply power to a generator before it can be worked on, or something else that makes the escape objectives more interesting and slows them down somewhat. Also, generators should be slightly nerfed to take a bit longer, but if someone wants to repair faster, Dwight could fix that. this goes hand in hand with my idea of unique survivors.

On to my next point, I would like to talk about perks.right now they are in a good spot, but one simple thing I would like to see is that the teachable perks are slightly nerfed for the survivors who do not own them. Like if a David had sprint burst, he would only go at 115% speed, but maybe a tad bit longer, like 3.5 seconds. however, base perks like hope would stay the same. This could also go for killers.

To me, these would be cool and interesting ways to add new and fun ways to play the game, and I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on what im saying!


  • JLew
    JLew Member Posts: 160
    So...if your playing swf sure those suggestions make sense...but if your playing solo its horrible...cant depend on randoms to play that well and tbh i dont think a good killer has too rough of a time against non swf groups...and did they not just remove half of the pallets not long ago?

  • GhostCake
    GhostCake Member Posts: 3
    Well i was saying that the removal of some pallets could be replaced with new interactions, like my example about haddonfield.
  • GhostCake
    GhostCake Member Posts: 3
    And on what you said about killers having a rough time, instead of buffing the survivor's abilities, what if the abilities of the other survivors were nerfed to make the one survivor's abilites stronger than others?
  • Brot
    Brot Member Posts: 6
    I dont understand why people still say survivors are more powerful without having any proof for it. Few weeks ago they showed stats on the developer stream. Right now, the kill rate is around 75% on rank 20 and its more than 55% on rank 1. That means that theres an average of 2 survivors and little bit more dying on rank 1 on average. That means that its pretty close to a good balance on rank 1, but a little bit better for killers.
  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    Where is my lol button

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @Brot said:
    I dont understand why people still say survivors are more powerful without having any proof for it. Few weeks ago they showed stats on the developer stream. Right now, the kill rate is around 75% on rank 20 and its more than 55% on rank 1. That means that theres an average of 2 survivors and little bit more dying on rank 1 on average. That means that its pretty close to a good balance on rank 1, but a little bit better for killers.

    this problem is much larger than you'd expect.
    however, i do not have the time to explain it to you in detail, just know this:
    the games base mechanics work against the killers and in favor of the survivors, so any survivor who can use them good enough gets literally untouchable for the killer.
    also the devs stats dont rly proof anything. as an example, im pretty sure they counted DCs in as well (and we all know how fast survivors ragequit...), which does not proof that the killers are strong, but that the survivors are just whiny 3 year olds who can not stand to lose (this is not about all survivors, just about the ones that ragequit, calm down!).

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    Brot said:
    I dont understand why people still say survivors are more powerful without having any proof for it. Few weeks ago they showed stats on the developer stream. Right now, the kill rate is around 75% on rank 20 and its more than 55% on rank 1. That means that theres an average of 2 survivors and little bit more dying on rank 1 on average. That means that its pretty close to a good balance on rank 1, but a little bit better for killers.
    2Kills on rank 1 i see this like this got one surv and ir tunel to death or camp until dead and got second one on end game and camp to dead.Right now standard is 2 gens done first hook for killer.
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Mister_xD said:

    @Brot said:
    I dont understand why people still say survivors are more powerful without having any proof for it. Few weeks ago they showed stats on the developer stream. Right now, the kill rate is around 75% on rank 20 and its more than 55% on rank 1. That means that theres an average of 2 survivors and little bit more dying on rank 1 on average. That means that its pretty close to a good balance on rank 1, but a little bit better for killers.

    this problem is much larger than you'd expect.
    however, i do not have the time to explain it to you in detail, just know this:
    the games base mechanics work against the killers and in favor of the survivors, so any survivor who can use them good enough gets literally untouchable for the killer.
    also the devs stats dont rly proof anything. as an example, im pretty sure they counted DCs in as well (and we all know how fast survivors ragequit...), which does not proof that the killers are strong, but that the survivors are just whiny 3 year olds who can not stand to lose (this is not about all survivors, just about the ones that ragequit, calm down!).

    I disagree, although this untouchable rhetoric was kinda valid in the past, it is not anymore.

    Nurse can touch survivors, we know that.

    People always ignore spirit but she is easily one of the best killers in the entire game. She becomes more powerful against good survivors than hillbilly. She is also more popular than nurse at the moment.

    With the changes, hag is very powerful and has a really good map pressure. She might still lose but again, killers just choose to ignore her. In some situations, hag becomes more powerful than hillbilly.

    Huntress can easily down people as well, most places are not really safe when you face her. There are excellent huntress players, you can watch them.

    Any competent clown will get at least 5 hooks per match even if they face really good survivors. He loses against good survivors due to lack of map pressure but when used right he is an excellent killer against average and above average survivors which make up more than 90% of the game.

    In theory billy and myers may not be able to touch survivors but in practice, they easily can.

    This rhetoric belongs to pre exhaustion and main building nerfs. The game has changed and you can get downs and kills easily.