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How Does Everyone Feel About An Elvira Mistress Of The Dark Chapter?

TurtleSushiTV Member Posts: 156

Would the community welcome the Hostess with the most as a survivor?

How Does Everyone Feel About An Elvira Mistress Of The Dark Chapter? 20 votes

TragicSolitudeAGMDeath_Syko21ChurchofPigHex_LlamaSOMENINJANAMESilvermoth 7 votes
YoukoJamnJelly 2 votes
Wouldn't Work
TripleStealBadonkadonk 2 votes
Who's Elvira?
Seiko300TapeKnotAetherBytesMiralisDrVeloxcityAwkward_FiendglitchboiHerachi_SakuraTrickstaaaaa 9 votes


  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    Who's Elvira?

    I think if you're gonna make a poll about these more obscure characters, you should probably provide some info about them and their source material.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,491

    It worries me that the majority of people so far don't know who she is and don't know how to use Google.

    Are you people 12 years old or do you just play DbD without having any other interest in the horror genre?

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    edited July 2021
    Who's Elvira?

    Damn dude chill out, it's not that deep.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,491

    ... I think you read that in too serious a tone. o_0

    I'm also sitting here trying to unlock crowns for my survivors on PS4, so my I'm-about-ready-to-burst-into-tears frustration with the game-crushing frame drops may be leaking into everything else. But I am a little surprised about the Elvira thing, she's like the most famous pair of boobs in horror.

  • TurtleSushiTV
    TurtleSushiTV Member Posts: 156

    Yeah sorry about that everyone. I should have given more context as to who she is, I'm such a huge fan of hers I just assume everyone knows her lol.

  • TurtleSushiTV
    TurtleSushiTV Member Posts: 156

    In the late spring of 1981, six years after the death of Larry Vincent, who starred as host Sinister Seymour of a Los Angeles weekend horror show called Fright Night, show producers began to bring the show back.

    The producers decided to use a female host. They asked 1950s horror hostess Maila Nurmi to revive The Vampira Show. Nurmi worked on the project for a short time, but quit when the producers would not hire Lola Falana to play Vampira. The station sent out a casting call, and Peterson auditioned and won the role. Producers left it up to her to create the role's image. She and her best friend, Robert Redding, came up with the sexy punk/vampire look after producers rejected her original idea to look like Sharon Tate's character in The Fearless Vampire Killers.

    Shortly before the first taping, producers received a cease and desist letter from Nurmi. Besides the similarities in the format and costumes, Elvira's closing line for each show, wishing her audience "Unpleasant dreams", was notably similar to Vampira's closer: "Bad dreams, darlings..." uttered as she walked off down a misty corridor. The court ruled in favor of Peterson, holding that "'likeness' means actual representation of another person's appearance, and not simply close resemblance." Peterson claimed that Elvira was nothing like Vampira aside from the basic design of the black dress and black hair. Nurmi claimed that Vampira's image was based on Morticia Addams, a character in Charles Addams's cartoons that appeared in The New Yorker magazine.

    Peterson's Elvira character rapidly gained notice with her tight-fitting, low-cut, cleavage-displaying black gown. Adopting the flippant tone of a California "Valley girl", she brought a satirical, sarcastic edge to her commentary. She reveled in dropping risqué double entendres and making frequent jokes about her cleavage. In an AOL Entertainment News interview, Peterson said, "I figured out that Elvira is me when I was a teenager. She's a spastic girl. I just say what I feel and people seem to enjoy it." Her camp humor, sex appeal, and good-natured self-mockery made her popular with late-night movie viewers and her popularity soared.

    The Elvira character soon evolved from an obscure cult figure to a lucrative brand. She was associated with many products through the 1980s and 1990s, including Halloween costumes, comic books,[8][9] action figures, trading cards, pinball machines, Halloween decor, model kits, calendars, perfume and dolls. She has appeared on the cover of Femme Fatales magazine five times. Her popularity reached its zenith with the release of the 1988 feature film Elvira: Mistress of the Dark, on whose script, written directly for the screen, Peterson collaborated with John Paragon and Sam Egan.

    After several years of attempts to make a sequel to Elvira: Mistress of the Dark, Cassandra and her manager and then-husband Mark Pierson decided to finance a second movie. In November 2000, Peterson wrote, again in collaboration with Paragon, and co-produced Elvira's Haunted Hills. The film was shot in Romania for just under one million dollars. With little budget left for promotion, Cassandra and Mark screened the film at AIDS charity fund raisers across America. For many people in attendance, this was their first opportunity to see the woman behind the Elvira character. On July 5, 2002, Elvira's Haunted Hills had its official premiere in Hollywood. Elvira arrived at the premiere in her Macabre Mobile. The film was later screened at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival.

    In September 2010, Elvira's Movie Macabre returned to television syndication in the U.S., this time with public domain films. In October 2014, it was revealed that a new series of thirteen episodes had been produced, 13 Nights of Elvira for Hulu. The show began on October 19, 2014, running through to Halloween.[10]

    Peterson is currently working on the direct sequel to 1988's Elvira: Mistress of the Dark, as well as an animated Elvira project.

    Taken from wiki

  • Silvermoth
    Silvermoth Member Posts: 9

    Amazing idea! They should have added her for pride month! Love Elvira so much but I guess she’s not really a killer

  • TurtleSushiTV
    TurtleSushiTV Member Posts: 156

    @Silvermoth she can be a killer lol