Can someone explain this Challenge?

I re-read it several times but the wording is so poorly. It's hard to understand what the game even wants here.
Simple, the killer has to go near a generator that you used Red Herring on within 30 seconds twice
basically, do a gen till Red Herring activates, try and get the killer's attention, go in a locker near the gen, then repeat
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So when you use red herring, the gen will explode notifying the killer.
You need the killer to go to that generator or close to it in 30 seconds or less.
This must occur twice in one match.
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Nice,a challenge nearly complete outside of the players control -.-
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So basically risk getting killed. Gotta love those challenges. It's like they try to be creative with them but fail to be, so the challenges end up being annoying as hell.
But thanks for explaining for a dummy like me.
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honestly in terms of design this one is one of the least bad, the hatch escape while carrying a map challenge is infinitely worse then this one
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Actually, you have a lot of control over it. I wait until I know a killer is near the generator I was working on and then quickly jump in a locker using quick and quiet. Since the killer is already right by the gen, I get credit towards this challenge. Got it on the first try with this strategy.
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You don't have to jump into a locker directly adjacent to the generator.
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I did this one second try. Used a map with 2 green add-ons, one to track hatch and one to extend the Aura range. Waited till all escaped trough the exit since I knew where hatch was.
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Best way to do this, is to wait until the killer is already in range of the generator. That's what I did at least.