DBD has me worried about humanity

Like what the hell is wrong with the people that play this game? There's an event so killers are playing extra special douchy? Why? What kind of preteen anger has these guys motivated? Game after game im tunneled, 3 out of 4 games last night, I was tunneled through ds, and on my second hook struggling as the last gen got finished, and then I get face camped. I didn't do a damned thing except get seen first. The other game, the killer did the same thing to someone else. So I Pop on today, get a franklins noed Meyers that got his ass beat until noed, where I was of course hooked as the last gen got done, and he snowballed and downed everyone. ######### is wrong with these guys??? Anyone have a rationale as to what the motivation to be extreme douche is?
I'd say normally camping and tunneling is like, 98% of the game. It's 99% with the event. And I'm seeing moris more than ever too, which makes me laugh. Survivors all bring in cakes which are harder to find and killers bring in moris. It's just a big FU to survivors. I noticed this a while back during the Blood Hunt events and before the ebony mori fix. Killers would bring them in even more during those events. Meh. I'm not bringing in cakes anymore and I know a lot of other survivors are done with it as well.
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It’s the event.
People are playing Killers they normally don’t play to level up, prestige or simply just farm cakes/addons.
Basically, no one is playing normally because the event incentivizes grinding all the Killers/Survivors
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You still have a problem with moris? Who cares about those anymore
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This event has brought out the worst in us. We don't deserve nice things.
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If youd seen the survivors ive seen, youd understand why playing like a douche from the start is basically mandatory. Its only after you have control do you let up and be nice after.
Also, define tunneling. Last game i hook a nea, while shes hooked i go hook a dwight, shes unhooked in that process, i come back and shes working a gen so i down hook her. Get dwight again, come back and nea is healed just standing under the hook so i down her and she dcs. My dms are off but im positive she called me a tunneling douche wheb i didnt tunnel her, i juggeled her and dwight 🤷♂️
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I wish the cakes would only grant 105% bloodpoints to survivors only, since killers tunnel is and get 100k+ bp. They shouldn’t be benefitting from others offerings. I mean we used them in hope of a playable match but killers are killers.
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DS denies the killer one hook stage, so thats an extra reason for you to get killed, camped, tunneled or whatever the killer wanna do.
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Fun fact, a lot of the killers that are playing right now are survivor mains.
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You hooked Dwight.
Downed Nea again after she was unhooked.
Went back for Dwight after he was unhooked and downed or hooked him again.
Play however you want, stop trying to make excuses for it.
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Why do people think it’s just killers? I’ve seen survivors play sweaty and try gen rushing hard also having DS Unbreakable. I also even had a teammate last second switch to Jake with a key. But no, survivors are just angels and killers have to play so nice to earn people’s respect.
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You can literally only use ds if you're getting tunneled in the first place.
I don't throw the word tunnel around if it's not tunneling. I mean literally coming back to me getting unhooked, ignoring the unhooker and tunneling me. I'll run them until ds is about to expire, purposely look like I made a mistake at a vault or something to let them get me down, ds the ######### out of them, then run em again. It's so bad I started saving dead hard for after the ds hit to make sure I don't run out the ds timer. By the time they get me again, last gens are popping and it's time to face camp me. And I do nothing to ask for this, I don't taunt, bm, etc., and I was bringing in med kits for God's sake so I don't even have a flashlight. West coast north America server.
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Yes. Thats juggeling, not tunneling. I will play how i want, i dont make excuses for it. I tunneled the ######### out of a nancy a few games ago, not at all sorry. If you want to ######### about juggeling, thats fine, just use the right word 🤷♂️
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If you'd actually play killer during this event, you'd see that lots of survivors are no different.
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If you can run them like that then youre winning, why get mad about it 🤷♂️
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I'm not mad it just gets old, trying to get these dumb crowns for everyone and they make it very hard lol
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Yeah you're not wrong there i played plenty of killer during it too it's gen rush city, I don't get that at all either
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Smart lad, that's what I was going to say, Survivors are bringing their style of play to Killer.
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Fair play lol
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What I've come to realise is that most of the casual players are playing killer for BP, leaving sweaty survivors as the norm, and also being really bad at killer and so relying on super easy tactics that they ordinarily ######### and complain about.
I kept a Bubba at the Hawkins containment tube for 2 minutes last night. 2 minutes. I was just standing there.
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This game just brings out the tryhardness out of people, I guess.
I did just have a nice Nemesis who instantly farmed after a tryhard Dwight dc'd. It was a nice change of pace. I had him kill me as thanks.
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You're partly right, somehow im.getting rank 13 killers that def know what know what are doing somewhat, but I'm also getting rank 2 tunneling spirits with stridor and noed
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As a 50/50 player, up until now I rarely came across anything I would consider close to actual tunnelling and camping.
Today alone I had 3 games in a row with killers face-camping. One just kept punching at the guy! He had Kindred, so I could see the lug bashing away.
In all 3 games I was fortunate to escape, and one of them we managed to rescue the hooked guy. However, I have noted an increase, and the only things I can think of with those 3 killers is that all matches had lots of cake, and some of those survivors had crowns.
So my assumption from this, some other experience during this time and from what people have said is that some people are choosing to play killer to deliberately prevent other players from getting those crowns and BP.
So although nothing can be done about the cake, I would suggest that sirvivors get the crown simply by interracting with it. It's too convenient for the sudden boost in face-camps when this event started, wheb I've barely come across true face-camping for the longest time.
It's a shame, since it gives killer mains a really unfair reputation because of some guys acting like dicks.
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The only opposing opinion I would offer here is that there are in fact times where some Killers(myself included...full disclosure) will face camp someone for a reason. That reason is usually to punish a Survivor who was exploiting, or otherwise being a tool. I'm not sayin anything, I'm just sayin.
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Sometimes its useful as bait in a swf too, ill even smack the guy a few times to piss them off so their buddies come
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I mainly play at Rank 15 survivor but I often encounter tunneling and camping killers, I think most low rank killer are not as good and feel like this the best way to win.
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Yeah, you're right, why in the hell do survivors need to escape but killers dont have to do anything?
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Because if all survivors had to do is get the crown you'd have them killing themselves after getting it. Personally I think the requirement for survivor and killer should be getting 1 pip, maybe even just safety pip, because then you actually show you played.
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Bad sportsmanship, for a lack of a better word, is spread around to people playing both roles -- anyone who buries their head in the sand to ignore that is being willfully ignorant.
I've played a lot of survivor since the event started, more than the usual 50/50 split I normally play. I've definitely noticed an uptick in tunneling and camping since the event started (and I'm one who thinks that the people who claim it happens all the time are normally exaggerating, since I simply don't see it with that level of frequency normally). There have been plenty of matches where the killer has gone ultra-hardcore out the gate, cakes and BPS be damned.
Conversely, I've played a lot of Pig -- the one killer who by reputation would be most likely to meme and/or farm -- and even bringing BPS and cakes and trying to show non-aggression at the start of the match to indicate a willingness to do so when there are numerous cakes in the lobby -- I've had a whopping ONE lobby that actually did so. The rest either played normally (which is fine), but I've had more "speed runs" and BM'ing lobbies by far than anything -- and again, that's with me signaling that I'm willing to farm BP.
My friend and I played a match today that encompassed the event from both ends, IMO. We loaded into a match, and about 30 seconds in, the other two players almost instantly DC'ed when they realized we were facing the Twins (and it didn't look like a crash, as it literally came when we heard Victor getting unbound, and as they were crossplay, they were more likely PC players and not console). My friend and I tried to play the match out normally, but the Twins player slugged my friend as he came to unhook me on a first hook at 5 gens. The killer got around 9K BP, I think -- and this was in a lobby with 5 cakes. We didn't expect to farm for 5 gens, but chasing him down to end a 2 v. 1 immediately (with Victor on his head) to slug him right as he got there for the rescue (in a game we obviously weren't going to win) was a waste of everyone's cakes, including theirs. Inconsiderate survivor teammates and an equally inconsiderate killer in that match = a perfect example of why people get frustrated with the game.
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If this game is the only thing that has you worried about humanity, you’re doing pretty good in life.
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That is not tunneling, it's playing the damn game. Survivors really are entitled little shits.
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At the end of the day survivor point gains are pretty ######### so I'd rather play killer during events to farm points better
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As crappy as both killers and survivors are in this game, humanity is much worse. Dbd is relaxing compared to the real world
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It's survivor mains who wants bloodpoints and switch to killer. We see this every event.
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People are generally very selfish and have inflated egos, yes. Is humanity doomed? Also yes. Let's be real, nothing works. Surprised anything vaguely functions...
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Survivors certainly aren't doing themselves any favors. I think I have had probably 6 survivors with good sportsmanship in the 4 days the event has been live.
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Events bring out the worst of both sides unfortunately.
Adding even a safety pip requirement would make this event much worse because we’d get even more super sweaty players who are hellbent on making the other side depip. We already have too many players like that.
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Yeah, and I fully accept that. It's just the frequency by which this has happened and the timing seems to be very pointed, and I'm certainly not saying this is true of a majority of killer players, but it feels like certain DBD players have taken to controlling killer to make the scenario as awkward as possible for others to benefit from either the cakes or the crowns.
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Both sides can be very toxic, the thing is killers hold more power during the event, since if the survivor dies, they don't get their crown. So, killers could play a little less douchy, by not face camping people, but survivors could also not be as toxic, always t-bagging and trying to blind the killer just because.
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Just played my first game of the day. Camping and tunneling Billy with an ebony mori. I'm laughing too at how pathetic some people are.
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I don't have a problem with the mori itself. It's a waste of BP as far as I'm concerned for killers. But what's sad is that during this event when everyone could be bringing in huge BP because of the cakes, killers who get them far more easily in their bloodwebs are choosing to bring ebony moris.
First game of the day just now was a Billy who camped and tunneled with an ebony mori.
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Literally everything about this event is easier for killers. Can't tell you how many games I've had teammates get tunneled out with less than 8,000 BP. Yes, killers are making this event worse than survivors are.
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I haven't seen a Mori since the great nerf everybody cried about.
Because playing survivor is not nearly as traumatic as playing killer.
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Moris doesnt do anything anyway.
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Why do killers need a perfect game for adpets while survivors just have to escape?
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Did you read what I said?
I agree - they're useless now. So what are killers doing during this even that is much easier on them to get the crowns and gives them way more cakes in their webs? Bring useless moris that cost 7,000 BP instead of cakes that would benefit everyone. It's intentional and a crappy thing to do. But who cares. Everything about the event is easier for them, and the survivors triple or quadruple their BP.
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Yep and most of them do and admit to, doing the same things they repeatedly complain about both in game and on the forums because:
"Rules for The. Not for Me!"
Its why all the camping, tunneling, and, NOED posts always ring so hollow to me.
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Just because its easier for killers to get cakes, it doesnt mean everyone got cakes, or even is leveling all their killers.
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I love you style !