trickster doesn't wink anymore?

playing trickster and he looks at the camera but doesn't wink at me, what's up with that?
This is an actual Tony post I agree with.
Why the ######### doesn't he wink at me anymore BHVR?
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it's funny because there's an anniversary screen squeeing over Trickster's wink but BHVRs removed his ability to do that.
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So the devs buffed aspects of him that make him annoying to go against but nerfed something that made him appealing? I would say the devs have lost more of my respect but I think they’ve already lost enough of that recently.
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They had to balance out the "buffs" they gave him on the PTB so they took away the very thing that made him powerful...that sexy wink :(
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Gonna have to get refund cause of this
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I noticed this when they put in the notes that they moved the survivors position in the lobby so that they don't appear to be floating. They did something with the camera where it blocks out the left side of his face when he turns around. Don't worry, I'm sure it will be fixed next bug fix patch, because it's a cosmetic glitch, but the game will still be busted on console.
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Trickster is moved slightly to the right, obscuring his winking eye. I've also noticed he stands as tall as Trapper in that "mode", despite him being way shorter than Mr. Macmillan.
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Now don't take this personally, but he probably doesn't see you in that way anymore.
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Literaly unplayable
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Ah, his gaze.. Missing...
Time to report it where it belongs, as a bug report right here: Make sure to check first if it has been reported already or not.