Why can't BEhaviour just give us the damn crowns instead of grinding for them

Seriously, why does everything in this ######### game has to be an excessive grind, I want the crowns for my new characters but they're level 1 and my odds of escaping with them is 0, the bloodweb is a insufferable grindfest so I can't get good perks for them in such a short period of time
I know every major videogame nowadays want to suck up all of your time and money but I ain't with it, I'm this 👌 from just deleting the game for a millionth time and giving up on those crowns
I'd be fine with just getting thw crown in game unlocks it, basically what Killer's have to do but for Survivors as well.
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They should make it something like:
"Earn 10 gold emblems during the event on a character to unlock the crown cosmetic for them".
Makes people play matches decently but doesn't paint a glowing target on their back.
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Survivors should just receive the same treatment as killer. Collect the crown and be done; no escape catch.
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If they did this, then survivors would just grab the crown and kill themselves.
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That's literally no different from killers grabbing a crown and going AFK.
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That's not entirely true, but also, i very much doubt that killers do that.
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They want it to be grindy. This way, they have more people playing their game which in turn, gives new players people to play with. They know people are getting tired/burned out/frustrated with the game and this is just a means to keep people playing. They could have just made it to where you only have to get the crown on 1 survivor and it will be unlocked for all of them, but that isn't going to keep you playing as much.
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If a survivor stops playing, the survivors lose. If the killer stops playing, the killer loses. Same thing.
Also, killers are going AFK after grabbing the crown in most matches. It's exactly the same as last year, which honestly makes no sense seeing as these crowns have literally no value.
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I'm going to be completely honest I do go afk after getting the crown sparkles for the 3rd time(sometimes more as a non licensed killer(still don't have it on spirit after playing 5+ games) and not getting it
on games I go for a new crown on a killer I haven't played a match with in the event I would play normally but a bit more casually just so everyone can get the most out of cakes without outright farming
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Alright but what about the people that like the sense and feeling of earning something limited?
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What would be the point of the event if they'd just give us everything?
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Honestly I would be down but I'm only missing 1 as killer and 4 as survivor.
But your thread sounded more like "why can't they just give legacy away smh" it is limited for a reason, I doubt you are going to use a crown since they look pretty bad.
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Frost eyes anyone
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Is it reeeeally a grind?
Literally you have to is grab it and escape as survivor. Then as killer you just grab it.
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The difference though, is if the killer stops moving, he only loses for himself. If the survivor stops moving, they lose the game for 3 other people too.
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With the killer matches lasting longer ESPECIALLY if they go afk since survivors like to mess with afk's(no joke had one match on blackwater swamp last 30 minutes because 2 people just decided to hide because their swf mate got killed before finishing the last gen) and no joke I acted afk for 4 minutes in the open and no joke one came out to tbag with the other walking behind me
Why am I telling you this because they're are probably a few games with survivors trying to mess with an afk killer
Also some killers are bugged for people atm perfect example twins(if you complete the game as Victor you don't get the crown)
And for me it's spirit and hag
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They're already giving away iridescent shards and the community challenges are gonna give a few outfits free as well. The crowns are completely optional and not even that hard to get (you don't need all the best perks to escape).
Now, I do understand the complaining about the bloodweb grind but complaining about how you have to actually play the game to get cosmetics is ridiculous.
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Whilst I'd disagree it's a grind, I completely empathise with the frustration of having to escape with a crown. If BHVR could learn from this and make it so survivors have the same guarantee as killers in collecting crowns, then I feel it would just be more bqlqnced in terms of collecting them.
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Who gives a flying ######### about the crowns?
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Everyone trying to get them, which comprises most of the people playing right now.
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but no one uses them and theyre extremely easy to get. I feel like the argument that its too hard to obtain is stupid
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I use them on every single character, as do others. However, they're definitely not that easy to obtain on survivor.
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I agree. And I highly doubt that the majority of players will suicide once they have the Crown. Yes, some matches will be affected by it, probably at the beginning of the event and near the end, but it will not be massive.
At the very least, there should be another requirement, like, repair a full Gen (so 80 Charges), this means, someone who suicides with a Crown was at least somewhat helpful before.
But escaping just makes it annoying and prolongs it - and can be equally frustrating, if Survivors dont even make efforts to save people in the Endgame because they want their Crown.
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And I highly doubt that the majority of players will suicide once they have the Crown. Yes, some matches will be affected by it, probably at the beginning of the event and near the end, but it will not be massive.
That's not what happened before, though. Suicides/DCs were common because even one suicide/DC prompted the other survivors to suicide/DC.
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I use them on jake ,doctor and survivor Jesus himself
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Also agreed that it's easy to get them when they work
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you literally get them by playing the game normally
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Yeah, just completing a gen would make me go for crowns on all base characters. However, escape as a requirement? Nah. Not worth my effort. I do not play survivor THAT much and Bill is the only one I plan on spending bloodpoints with. He doesn't even get a crown.
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I never had a killer game where I didn't get a crown. As survivor, on the other hand... Ace's crown in particular was a PITA.
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I agree killer should have to get merciless for it but I also think its a ######### cosmetic thats never used and is actually detrimental to have on
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Nah, Killer should not have it harder. Survivors should have it easier to obtain crowns, not the other way.
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Agreed and if they do decide to make it harder for killers while making easier for survivors may I suggest killers having to down or hook at least one person while survivors have to do one full gen(as long as you did it at some point in the match you get it)
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I already got the crowns on all my survivors that can get them, but for some of them, it took a while. The requirement of having to survive makes things bad, when the killers just have to find the pedestal and do nothing more.
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problem is is that currently A LOT of people suicide or DC anyways because there's no penalty
Hell i've had matches where the killer just finds the crown then sits in the basement for the rest of the match, it's rare but it happens
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Honestly a lot of killers leave survivors who are glowy from taking a crown, up to escape to get that crown. Because honestly, we all want those crowns on all characters we can get it for. So why not all work together and get those crowns together too? all happy
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I agree.
Survivors should just find the crown and get rewarded with it. No escape criteria or anything.
The whole event skins/rewards should be a combined effort and unlock for everyone.
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A) The Cosmetic looks awful. B) Playing survivor is easy.
Conclusion: Everything is fine.
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Agreed. Making it a 4K requirement for killers would just increase the sweat. Killers literally only have to show up. To get the "login rewards", we as players only have to turn on the game. Why do survivors get tasked with having to escape when everything else only requires you show up. Getting the crown in-game should suffice IMO. No escape required.
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I think the conditions for the crowns are okay. If Survivor do not have to escape it would be many of them throwing the game after they collect the crown.