R.P.D map is painful

Its a freaking labyrinth in there, i constantly get lost and run in circles...
I appreciate how faithful it is to the RE version but my god, this map is terrible gameplay wise
Yeah it's too damn big. They really need to break up the top floor and the bottom floor into their own maps. I agree that the attention to detail is amazing, but it makes for a truly awful DBD map.
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Its great. Maybe should have played re2 or 3 first to learn the layout.
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I did when they came out, doesnt change the fact that back then you had a freaking map, and in RE3 you only visit it for a small portion.
The map is massive, for an indoor map, its basically a labyrinth
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Telling people to play a whole other (unrelated) game to learn a map is really a terrible argument
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Not really. It’s easy to see why BHVR chose RCPD. Resident Evil is one of the most popular franchises of all time. It’s natural that BHVR would presume many DBD players would already be familiar with the layout of RCPD.
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Nah, not everyone plays RE games.
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Map is great lol. What are you talking about. Problem is finding gen is little hard but this is because map is new.
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Worst map in the game. By a mile.
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Maybe someone should purchase and play a completely different game in order to learn the layout for the largest map, and largest indoor map, in DbD? I'm not sure that that's good advice.
And it's really not great, it's another predrop-and-w-by-neccessity map, it has awful hook spawns, it's insanely large, it has seriously poor lighting, and it pretty much exists to hit that nostalgia spot and for no other reason. RIP anyone who hasn't played RE and/or doesn't like Haddonfield or The Game.
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I like the map :/
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I've played on it three times now and matches have been god awful every single time. Not a single gen gets done because no one knows where anything is, and we all end up dying. I accidentally let someone die on hook because I couldn't find them. It's my fault for not having a good sense of direction, but I gotta say it doesn't make me like the map. Also I do understand it's new and I'm sure once people are more acquainted with it things will be normal.
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Or, y'know...you could just learn the map on DBD, because it's in the game.
I swear, man. Everyone's on here complaining that they're getting lost on RPD and that it's a labyrinth. You know what a solution for that is? Learning the map, like players do in any other game that requires map knowledge.
I don't get lost and I don't find it remotely confusing because I played RE2. Now you guys have the opportunity to learn the map, just like I did, except in DBD. Why are people acting like this map is impossible to learn? It's not.
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I would rather play on Lamkin Lane or Midwitch School than this one anytime.
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I love The Game and Haddonfield is alright, still think RPD is a labyrinth. I haven't played RE2 in over 15 years and I ain't about to get the remake to learn the layout. Well, actually, I might. Who knows? Sure DBD would prefer I spend that cash money on their game, though, so really its in their best interest to fix it. Chop chop, Behavior! /s
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The map was designed for resident evil gameplay, not DBD gameplay.
That should be the only thing that has to be said.
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imo they did a poor job, yeah it's faithful but that is another way of saying "minimal effort". You can't just copy paste the map from a game in a totally different genre and be done with it.
The silent Hill school was almost tailormade for a dbd style game so that worked well, the saw map is a dbd map with references to saw, it's faithfull but also still something that works in this game, the Halloween map is very loosly based on the movies and while its not my favorite map by a long way that is not on them holding too tightly to the reference material like the RPD map
Post edited by BioX on1 -
Except that they have to also play the game while learning it. It is the first time ever people don't know how to navigate a map. All the other indoor maps we've got are bettee by a mile: if I want to move to that gen, I will just follow the coridors to it.
On RPD, however, you will face dead ends every time you want to go somewhere. I really don't get why it is so hard to see why everyone hates it.
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It's not impossible, no, but it is without question the most confusing map they've ever released because of its immense size and density, and in order to learn it you also have to play on it and that's also not fun either, especially for killers. It's like telling people to do 2 chores in a game they play to have fun.
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Even if pple aren't familiar with it, why should we be? I LOVE RE2 and continue to play it. But there's still twists and turns for me on this map. I want more of it, not less before I decide.
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I have created a poll to see how many actuay know the map.
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Yeah, I get that can be frustrating and idk why the Devs haven't allowed solo customs for map exploration(that's been requested for a long time), but this isn't the first game to have this issue.
At the end of the day, while it might be frustrating to learn, that doesn't mean the map is terrible; and throwing your hands up and saying "Im not going to play this," instead of just learning the map, is a bad way to handle this. The reality is, once people get enough time on it, they'll learn it naturally. Once people know the map, then we can have a discussion about whether it's good or bad. But I'm not going to listen to someone who played it twice say it sucks, just because "I couldn't find anything."
Just to clarify a bit, I'm not claiming this map is good. It played well the 3 times I played on it, but that's nowhere near enough to make a solid judgement, especially since most people don't know where they're going. My issue is that everyone is dumping on the map, imo, just based on their frustration from not understanding it and their solution is "I'll just DC," instead of bothering to learn it.
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The fact that people can't navigate it for a good amount of time is a sign it is poorly made. No other map in the game leaves people walking around mindlessly trying to get somewhere. Spending 2 minutes to get somewhere on the map because of the labyrinth it is tells you how good the map is for this game.
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Which for the most part, because you’re having to conserve ammo, you’re mostly hiding from, and dodging enemies. Not so unlike DBD.
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I didn't state an opinion on the map. I just said that his argument was terrible.
Personally, just the fact that it's yet another indoors makes it a boring awful map. Eventually people will learn the layout, but that won't change the predrop+w gameplay with no mind games and relevant chases whatsoever. Idc about nostalgia, looks or whatever. I care about it being boring af
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I can understand that; that's completely reasonable and I agree, it's probably the most complex map they've released to-date.
The point I'm trying to make, is that people are calling this a bad map, when they've barely played it and don't know it. Yes, it might be frustrating to learn, specifically in a live game, but that doesn't make it bad. We can talk about bad/good once players understand the map and have some experience on it.
DCing and refusing to even try to learn the map is lame. What's even more lame, is then coming on to the forums and asking for changes to a map that you don't even know.
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You don't need to play 24/7 to learn the map. When you get it, just make an effort to figure it out. Yeah, it might take some time and it might get frustrating, but once you know it, you know it. And on a side note, BHVR really need to add a solo custom option so players can explore maps, on either side; that's long overdue.
On your second point, if you don't know the map, how can you say it's bad? That's my point. People are dumping on the map itself out of their personal frustration, and then just saying "Screw it, map sucks. Im DCing." Learn the map, the we can talk about good/bad. Refusing to learn the map and DCing when it comes up is childish.
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No, that's a sign of the maps' complexity. And most of the maps in this game have next-to-no complexity; they have one defining characteristic, and the rest of the map is just open space with copy/paste loops, some maps having slight variance.
This map is indoors, it has a layout. It's not some wide open cornfield or forest. It's going to take some time to learn, just like any building would.
And again, people spending 2 minutes trying to find Gens? That's because they don't know the map. I know the map from the RE2 Remake and had 0 issue finding Gens, even on my first game. Learn the map, play the map, then we can talk about good/bad.
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Knowing the layout or not isn't even the main problem
It still takes the length of Red Forest to get to the other side of the map if you know where you're going, which is poor game design.
And gens could also be two feet away from you but it takes you 30 seconds to get to it, which is poor game design.
You could be trying to get a hook save, but because you don't know the exact room your teammate is hooked in, you hit a dead end and have to take a pilgrimage through another route, which can ruin a game, and is poor game design.
The map looks awesome and i love how much it resembles RE2, but they prioritised looks over gameplay too much imo.
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How dare you tell them to learn the map.
I love the RPD as a location but gameplay wise it is terrible especially for killers. However it is still possible to learn the layout. Or maybe it is easier for me because I spent hours in RPD of the remake already.
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The map is too big and as some suggested, if there was a mode where we could just explore the maps, to learn the layout, it would be much easier, for both sides. The gen placement also seems weird. The last time I played the map, it took a lot of time to find a gen and when I did, I could see another gen very close by. Me and another survivor just fixed both gens and the killer was busy with another survivor, so for a map this big, having two gens spawn so close was bad for the killer.
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I love hitting struggle on every 1st hook because my team didn't play re2 enough times to learn the layout.
I love not being able to use my power effectively on over half the killers.
I love not being able to prevent a 3gen or hook proxy because the map is 2 segments with 3 lanes
I love every window or pallet being infinites, god tier or useless.
Worst map I've every played in any game, ever. As a lifelong re fan, im taking the dc ban every time.
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let's not forget 1 hour matches because no one can find anything
or people bleeding out because they struggled free cause killer couldn't find the way to the hook, and then can't find chests or teammates get knocked down again to again not get hooked even though the killer tries
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I like it the way it is imo, Nothing beats Haddonfield Hell for me and this is so true to the remake capcom prob says no
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True. How could i forget that.
Oh and gates which are impossible to defend.
Basement challenges are near impossible.
3 floors for hatch to spawn.
Huge deadzones.
Lots of noises.
Honestly pretty ugly visuals, especially outside or by the helicopter.
Oh and have i mentioned the rare but still spawning lobby balcony hooks the killer can body block?
Map design is why dbd seems unbalanced. Move the map team to cosmetics and hire map designers with plural braincells devoted to balance. While the visual designers who mistakenly think they know anything about map design can go make awesome outfits or cutscenes.
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You think haddonfield is WORSE than this?
Look, if you like it for its accuracy, be my guest, but RPD is a map that just... this is about every Haddonfield stapled together and stacked on top of each other, with fences and hedges taller than the killer AND there are no rocks. only fences.
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As someone who's played the map about 50ish times now it's getting much easier to navigate. The map length itself is rather huge though but it's still much shorter than Ormond and Crotus Penn. The two floors does take some getting used to as the stairways are on opposing sides of the map and directly in the middle.
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that it's 'shorter' than ormond doesn't matter, as it's so winding. Ormond AT LEAST has a decently clear layout. it's just huge. this map is huge and clustered
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they won't change it, they don't care about the maps not being fun to play for both sides, it's a known fact at this point. I'm just disconnecting every time I get this map and don't really care for anyone who enjoys it
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I will never play a match in rpd survivor or killer it is not gonna happen too hard simple as that.
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I don't think this is fair either way. The map itself is insanely massive and has some extremely strong loops (not to mention, can have several god pallets as well), so even if you KNOW the layout, it still plays awfully.
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It's a set layout so just go in custom games and learn it like any other map lol
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Good for a 2 v 8 mode though. Worth a go 🙂
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RPD map makes Haddonfield enjoyable.
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Did no one playtest this during development? Visually it looks good, but clearly they were more interested in remaking a famous RE location rather than a DBD map.
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The devs map design focuses entirely on aesthetics over gameplay pretty much
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Well I finally got to play it too... but I legit felt like a dog chasing my own tail in RPD. Literally went in circles, ran into dead ends and irrelevant rooms, I lost 2 gens in the process because I couldn't find my way to the damn things. It's way too big, I agree with others it needs to be broken up in parts.
The only killer so far I've found can ignore most of the map's flaws is Hag. I had my trap placements decently and had no issues really. It's almost every other killer that is gonna have a miserable time on the map.
I love how it stays faithful and true to the series but it's too daunting a size.
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It'a a great map to play RE2 on. Absolutely horrible to play DbD on.
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I think what they should have done is either
- Make it generally smaller or split it
- introduce a 2:8 mode with it (and have a smaller version for regular matches)
- take a cue form HSH and add teleporters for both sides