
WickPJ Member Posts: 46
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So NE-a is in DbD for almost 3 weeks and there's some stuff that should be changed in him. Just like actually any other killer a few weeks after coming out. But I've come here with an idea.

We have killers that are slower than 4.6 m/s like Huntress or Nurse, so why Nemesis shouldn't be the first killer faster than that? From what I've hear from people that played in RE3 Remake he was moving there with a speed around 5.2 m/s. Of course that could be a bit too much for DbD but what about making him at least 5 m/s fast? Well then he would need to be "nerfed" in some parts of his kit so he won't be OP, let's say longer cooldown on his attacks like those what we have seen in Remake and no Blood lust.

Eventually instead of making him faster basicly one of his red add-on could be changed to give him more speed to make him more like from RE3 Remake cause let's be honest his red add-ons are bad.

Many people also says he should be bigger yet he's already the tallest Killer in the game so that could make a lot of problems like fiting in doors where from what one of my friend says his model already goes into textures while he's walking out from basement.

Of course changing his movement speed can be easy or hard to do. It all depends on how Dead By Daylight is programed cause in some games things like movement speed is different line of code so it can be easly changed in order to buff or nerf a character in multiplayer games, or a part of a whole code of character which would make it take much longer to change it(that's probably is used in some singleplayer games yet not all and I can be mistaken about that).

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I just want him to have an execution with his rocket launcher. But yeah, movement speed would be nice too.

    What if... rocket jumps were added? Best of both worlds, clearly.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    There is no way to add a killer whose base movement speed is above 4.6m/s. That would destroy looping just as much as PH or Deathslinger.

    SHYHERIST Member Posts: 165
    edited July 2021

     Originally needed to be able to make quick dashes and not hit with tentacles. I think if the Tyrant is buffed, then it will be the ability to control zombies or increase power the tentacle strike. I do not recommend playing as Nemesis until he receives a strong buff.

  • Survanza
    Survanza Member Posts: 26

    Please tell me that you kidding right now...

    My friend started game a 1,5 week ago, and he just hit 1 rank yesterday - as a Nemesis.

    I think that is clearly showing that this hero don't need any buffs if someone who really don't know the game and mechanics can hit 1 rank with him in that short time.

    Speed boost? Why? He have the same speed as others + he have a speed boost when he start attacking and then you can just slipping really fast. I would say that he need change to be slower than faster... Why? Cause he is attacking from a distance, by windows or pallets, so IMO he really don't need to be faster.

    SHYHERIST Member Posts: 165

    Due to poor selection of opponents, you can get the first rank on any killer, but this does not make them strong. Don't listen to people like that, with the avatars of the Survons. They don't care about Nemesis. They want him to be weak.

  • Survanza
    Survanza Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2021

    Really? So show me the person who playing solo as a survivor hit 1 rank in 1,5 week.

    You don't find that person, cause even old players have problem to hit rank 1 as solo player. The problem is that killer mains are crying about games where they play against full 4 SWF, but game is not made only for full 4 as a survivors.

    Do you remember how DS was working all the time - then they changed it and it works only about some seconds after being unhooked - now we have that short time + almost every action like healing, repairing etc. is turn off that perk.

    Less pallets, smaller maps - even gates are now often on the same side of map, so please...

    Sorry but I play killer side too, so I can check what is going on your side. Only one problem is = full 4 SWF.

    I had a Trickster as a killer in my game who said 'it's hard character to play' (he was all time using his power, never hit us with hand) - so I go to killer role, choose Trickster, and I have a rule - first hit is by hand, then I am using power, very easy quick kill. But you know, I did something what my killer didin't - THINK, I just was smart, cause I love outsmarting my opponent even on survivor or killer role, but the truth is I have more work to do on survivor side than killer - as I said, I had problems only with 4 SWF, and I understand that can be annoying on your side, but please, that is not a problem like killer is too weak, this is a problem where 4 SWF is too strong - and for me killer who play vs full 4SWF should have more points about every action, cause it's different between game where you down someone who play solo and his teammates don't care about this - and situation where you hit one from SWF and the other 3 are going with flashlights to you. BUT as I said that is not a weak killer - this is a strong 4SWF.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    No thanks, he’s fine as is, and already one of the least enjoyable killers in the game to play against.

    SHYHERIST Member Posts: 165

    Go play vs good team? Your 'strong' Nemesis and my Oni.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited July 2021

    He is trash tier if survivors are not f tier robots... The difference between him and Pyramidhead is staggering just because he can't do anything at most loops with his stubby tentacle (even low ones) and he gives free health states.

    Nemesis is a joke, and i get the Trickster free win feeling when i get him as survivor.

  • Survanza
    Survanza Member Posts: 26

    Next post - Billy is weak cause new map is like a nerf for him...

    Sorry we can talk like that whole day.

    Nemesis - about zombies, they are weak on farm but strong at school map, so how you say? Is it strong or weak?

    Compare Nemesis to Demo - one can hit you by pallet second not, nemesis have speed boost when attacking, Demo can only jump to make distance shorter but he doing it on straigh line so easy to dodge... Really... Nemesis is not that bad.

    Even chance to meet Nemesis as a killer is showing that he is good to play, cause I don't see a lot of Clowns, Demo, if I see Trapper in game he is always with purple/pink addons cause in normal way is easy to play against.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    His tentacle is better in shorter loops than PH, since he can literally catch up to survivors whilst holding the whip with bloodlust

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    Biggest load of ######### I’ve heard, level 1 happens very fast

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    and you do this 3 times and still have 2 gens left?.. Wish i lived in your region.

  • femotek820
    femotek820 Member Posts: 119

    I’m tired of killers who see you and you’re dead. Killers should be m1 and have good mobility

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,867
    edited July 2021

    Nemesis needs to be buffed in other areas because the foundation of his power is solid.

    The speed boost for infection is such a stupid limiting factor because it's literally a free sprint burst for survivors. This is his biggest problem that needs to be removed

    A little less important but still an issue is the hitbox of his tentacle. It is very small and inconsistent in what it can and can't hit.

    Tier 3 needs to be more rewarding. Let us infect/injure survivors and break the pallet in one go in addition to the range increase.

  • Survanza
    Survanza Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2021

    The problem is that one power can be used in many ways. Look at Legion - he should hit one survivor and go to others - but nothign can stop him to follow that one player, and then even pallets or windows are not a problem for him, so we are not able to escape.

    Ok, I can agree with you that survivors shouldn't get a speed boost after being 1st time hitten, cause this is not making them injured - that is an argument what I can agree as a survivor main.

    Hitbox - I have no opinion here, but truth is that I more times dodged Deathslinger shot than Nemesis tentacle.

    Tier 3 rewarding - it's ok, as long as you can lost it - look Mayers 3 tier.

    But those arguments about he is too slow is bull***t. Someone want to get a kill in every place no matter on farm corn field or at hospital map... Sorry - everyone knows that killer have to be faster on straight road (that why you have your speed boost when you following survivor) and survivor have to be faster on pallets and windows. If that is a problem for kilelr main - play Legion, you would be able to jump by pallets like we are. Come on... You just talking about Nemesis with Legion power, what next? Nemesis with teleport?

    Only Hex_Ignored did a point how to buff Nemesis if he need a buff, that are arguments what survivor can agree, but please... Nemesis F1? - forget it.

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    I have a question, you twice said Nemesis have a speed boost for his aatacks. I've played a lot as Nemesis for those 3 weeks and the only change in movements speed I've notice is slow down while Holding M2 and while the animation of Tentacle. I did not notice any speed boost. of course I can understand you call that the fact his M1 hitboxes are the same like for example Trapper's even thoe it dosen't look like that, because Nemesis don't have a weapon. The same thing is with Freddy. But there's no speed boost.

    Also my idea about buffing his movement speed comes simply from that there's no killer faster than 4.6 m/s and that in RE3 remake he's moving around 5.2 m/s that's all.

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    I agree he need his Tier 3 on Tentacle should be more rewarding than jus +1 meter range cause that's actually a joke. And my idea of buffing his movement speed was actually becuase there's not killer basicly faster than 4.6 m/s aaand to make people think and say thier opinion about Nemesis :P

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Look at the one killer who is slower than 110% and how they turned out if you need an example

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    'Killers should be easily-looped'

    That's what i heard here.

    Also, Nemesis is fine. Y'all are just bad.

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    For me Nemesis infection should do something because right now i dont even know what the infection change in my match exept the clothes are still blue when they use a vaccine and i get bait by a tentacul strike for them to get a free sprint burst

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    I think Nemesis should get buffed, maybe not game breaking buffs but he needs something.

    The entire point of Nemesis is to be an emotionless, single-minded, walking tank with more weapons than a Repulsor Executioner, and the fact that he's at most C-tier is very disappointing.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    I can't even play him because of console freezes.

  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341

    Nonsense post.

  • Survanza
    Survanza Member Posts: 26

    But you know there is no killer faster than 4.6 m/s cause that's standard and every killer who would have more than this would be too OP ? How do you imagine that? You want to caught every survivor without any power? Cause that would happen if you would be faster than 4.6 m/s. If BHVR would make something like that, they would have back to survivor side 20 pallets and 10 windows... oh wait... no... cause guess what, you can hit survivor by pallet, so even with your 4.6 m/s you very nice counter survivor defence.

    I don't understand why you trying to buff Nemesis than play other killer if in your opinion they are better - stop play Nemesis, then BHVR will se that is something wrong cause nobody want to play with him - oh wait... but next 20 players would play with him, cause they know how to do that, even my newbie friend hit 1st rank with him, so... I don't know... maybe this killer is not for you?

    You know, when I have bad aim, I am not trying to force buff for Huntress cause I can't hit anyone - that mean this killer is not for me, cause if next 20 players have no problem with her, that means the problem is in me or my styleplay.

    Nemesis is very popular in games, so probably other players don't have that problem, better ask where are Clown mains? Huh? Where are Demo mains? Why we don't see those killers in games - cause here I can believe they need a buff. If killer is good for 20 players but not for you that NOT mean this character need a buff - especially about his standard movement speed... I really don't get it how you imagine that... Now you have to run to window or pallet to TRY to protect yourself cause even those are not giving you 100% chance that you lost Nemesis in chase, and you want him to be faster, to make him don't even thinking about pallets or windows cause he get survivor just with running aroung? Don't you see how irrational is it?

  • Lunarknight
    Lunarknight Member Posts: 29

    God Imagine being able to play nemesis with the game having a stroke smh

  • xerav
    xerav Member Posts: 392

    All the loops and tiles are balanced for 4.6m/s so no we will not increase the speed. We can talk about adjusting Killer hitbox to be the same as survivor (cuz only less then 1% of survivors abuse it anyway).

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46
    1. There's at least two ways to balance Killer faster than 4.6 m/s, no blood lust or longer cooldown on attacks but for sure there would be more ways to balance it.
    2. I hit rank 3 playing only Nemesis from rank 6 and I love to play as Nemesis cause he fits perfectly in my type of a Killer aka Big F*cking Unstoppable Monster.
    3. Because I want to buff Nemesis dosen't mean I'm bad at playing as Nemesis. He needs a buff or at least rework on his red add-ons and a little change on the hitboxes of his Tentacle with something more than +1 meter on Tier 3 of his power.

    It's really not that hard to think about it but I understand, survivor mains loves to cry when there's an discussion about buffing any Killer.

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    Well I thinked about that but he was talking about Speed Boost on attack for NE-a aka like he have an speed boost for himself on attacks.

  • Drak2005
    Drak2005 Member Posts: 23

    No he should be same speed as huntress, trickster, deathslinger, spirit and hag

  • Th3Nemesis
    Th3Nemesis Member Posts: 10

    No he shouldn’t be he’s a relentless hunter

    i tell you why if he is slower his perks are virtually rendered useless

    and yes I agree wickPJ he’s also my kinda killer but I’ve never found a use for his tentacle strike like ever 98% of my successful matches with him was with me just using his normal attack

  • Th3Nemesis
    Th3Nemesis Member Posts: 10

    I don’t need the survivors debuffed I agree that shouldn’t happen but there has to be some kind of punishment towards sweaty looping survivors and unfortunately yes you may play survivor MR.Drak2005 you must understand just like me not all games will be in your favor there will be Strategy abusers that do the same annoying things but you won’t counter that by completely removing that you counter it by being a good sport

    i have never tunneled,slugged or anything of the sort cause I believe in fair matches and I’ve never played survivor

  • Survanza
    Survanza Member Posts: 26
    1. You want to be faster but have longer cooldown on attacks - - - when you balance that with making Nemesis faster, your cooldown would be that long that make you many situations where you would be just behind me and can't hit me - I think that would be more annoying for you than be fast like other killers and have the same cooldown on attacks. Really. ---- Cause imagine situation when you miss hit, you are fast so you are behind me but you can;t hit me, so you just run with me to next window... It's no sense. Stop thinking about making killers faster than 4.6 m/s. You are not talking about power - like Legion is faster, Blight, Oni, ok they are but with power - here you are talking about basic running, tell me how do you imagine that cause you never answer me that. What would make me lost you? Tell me? When you have chance to catch me with 4.6 m/s how I would lost you when you would be faster?
    2. So you calling him as Unstoppable Monster and in the same time you want him to get buff? Really? Or you just think that size of killer would mean his power? So I pick David and kick your ass, is that how you understand that?
    3. Maybe he need changes but for sure not in basic movement speed - be happy that he is not slower, cause Huntress is about her distance attacks, same Deathslinger or Nurse about teleporting - you can hit enemies by pallets and windows, it's very strong, use it. I agree with change that with 1st hit survivor can't get speed boost cause that is not making him injured, but really you need to stop thinking about movement speed changes.

  • Th3Nemesis
    Th3Nemesis Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2021

    The only way I can see balancing base movement speed besides increasing cooldown on attacks would be to increase his size once that is done make him completely unique as to having him need to squeeze through doorways which could also cause issues

    or make speed boost a charge for level 3 mutation as an alternative ability for him but you sacrifice I mutation tier to get a speed boost

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    One of the people I was talking about changing Nemesis to be more like from RE3 was talking exacly about making him taller and adding that pretty slow animations to every doors but making him also as fast as in Remake. For me that sounds good but you know, if I just give here an idea of probably something that could be called a "stupid buff" then in comments people will mostly start to give a nice ideas how to buff him in a great way

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    Trust me survivors have a lot of ways to run away from killers. For now normal chase let's say with doctor that don't use his power and survivor will be around 15s for one hit so for two hits it will be around 30s. Of course only if survivor is running in straight line and don't use any window or pallet cause those can expend the chase for around 5-10s which gives as alread max 40s. Plus we need to add to it for example Sprint Boos or Dead Hard which can expend a chase for another 15s if used correctly so it's alread around 55s chase. Now let's take a look on that on many maps you can have a great looping render like on a Coldwind you can get a long wall with a pallet to a shack with a window to a long loop with a pallet to a L-T wall to another pallet(Yes that is possible and tbh I found it pretty often because for some idiotic reasons people think going to Coldwind now in every match will be a great idea). So if you are a good survivor player you can loop killer for at least 1 minute and 50s which is pretty long time and I didn't even add the fact that you get speed boost after geting hit by a killer. Anyways 1 minute and 50 seconds will be exacly 110 seconds, one survivor repairng gen alone without tool box need around 80 seconds to repair a whole generator. So in the time one survivor that is good at looping plays with killer than can be done almost 3 and a half of a gen. That's why there's killers that can hit you throught the pallets or windows yet it really don't mean they will end the chase faster cause it's not hard to bait killer to use his ability which will give him a cooldown giving you extra seconds to run away.

    "Unstopable Monster", we can use those words for a type of a characters, the matching Killers in Dead By Daylight by those words by thier concept will be Oni and Nemesis. And that's what I ment, I CONCEPT of character. It really wasn't that hard to understand but I can accept it from your side because you probably just wanted your comment here to have 3 points instead of 2.

    Hitting survivors over the pallets or windows isn't something really new or amazing cause actually every killer can do that, the only difference is that for example Nemesis don't need them to be right next to the window(About pallets it mostly depedns on server but still it's actually hiting over a pallet cause mostly for survivors side it looks like that). Also I will not stop thinking about changes in movement speed because it can be really intresting to get a killer at least a bit faster than those 4.6 m/s. The reason why here I mentioned Nemesis is because in RE3 Remake he's taller and faster.

  • Survanza
    Survanza Member Posts: 26

    Good that you said that - 'let's say with doctor that don't use his power'. But you know what? For that kilelrs have a powers to use it, when you use power as doctor on surv he can't use window or pallet so?

    If you really want to balance killer and survivor take off powers from killers, use only perks, as survivors, then you can use window or pallet same quick as survivor is but guess what, if you want balance, we too, so in chase we sometimes randomly get sped boost called 'a panic' same as you getting it in chase...

    Stop. Just stop...

    I bought that DLC, I've playerd as nemesis, and I don't found easiest kilelr in game right now. Try to play as Plague, Trapper who need time to make his traps, try to play as Demo, then talk about nemesis is bad... Cause he isn't. I had problems only with players who play as 4, but as long as game will not have other queue for full 4 you can't balance it. That's all.

  • IsJustMe
    IsJustMe Member Posts: 436

    Nemesis is fine as he is, just.. mayby the "Infection-Hit" should not give a bust! Personally i dont think he is OP then

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    Where did I say Nemesis is bad? I gives an idea that actually comes from at least a few RE fans that I've talked about Nemesis in Dead By Daylight. But here I said only about base movement speed buff while they actually wanted 5.2 m/s Nemesis that is bigger with special animation for going throught doors. Also saying Survivors don't have "powers" is actually a lie from a certain point of view. Cause all of the tools they can bring to the trial we can call them a "power". Flashlight that let you blind the killer, Toolbox that let you repair faster or Medkit that let you heal yourself or teammates faster. Also about the doctor's power, I've played a bit as Doctor and his power is very hard to hit in the right moment when you are chasing survivor and he's trying to fault the window or throw the pallet.

    In my opinion making a killer that is basicly faster than those 4.6 m/s will be something fresh. Of course survivors mains will be crying about that cause they are crying about everything, yet I'm sure if devs would add survivor that's base movement speed is faster than 4 m/s they would be happy as hell. Especially if they would play that surv with Sprint Boost or lithe or any other perk that increas thier movement speed.

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    Tbh in my opinion perfect changes for NE-a would be deleting sprint boost for survs with first hit of Tentacle and making it hitbox slightly bigger. Eventually making Tier 3 on his power better than additional 1 meter that actually nobody really cares about

  • Survanza
    Survanza Member Posts: 26

    Even toolbox with pinks is not that strong cause just you can came to gen, hit it and start chasing someone so all that 'power' just is off, but not off for one hit like on killer side when he want to hit someone and this one make Dead Hard, this power is off to the end cause you can't use pinks on next generator even if you not used all toolbox... Stop pls...

    You talking about movement speed... 'JUST' movement speed. Ofc. And at the same point you are talking about Sprint... sprint is working fo some seconds, then you have to stop to make it again able to use. You are talking about basic movement speed on killer side where nothing - NOTHING would be able to counter it... Stop... Just stop man... Cause you sounds like a someone who want to have a hero from movie/game in DBD 1:1. So then I want immortal Laurie, Nancy, Steve and Quentin cause they all always in movie found way to escape + Nancy and Steve just had fun with Demo in movie, it's just kinda joke so I want immortal Nancy who can farm points with killer, put pallets on his head and have fun with escaping all the time. Yey! omg...

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    But you know you are sprinting as survivors also just by holding Shift right? Sprint Boost works for a few secnonds because it's a "Boost".

    Anyways, I'm not saying I want Nemesis to be 1:1 do the one we get in RE3 Remake but mostly I wanted to notice we could get a Killer that is basicly faster than those 4.6 m/s. Just as an example to make a discussion(and to see again how survivors mains crying 😁) I've took Nemesis. That's all, also I want to notice balancing killer that would have base movement speed bigger woudln't be that big problem yet you come here to say you want immortal Nancy or Laurie. That really don't have sense. I'm literially talking about something that could be pretty fun for that small group of people that plays as Killers(Yes compered to how many people are playing as Survivors we can say Killers mains are a small group of the community). And you are talking about making something OP cause why not, that's how it was in the movies/series etc.

    To be honest it really looks like there's something wrong with you man than with me.