I love the new face reworks but...

It feels like a kick in the teeth to release NEW skins like this. It looks like the same level of quality as pre-rework nea. Not even that- she looks ALOT like Nea actually. I love Jill and Leon. Leon is 100% accurate. Jill isn't but still looks pretty good. Chris while I have some nitpicks is still passable. But what the hell happened to Claire?
How can someone look at this and say: Yup! that's worth 15 bucks! Is it because the art team is busy with reworking everyone? And don't even get me started on Cybil. It just doesn't feel right that the face reworks are happening to bring characters up to standard yet they can release this thing.
Sorry if I may come across as nitpicky but I genuinely do love Claire as a character. And it kinda sucks seeing as how she got the short end of the stick when everyone else looks great.
Well they also released this so...
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I can't help but laugh at how goofy Nemesis looks.
Sadly, that's all I get out of him in a trial, because he certainly doesn't bring anything else to the table.
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Claire has always been that major RE character that gets forgotten and under used by Capcom and now BHVR has to add more salt to the wound by making that thing. It’s not right, Claire deserves way better than this!
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David's hideous.
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If we continue to nag about it we might get an answer to what's going on here.
Until then it's a disappointment, big time.
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There's one (1) person on the dev team who know how to sculpt hair. and they apparently been moved to map design
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Completely unacceptable for a $15 skin. Going to keep commenting until we receive answers and a timetable for a resolution.
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I mean, if you zoom up super close to any of them they look weird. I don't think you're really meant to get that close.
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You can look at her from any distance and any angle. She doesn't look at all like Claire.
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I watched all of the RE movies and Ali Carter's portrayal in the movie is what I would imagine she should look like.
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Claire face rework coming to Dead By Daylight Tomorrow!
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I don’t understand. Still looks good to me..
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You'd best start believing in boogey faces!
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She looks like a frog high on crack.
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I can't help but laugh every time I see this comparison.
Maybe she's always looked like this, it's just that now she doesn't have Capcoms' high budget to fix her with cgi and botox.
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In Dead by Daylight, Claire looks like she's 50 years old.