Why is there still no power cosmetic?

I mean, really why is there still no power cosmetics? different hatchets for Huntresss, different bells for Wraith, different knives for Trickster, why is it still not a thing?
Hm. One reason would be that some killers don’t have a customizable power and for the licensed ones they would need to negotiate for every one.
also, it’s just not a priority and right now there are issues that need to be solved on top of the new content. This would actually take away resources that would otherwise be used for stuff like bug fixing and optimization.
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Just because this is not cs:go
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art team has nothing to do with bug fixes and such, so it wouldn't be different,
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^ basically this.
Can you imagine the reaction they would get if they released power skins before fixing the bugs we've been complaining about 🤪
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isn't it what they've been doing for years?
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Because the Devs didnt care about Killers
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Probably because the way they coded killer powers would make it a little difficult.
Killer powers are technically just items that you cant unequip (at least the older ones)
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You mean power to buy in the in-game store?
Not a fan of the idea. Cosmetic should stay only cosmetic.
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I think they don't want it to be confusing or muddle the distinctiveness of Killer powers. If a trapper changes his stone sword for a rusty anchor, or a billy swaps from a hammer to a literal tree stump club, it doesn't muddle anything because you still know what they are and what the effect is
Now if a Doctor starts shocking the floor with Purple/Red lightning, or Huntress receives a throwing axe skin which modifies the weapon model making it look smaller or larger, Plague vomiting blue colored vomit and purple corrupt vomit, and the same could be said for Billy's/Bubba's chainsaw on the model issue. Additionally some killers have powers that couldn't recieve new looks such as stalking, Hag's runes, Spirit's phase, and for killers like Trapper changing the bear trap model could make it more or less obvious potentially creating a soft PTW issue
There are killers that could definitely work with power cosmetics. Powers such as Wraith's bell, Trickster knives, potentially Oni and Nurse (the glowing embers on her hand), Clown bottles, Blight vials, but it just creates a potential visual mess where there wasn't one originally ontop of creating a situation where killer powers have to be designed both around the default look and whatever they create down the line
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I seriously don't understand why people play CS:GO. Where's the fun in it??
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The art team wouldn’t implement the feature to actually change the power cosmetic though. This would be done by the coders as it would actually need to change backend and frontend code and would obviously also need QA.
this is not comparable to just another skin..
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would be really kool. Like diff saws for billy. Different color shocks for doc. I get it this is something we def need in the game.
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I dont like CS:GO either but some people could say the same about DBD.
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we all experienced this bug once, starting the match without your power item
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what you said is very true but so many things gets added for cosmetics, take cod MW for exemple, you have skins that evolve the more you kill, and some special effects can be added to your bullets, you can make comeone explode in small square blocks with the dual blades, this is totally possible, it just takes some coding and effort.
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I mean you just need the right creative people I could probably think of a customized power for almost each killer in the game
Wraith skins for the bell with slightly different sounds possibly
Trapper no skins for beartraps as people would just find the best one for hidden traps and only use that, maybe like a custom trap placement animation
Hillbilly, some different chainsaw skins, like one more plastic, one more metal, one with a sleeker finish
Nurse, Different reappearance effects, like one could be flowers, one could be spores
Huntress, Different thrown hatchets
Doctor, Different shock effects, could have like a fire effect, or like a small wave of water
Hag, Different trap shapes
Clown, Different bottles
Spirit, doesn't really have a visible power effect hopefully could add one when they rework her
Legion, Maybe add some effects during feral frenzy running and more effects for after feral frenzys killer instinct is active
Plague, Fountain skins
Oni, Kanabo skins
Deathslinger, Chain and harpoon skins, or custom reloads
Blight, Different serums injected
Twins, Hats for victor
Trickster, Custom knives
Frankly 14/16 killers is not bad
Dlc ones just for fun
Myers, different attack animations and moris probably
Bubba, Chainsaw skins again
Freddy, Generator blood animations, Teleport animations, Skins for blood snares, and maybe even skins for the alarm clocks
Pig, Different head trap and box skins
Ghostface, Different shadow effects (when he enters and leaves power theres a shadow aoe could look different)
Demo, Different portal skins
Pyramid head, different trail skins, and different punishment attack trails
Nemesis, Different tentacle skins and maybe even colors when you attack with the tentacle right now its blue but it could be different
Granted some killers have more freedom from creativity then others due to their powers but they almost all could have different effects for their powers and different looks for the structures that generate with the killers
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exactly, almost every killers can benifits from power cosmetics.
i'd love to see something like this added in the game
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They would have to create new code and systems for power skins. Its worse than letting the art team make skins.
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I guess
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Because coding is hard apparently.