Why is this such a lag filled trash game on console?

Really. Why? No other game has frame rate drops the way DBD does. Nothing has changed. Chases have absolutely no nuance or fun to them because my game will lag out at every vault, pallet drop, gen completion, missed skill check, hex perk breaking, etc. I watch PC streamers with envy at how they're able to actually play the game like it's meant to be played. Oh and before all reply tell me to "fix my connection", everything is perfect on that end. The problem is the game and it always has been. Dont give me new content or killer nerfs, just stop the game from lagging at every single small little action.
I just gotta ask: if the game is unplayable on console, why do you keep trying to play it? I've had one game that didn't work on my PC, through no fault of my PC. I just uninstalled it and called it a day.
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I logged back in for the anniversary , played it, saw that nothing has changed, stopped playing and made my post.
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We love the game a lot but it enrages us to not be able to play normally no matter what we do. Ive bought every dlcs because i love the game but nowadays its impossible to even play them.
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I don't think people expecting what they paid for to work is too far fetched.
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That's not what I asked, said, or even implied. I'm asking why people keep banging their heads against the wall when they know the game isn't optimized.
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But why would you keep trying to play the game if you know it frustrates you? That's what I don't understand.
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That's helpful! /s
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Because there is currently a bp farming event on and the grind in this game is huge.
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Because people have put hundreds and thousands of hours into this game and they enjoy it? I don’t see what’s really that hard to understand. You can be frustrated by something but enjoy it at the same time.
Not to mention that there’s not a single competitor in this genre so if people even wanted to play something like DbD, they have little to no options.
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I mean, there's nothing anyone (other than the devs) can do to help. I was just curious, is all.
Fair enough.
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Well, the game wasn't this horribly optimized before the RE chapter. It was bad, but not THIS bad.
So, having played for 3 years, and have bought dlc, ,I should just say "Welp, guess I'll uninstall!"?
I want to play the game. It's on the devs to make sure their game runs on every platform they release it on.
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No, I don't think you should uninstall, but neither do I think you should keep banging your head against the wall when you know it's just going to end in frustration. That's not healthy.
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But for real, the game is a joke on console. It's hilarious to have played during the anniversary event and see all the loading screen notes by the developers how they're proud of the game, meanwhile IT DOESN'T WORK. Playing DBD on console is like playing some old SNES game that gets all choppy and freezes, then you have to take the game outing blow on it, and put it back in. Except now, if you spent any money on DBD for console , you might as well just have set on fire, because you paid for a broken product. You can't lead the killer on any kind of chase, or hope to hit any survivor who does anything else besides run in a straight line. In the private matches I've played, I can tell when someone else (nowhere near me) misses a skill check because MY ENTIRE GAME FREEZES WHEN THEY DO. DBD is a PC only game, and a POS game.
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I feel like the way you said what you did was just worded poorly. And has just lit a fire on their butt. I get what you mean though.
If you feel the game is that bad why not just take a break and come back when its working again? Surely DBD is not the only game we all play
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Bold of you to assume the game will ever be in a working state again.
Devs have no idea what they're doing.
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Because many people including myself have been playing ever since it came out on console 2017. I have nearly 4k hours and the optimziation wasn't bad before, but now that it is.
What option do I have? Either quit with all of those hours/memories/achievements going to waste or spend even more money on another platform just to reset all of my progress? It's not an easy choice for some of us.
If cross-progression was a thing for DBD, it could possibly alleviate some of our issues.
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It has always been a lag filled trash on console
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No one is saying quit. Just take a break and comeback later.
I didnt assume anything, you have.
You know what they say about assumptions, they make ass out of you.
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Are you guys on XB1 & PS4 experiencing these problems?
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Yes,and it's basically unplayable.
Never seen a game with performamce THIS bad
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I am still curious to why the Devs even thought about bringing the game to other platforms. Stadia, Switch and Mobile? I don’t think anybody asked for that. Now it’s probably a lot of work to keep every platform up to date.
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For one, people expect a working product when they buy a game.
Two, it's not like the asymmetrical multiplayer horror market is booming. It's really DBD or bust.
Three, the game should run just fine on Console. The only reason it doesn't is due to some amount of unwillingness or incompetence.
Four, BHVR has made repeated PROMISES that kept people playing. Looking back now, it looks like BHVR played on people's hope and manipulated them to continue to play a broken game that they had NO plan of fixing.
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Ps4. Terrible lag and freezing.
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Well, you did say "when" it's working again, not "if".
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Thats because its a definite statement. If you really think they will leave the game in the state it is for last gen, you're just being intellectually dishonest.
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I actually don't think that not playing a game is a solution, people have spent tons of money on it, if you buy something in a store and this item results broken you "call it a day" or return back the item?
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uhm.. because it’s fun and theres an event going on maybe?
idk what you’re trying to say here but we surely won’t stop complaining about poor optimization on consoles.
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This is what’s grinding my gears currently. People keep saying performance on console is terrible. It isn’t. It’s just on old consoles. Even older PCs. New consoles are working just fine. Higher end PCs are working just fine.
people want the game to be better, devs work on improving the game, older consoles/PCs can’t handle it - people are going to be unhappy. There’s a delicate balance they need to find and it’s going to take time. Unfortunately, there isn’t much patience at the moment because there were so many bugs and issues that happened all at once.
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They left it in it's pre-RE state for years.
They lied to our faces about optimization on several occasions.
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That fact that other more demanding single and multi-player games work just fine on the same hardware makes your point invalid.
Also, if the devs know it wont work and they cant fix it, then they need to discontinue selling it on older consoles and refund money for at least the most recent dlc, since it was never playable. Otherwise people need to stay on the devs to fix it because if they don't they are blatantly selling a broken product and defrauding thousands of people.
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I love playing dbd but I wish the re chapter didn't come out Its annoying that I lose survivors in chase because my game starts playing like a PowerPoint presentation.
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We are already waiting 2 years for BHVR to improve Optimization for console.
And they still didn't manage to at least fix the common FPS drop triggers even though those were known for a very long time.
But now BHVR managed to completely destroy last gen performance (Already 3 whole weeks and no fix for it yet).
We don't even get an answer as to why optimization is in such a bad state right now.
We have a thread here about this topic with 75 pages and we don't get any answers from BHVR.It's just straight up pathetic and insulting
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Yeah, i was on ps4 for 2 years until I got my ps5, but thats not nearly as bad as whats going on now.
Stop twisting the situation 🙄
Edit: *in regards to console Pre-RR*
I also really never had issues with my PS4 aside from it trying to take flight when loading dbd. I never noticed what it was like until I upgraded. Suppose its like getting a PC from PS4
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No, it wasn't, but it was still pretty terrible.
Look on my thread for pre-RE patch footage, people were talking about this before RE. It just caught on because MORE people are having issues and because BHVR hasn't ever done anything about it, despite saying they would.
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Okay, again, im not referring to console optimization.
Im referring to fixing the issues that were caused by the RE update. Console optimization is another discussion entirely.
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They are tied together.
RE was likely the straw that broke the camel's back with optimization.
Can't fix it unless you address the underlying issue.
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There is nothing more tied together in the known universe.
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Nah, I think they can bring it back to what it was before the RE update without fully optimizing the game for last-gen console. 💁♂️
But we're at an impass so there's nothing more to be said from me.
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I believe they can as well and I'm very confident they will, it's just very clear with the nature of evolving problems over time that these things are all connected and while they might find the trigger that made RE cause the unplayable issue now, until they address the real client issues that got us here it's going to happen again.
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I’m sorry to hear it’s that bad. I don’t have the slightest idea how Game Development works, but I’m wondering if this game has gotten “to big for its britches”on PS4 and XB1? From my perspective both consoles should be able to handle the game’s updates. DBD doesn’t appear to be too demanding. But again, I’m not a developer.
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Still no response from anyone on the BHVR team...
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If DBD's console performance has gotten worse year after year, you have to come to the conclusion that there won't be a magic fix, no matter how many promises and assurances the devs give you.
Doesn't Sony and MS have some sort of quality assurance for games on their platform? best case scenario is a class action suit on DBD for selling a broken game, and getting some sort of partial refund.
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Yeah it's strange because I hear everyone complain about dbd on console but I literally only get matched with console players. So either people don't care or it's a bandwagon thing.
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Have you ever actually seen DbD on PS4 and XBOX right now?
I'm currently dealing with something that feels like around 30FPS,the game looks like it's between 720p and 480p with micro freezes here and there +1 to 2 second long freezes on certain game events (e.g getting bloodlust,getting hit with Sloppy Butcher etc.)
I guess a lot of people on console still play the game because there's nothing else to play that is even remotely close to DbD and because there's a 5th year anniversary event that a lot of people need to play to earn more BP.
It's definetely NOT a bandwagon thing.It really is THAT bad right now on old gen consoles.
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I mean when I played on my PC that was older I don't think I got 60 FPS either. That's just what happens when you play on older hardware.
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I've not found it horrendous or unplayable on console, but the current lag can be problematic.
However, there are in particular 2 specific times I've noticed where it can become unusually bad.: 1. Chasing a survivor with the golden crown haze and b) the cornfields. I'm not sure why those 2 make it worse.
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This seems normal to you?
I can play any other game perfectly fine on my console without ANY performance issues whatsoever.
DbD is the only game that has so many performance problems
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No it's obviously not normal but my game can stutter too, man. They'll fix it sometime soon but either stop complaining about it because we know it's an issue or just play the game like every other console player I play with.
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Because games are not distributed for free. Outriders sucked for most of its existance, and still does (though they seem to be working on it), but it still costed me 70 bucks. Advicing someone to simply "uninstall and call it a day" is just the stupidest thing you could have said, without strictly meaning it as an offense. You have paid for something that doens't work as it should, you're just gonna keep quiet about it? Would you just "call it a day" if you spent 1 million for a Lamborghini, only to have it perform worse than a scooter?
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They said they'd fix Console issues 2 years ago too.
Sure haven't seen that either.