Last gen people who aren't planning on switching or buying ssd soon, what will you do?

Is it really that bad on console? I play on PC and fortunately have experienced practically no performance issues. Did the last update really shatter the performance on console?
3 -
Continue to suffer.
I shouldn't have to pay 150 USD to make a 5 year old game playable.
51 -
It's always been abysmal.
It just got worse.
28 -
Still play on my xbox one s I'm just hoping they fix the ######### lag right now I actually remember console not being that bad about a year ago
7 -
You're implying that people are just choosing not to switch.
Reminder that DBD is still not a complex game, PS4s can run games like Apex Legends perfectly fine and not chug whatsoever. The devs have YandereDev level coding skills.
What is a SSD anyways?
18 -
I am not implying anything. I am in that situation myself.
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keep suffering like Pulsar said.
13 -
i watch some tutorials on YouTube how to boost fps but most of them only Hackers make you change the original game Pak Files in order to have better performance
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My last tolerance day is the 15th, exactly 1 month after the release of the chapter that broke last gen. If it doesn't get at least in the level it was before the update, I'm uninstalling and putting my money into a game that actually functions properly.
I already spent too much money on this game, buying almost every chapter and the Rift. I'm not spending 100 bucks just to run DBD when the other 70 games on my PS4 run perfectly fine.
15 -
As someone who just got a PS5:
You should wait a little bit more..
Yes, it will still be rare to get but its getting more and more common and in germany we had tons of drops lately that even caused the prizes from scalpers to drop.
When they normally sold a digital edition for 600-700€, they are selling it now for 450-500€ here, thats 50-100€ more than you normally would pay.
(You shouldnt support scalpers tho)
But like i said, its getting more common and i dont think its worth it paying 150 for a SSD when you COULD get a PS5, a true powerbeast which runs DbD without any problems, for 400€
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This. You know you're gonna get a PS5 eventually, so just wait it out, and you won't need to lose any of your progress. If you need to take a break from DBD until then so be it.
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Yeah that is fair. I mean one month of this situation is pushing it. Not to mention how they made the game worse in last update week ago. How did they manage to do that?
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At this point I really only hop on if my swf teammate wants to play. I might play a killer round or two to bust out a challenge but for the most part I just go play something else that actually works. No other game gives me issues and DBD isn't worth spending $100+ on equipment because the devs refuse to put time into optimization and making sure the game is playable on consoles - if anything that's more reason for me to not put time into DBD. I stopped putting money into DBD last summer after the Silent Hill chapter, once I do upgrade to ps5 I'm not even bothering installing DBD - with the way performance is getting worse and worse I'll probably completely stop playing DBD before I upgrade anyway.
5 -
Suffer just like what others have already said.
3 -
My heart goes out to all of you console players out there.
Always getting the short end of the stick.
4 -
Well if it isn't fixed soon then the game will get pulled from the sony store, so I imagine it will be, at least to how it was before this chapter.
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I am surprised and kinda sad how many people will keep to endure this because they like the game so much.
I just can't no matter how much I like it, I feel like crap playing it in it's current state. It doesn't bring me enjoyment because you can hardly do any good plays.
It is like watching a slide show.
6 -
I highly doubt its getting pulled lmao. If it does please come back and @me
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Absolutely no way Sony will ever do that again.
Cyperpunk was the big exception here
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I play on Xbox One, and the lag started for me around the time Pyramid Head was released. Before that, there was limited lag that was similar to any other game. After Nemesis, the game is unplayable. Nemesis is literally unplayable for me since the game freezes every time I charge up his tentacle strike.
1 -
Sony actually have very strict rules about the level of performance your game has to hit to be sold on their store, moderation on this forum is very tight in certain areas and I'd rather not get my account nuked.
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No point getting a SSD my Xbox1x came with one, a hybrid type holding 1T of memory, so the difference would be negligible.
The series x is still not available near me nor do i have $500-600 just laying about anyways. So without Cross Progression I'm nearly boxed in, and will have to suffer whenever I wish to play DBD.
Which sadly is becoming less and less as each day passes. I wonder if they are concerned with lots of consolers possibly just fading away...
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SSD = Solid State Drive.
Without getting into the technical details, they're a faster and more expensive alternative to more traditional hard drives that works in a different way.
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It feels like something around 30 FPS between 720p and 480p with frequent micro freezes here and there + full 1 or 2 second long freezes on certain events (e.g Dead Hard,Sloppy Butcher etc.)
3 -
It fundamentally destroyed the console experience of DBD.
8 -
I'll just wait until the game is playable. I'm not playing this game in this garbage state.
7 -
Are you hopeful that will happen? Some of us aren't.
1 -
This is the most reasonable and logical response. You sir, get a gold star.⭐️
4 -
It shattered performance for PC as well, the only ones who aren't feeling it are the ones with extremely high-end setups.
Edit: and it's not because of old or underwhelming hardware, there's literally a thread somewhere around here about optimising the game with steams custom launch settings because the processing power is there, the Devs just suck at coding
7 -
Sorry to hear that. :(
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To be fair, you cant really call a game that's constantly recieving updates a 5 year old game. You could install the 2016 version of DBD and play it just fine. 5.0 is by all definitions a 2021 game.
Could this game be better performance-wise if they recoded the entire game to have a better core? Yes, definitely, but it IS a 2021 game. League of Legends 2021 doesnt perform well on a pc from 2010, even though its a 10 year old game. Same for Minecraft. So yes, if you have an older rig and refuse to update your hardware even though the software keeps recieving updates, at one point, your hardware will fail on you because the software requires better hardware.
SSD is getting cheaper every 3 months, its almost never worth getting an HDD anymore if you enjoy playing games. Developers in the majority of companies are going to assume you're able to at least buy an SSD. Heck, I've connected my SSD and HDD together, where my HDD can preload neccesary files to my SSD so I can keep my SSD relatively clean and empty. Let alone the fact that there are many reasons to buy an SSD over an HDD too other than just loadspeeds.
Yeah, if DBD is your only game, it's a bit much for a price, but if your graphics card starts failing, if your processor starts failing, it will need replacement, if DBD is your only game, all those costs are also needed to make a "5 year old game" playable, because BHVR isnt going to make the game work for outdated hardware.
1 -
Eventually my xbox is gonna go supernova with the way this game runs, I'll stop when it eventually melts my console.
4 -
DBD is the issue, not the hardware.
No other game runs as poorly as DBD, even on the base Xbox One and PS4.
Battlefront II, Battlefield 1, Battlefield V, CoD: MW, CoD: CW, Sea of Thieves, Overwatch and Siege are all lightyears more intense than DBD but still run better.
The only games that I can think of that are comparable are Cyberpunk and GTA Online during hectic moments. Not exactly good company to keep.
The issue lies with DBD and BHVR, not with the Console hardware.
13 -
How long until even ps5 and xbox series start lagging due to spaghetti code?
5 -
There are better looking games with more players in the lobby that are updated too. And the difference is, they work.
7 -
So what, we let them off the hook for setting goals like their game running at a steady 60fps on all platforms back in March 2019? Were they hopeful they could achieve that, or delusional, or what? And forgive them for never ever bringing it up again?
Hard to swallow all that. Hard to have hope too.
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I mean, the thing is, they did have a steady 60 fps on all platforms. The issue is indeed the core of the game, which I agree needs changing.
BUT THAT WAS NOT THE ARGUMENT. The argument was "its a 5 year old game, I shouldnt upgrade my PC to be able to play it". Which is a bad argument.
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Yeah, because their core game wasnt made with Unity Blueprints and with actual code. But even those games tend to run much worse on 5 year old hardware.
Which was the original argument. I dont disagree with DBD needing a code rework, because it obviously does. The game wasnt designed to have 20 killers added to the game, the game wasnt designed to have 600 perks. And each update, the game obviously has a harder and harder time performing well with new additions. But that doesnt take away the fact that you DO have to update your hardware if you want to play newer releases. It's not a 5 year old game, its a game that was released 5 years ago. There is a big difference between those 2. One remains stable on PC's from 2016, the other does not.(and that is assuming people bought a PC with the newest hardware in 2016, which might not even be the case, my PC in 2015 was created with parts that were released in 2011 and 2014, it couldnt handle DBD and other games and this Januari I upgraded my PC because my hardware was obviously outdated).
Not even adding to the fact that even if your hardware is theoretically supposed to be able to handle the game, that doesnt mean your hardware actually is able to handle the game. Unless you've been actively maintaining your hardware once every 3 months to make sure everything is cleaned and no wires are being strained. Otherwise that GPU from 2017 might only have a lifetime of 3 years instead of 7.
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I am not asking for a game to look flawless and run like on pc. If they are still selling the game on last gen, it should at least work.
If the game is freezing every second it is not in condition to be sold. I am not sorry for spending money on the game since I had a good time playing it before. But imagine people who are buying it now in this condition.
I am sorry. I defended bhvr a lot in the past but this is not excusable. And look at the condition they released the game on switch.
I can't defend this.
2 -
But that wasnt your argument, your argument was that you shouldnt need to buy new hardware to play a game that's still recieving updates and no longer is even comparable to it's original game(the game is much larger, has much better processing which can be arguably considered bad compared to other top 10 steam games, but it's still much better than it used to be), there used to be scenarios that are much more common, that now only happen once every 10000 games. It still sucks that they happen, but considering they used to happen every other game for every single person back when the player base was only 20k or so, meaning they happened every 2 games, that's a good improvement. Sure, it's still too common to other expectations, but that is more an issue with the base game that was created in 2016 than with the modern improvements.
Because the difference is that you have companies like EA and Ubisoft having an entire department making versions of multiple games that are optimized for console. DBD doesnt have that. They only have 1 active game, most of their staff is working on that 1 game(not all of them). And for some reason they refuse to start from scratch codingwise, even though they have hired a lot of developers who know how to code and could recreate the entire game within 6 months, codewise.
We could do without new killers and new survivors for 2 chapters, just give us 2 maps related to Trickster's chapter instead and we'll be happy(well, not all of us, as there will always be someone complaining about new content, but for the future of the game, I'd rather have it be recoded entirely).
0 -
I use an Xbox1x, supposedly the strongest of the proir gen consoles, built in 2018. It is not an "ancient" machine like the 2013 consoles. It runs just about any game well, but DBD it cannot digest well at all. And it should be able to. Heck the other consoles should be able to as well.
It's. Just. This. Game.
1 -
But it's not the fault of modern BHVR, at least, not most of the company. It's mostly the fault of 4-5 people who are higher ups who refuse to restructurize the company.
You cannot blame BHVR as the vast majority of employees are in a similar position. Heck, even with all the hate Almo recieves, there have been a lot of good suggestions Almo wanted to add to the game, but never has gotten through because those suggestions didnt line up with the vision that higher ups had with the game. Yes, Almo is still to blame for bad suggestions that have made it into the game, but you do have to realize that those suggestions were given a greenlight, where quite a lot of his better suggestions were not.
But then again, the other options is to opt out last gen from crossplay and no longer recieve updates. Which, has happened to other games before too. It's always met with backlash, because people want access to more content, but PS4 and XBOne are no longer capable of recieving newer updates with the way the game is right now.
0 -
You're comparing PC hardware to console hardware and it invalidates your entire argument, you can't push pc hardware in the same way you can console. Designing games to run for uniform hardware configurations is entirely different than designing them for PC which can have countless varying hardware set ups and most importantly different processors.
Real deal gaming PC will always wipe the floor over consoles, there's no contest however if you built a PC to the exact specs of my PS4 pro and played say, doom eternal, my PS4 is going to out perform your mimic'd PC because your client has been designed for everything and my client has been designed to exploit the exact hardware to it's fullest potential.
As has been stated many times, the 5 years of upgraded DBD client poses no performance threat to current gen consoles, like many live games that have existed for more than 5 years recieving graphics updates and scaling to the time (ff14 for example) still perform flawlessly and have DBD beat at every benchmark of required power.
Dbd is a terribly unoptimized port of a terrible unoptimized pc client. It is the devs responsibility to make good on their promises and address the issues in their client, the capability is easily there for DBD to run at 60 fps on all current gen consoles so therefore the solution is not to have everyone run out and buy next gen, which fyi will be shortlived without the same problems as more and more is bolted on to a unstable client.
3 -
You've made these excuses for them before. They need to be able to have DbD run properly on the platforms they sold it for. Especially when the hardware isn't the issue. It's their shortcomings as coders.
7 -
DBD was never designed to be a console game in the first place. Look at all the games that were ported from 1 platform to another without having an entire department essentially recoding the game for optimization and tell me the difference.
And yeah, but games like ff14 have been entirely redesigned in the meantime, it's an MMO with constantly loaded area's that are ran server side at all times, no need to reload the regions, no need for RNG everytime a map is loaded, no need for the server to send new data to the hardware every single game you play.
Of all the games mentioned, how many of those have maps with RNG? How many of those require to send every new player essentially an entirely new map everytime they play? Add on to that fact that all those other games have either been entirely recoded to be able to recieve new updates, where DBD has not.
The issue is with the hardware purely because DBD has not been recoded. If BHVR never intends to recode the game, the issue will always be the hardware. Best thing you can do is simply drop the game. DBD is promoted to new players because the playerbase is big on consoles. DBD is being sold because of the active playerbase. If the game is ######### for everyone on a certain console, everyone on that certain console needs to either upgrade their hardware or drop the game. If the active playerbase remains similar, BHVR wont really care as much as they should.
You know why FF14 got a rework? Because the playerbase dropped their collective #########. Do you know why OSRS was created? Because the playerbase dropped their collective #########. The devs wont look into what they can do about the game, if their playerbase drops their collective #########. DBD has more than 25 million players(August 2020) and at the very least 1 million active players. Steam "only" has 10% of those players. Meaning the vast majority of players play on console. If any console were having consistent issues for every player, you would expect them to drop their collective #########. Yes, there is an anniversary event going on, but they could give that specific console an extended anniversary event(its not really hard to do) to compensate for down time.
Let alone that thanks to the update schedules from consoles, DBD needs 2 weeks at the very least just in waiting time to release a fix. This is exactly the reason why so many games remain in Early Access, because Early Access removes that 2-3 week wait entirely because the game isnt considered a full release. FF14 doesnt have to deal with console schedules unless they release a new expansion, because they have their own client and their own servers. DBD has to upload their content to the servers of console manufacturers for it to work.
With all that in mind, its fully logical as to why DBD performs the way it does.
0 -
Except its not, if they were to code the game to no longer have any issues, you would need to be fine with no new content for at least 6 months. Assuming their newer content should "just work" is being ignorant about the state of the game.
DBD was created, not through code, but through schematics. That base game has never been recoded. DBD didnt reach the size it does now untill 2019. They have hired coders, but that doesnt matter as the base game remains the same.
Besides, it has ran properly untill the most recent update, which, again, has nothing to do with the most recent update, but with the base game.
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But it wasn't running properly before the RE chapter on console, just oh so much worse after. That's what so many of us are on about!
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You seem to think a lot more power goes into the limited random nature of DBD maps than actually does, not really sure where you're going with ff14 having servers do the work when we also play on servers and then you state what we know about the problem code. Your argument was we need to accept DBD is a 5 year evolved game and it's out grown current gen, that's factually false and the issue that needs addressing is the code, which you clearly accept from what you've said.
I'm well aware of the time it takes for Sony to approve updates and if you think console players aren't loosing their minds over the current issue you haven't been paying attention to their social medias since re dropped. I'm pretty confident BHVR have fixed the stuttering issue and we are just waiting for the long winded process of recieving it hence why they tweeted about it again last week rather than doing their usual staying silent about it, again not really sure how this relates to BHVR needing to fix their client, as promised, and not simply declare DBD to advanced for current gen which is an absolutely absurd concept.
1 -
I uninstalled. I shouldnt have to gamble every time I want to play this game. I love DBD and theres truly nothing else like it but I'm not going to waste my time trying to play something that wont work. Maybe I'll give it another shot if they fix these things but its BHVR. I don't trust theyll give the slightest ######### to fix their game after the 5th anniversary was so #########. In the mean time I've been playing Ai the somnium files and it's very good!
2 -
The main issue is that ff14 having their own servers means that they do not have to apply their update to the servers of other platforms, they just have to update their own servers. That's why when FF14 has an issue that needs a fix, it will be fixed within a week at most(it gets uploaded as soon as it's ready to be uploaded), where in DBD, it takes at least 2 weeks(it gets uploaded about 12 days after it's ready to be uploaded).
And no, dont underestimate the sheer amount of random maps on a server. You cannot compress the data of those maps, where on other games that use the exact same maps, you can cache most of the map on the server for multiple game, you cant really do that on a game where there are 36 maps total, of which only 9 have relatively little randomness to it(licensed maps, 4 of which being springwood, which are still quite random), with none of the other maps being quite the same and hundreds of thousands of matches being played every single minute. Yeah, a lot of processing comes to map generation alone. It's why most gamebreaking bugs lately are related to maps rather than perks or abilities.
And no, my argument still holds. It's core code is aged, sure, but that doesnt mean it's grown out of 5 year old hardware.
I mean, even if they were to optimize the code right now to reduce update bugs, they would still need a seperate optimization for map generation. You cant expect updating the code to fix consile issues. DBD was never made for consoles. It's a console port. It's updated to no longer be able to run perfectly on 5 year old hardware. BHVR isnt a big company in terms of people working there. With all that in mind, you cannot expect a small company to accomodate for 5 year old hardware on a game that recieves updates untill this day. And consoles suffer compared to PC, since consoles are made with hardware that is almost irreplacable and often not the most recent hardware on release.
So yeah, I agree dbd needs a revamp in code, I agree dbd needs a revamp in many things, but that doesnt mean the argument that "dbd should run fine on 5 year old software" is correct, let alone the argument that updates need to be faster. Because dbd isnt 5 year old software. If BHVR was a bigger company, I'd agree with you. If BHVR had their own servers, I'd agree with you. If BHVR had a team that was allowed to fully criticize the game's flaws and what needs changes, rather than a team designated to keep patching the old game up, I'd agree with you.
But that is not the case. With the current stance of their company, their team and their software, I have to argue against the argument that "DBD is 5 years old and I should be able to play it on 5+year old hardware with no issues". Does that excempt BHVR from their mistakes? No, they absolutely NEED to take the risk in revamping their code. They NEED to take a risk and dictate map RNG based on which killer is played rather than maps are equal to all killers. They NEED to find a way to be able to get hotfixes through faster methods(it's possible, but I'm fairly certain it will cost them a bit of money to do so). But just because that needs to be done and that those fixes will help on older consoles, doesnt make the argument that is being made a valid one.
That's like arguing against a law being stupid, and instead of going to the government to have a stupid law being revamped just breaking the law on how stupid it actually is and refusing to pay the bail coming with that because you think it's a stupid law. It might, by all means, be a stupid law. But it is still a law and law enforcement is inplace to uphold all laws. So you can see that breaking the law even though you're fully correct in it being a stupid law, isnt a valid option to argue it's a stupid law.