Everytime I go into the forums I see people talking about nerfing Nurse again, why?

The nerf made her extremely difficult to learn for newer players, the only people who play Nurse as good as you say are the people who stuck with Nurse after the Nurse rework nobody wants to learn Nurse because its a frustrating ordeal to even start and basically teaches you none of the skills to play other killers due to her unique playstyle. Even if you try to say Nurse is the best killer, statistically she is the worst killer to play because the people who try Nurse can't get past the high skill ceiling that was made even higher since the rework. :(
If she was nerfed again even the few people who poured all the effort into making her their main killer to play as will probably drop her I know I would, as it is Nurse rarely gets love in bug fixes and in quality fixes, half of Nurse's addons are still really really useless bugs that were there before the rework and still were there after the rework are still there. So why do people want to make Nurse unplayable? :(
The reason why people want her nerfed is because she doesn't play DBD, she plays The Nurse. Every mechanic in this game is bypassed by her existing and while I don't personally have a problem with it, a lot of people want to play the game they paid for
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I love playing against nurse these days. They are so rare to actually come across. I think people's frustration is probably more towards the perk combos that nurses have been using lately. For example, I've been seeing a lot of Starstruck/Agitation combos on nurse which is absolutely brutal to go against on a smaller map.
I do believe that players can run whatever perks they like and play how they want, but even i catch myself thinking "not another one" when the first survivor gets picked up and I'm immediately exposed....again....
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Nurse literally removes the main fun aspect for me and forces met to play sit on the ground simulator for 4 minutes
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Nurse is so common in red ranks on my server, I hate her guts. The most annoying and broken killer for me, 100%
No idea what game is that killer playing but its not Dead by Daylight
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She needs a rework admittedly. Her problem is that she removes all form of counterplay. Back when infinites, pallet vacuum, multiple pallets on a loop, exhaustion recovered while running and all those stuff were a thing, she was fine. Now however, teleporting is just too strong of an ability, as a good Nurse is literally (not metaphorically) impossible to win against.
Her power doesnt fit in DBD anymore, and a rework while keeping her strong would be better than nerfing her.
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But that's the whole reason why some of us find her fun her unique playstyle and the way she completely changes the game is what I enjoy about Nurse, I love chases and it makes it so fun to out position survivors to like get into the survivor's mind and beat them up. >:)
I honestly never liked the pallet running in circles I can't for the life of me enjoy it so I always played Nurse in fact Nurse was the first killer I got into because I loved the idea of the ability it was really hard, but really really fun even when I lost. The nurse was also the first killer I P3'd and I still play Nurse even now. :)
Post edited by JustWhimsical on2 -
The problem is DBD’s design is essentially pallet looping at this point.
I don’t like to compare DBD to other games but imagine in let’s say a fighting game you had a character who just hit through your block no matter what. You could do all you want to try and make that balanced but if all their attacks still go through block they’d always be OP
That’s the issue with nurse
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From all the comments I feel like Nurse is going to get Nerfed again I'm kind of sad. :(
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Pretty much.
I echo the thoughts/feelings of others whereby I believe a killer like Nurse (or Hag) wouldn’t have been put in the game today if they didn’t exist back then.
I think it’s important to note too that so much survivor detection perks and gen slow down perks have been added since the inception of Nurse, things that didn’t need considering when designing her power and how to balance it.
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If it helps we havent got a spirit nerf despite the forums wanting it desperately.
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She probably will, yes. It's easier than learning how to play against her, after all. It also makes me sad that the most unique killer, who can provide interesting moments that break from the usual survivor mold of "hold M1" or "loop" is going to be nerfed because people want every single killer to feel and play the same way from the survivors' perspective.
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If you like chases but don't like pallet looping then you don't like chases, you like the beatdown. Chases in this game have always been pallet looping
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People have been asking for a spirit nerf since 2018 and no nerf. Nobody wanted a Billy nerf and here we are. It seems that the community asks for things and the devs see that and are like "Okay to the bottom of the priority list it goes"
I woukdnt hold your breath
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Then why are blight oni and huntress so well liked? They break basic looping patterns in fun ways.
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Oni doesn't (without his real power, he's just a basic M1 killer), and it's probably because they're easier to learn how to play against.
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Can you not like chases that don't involve the running in circles genuine question. Also, the chases in this game have never always been about pallet looping, it is just something the player base added to the game and the devs expanded on it. Also, there are killers the circumvent pallet looping and they still have chases that don't involve running around constantly. Like do you not consider a trapper running a survivor into their trap to be chasing? Or a hag trap as chasing it may not sound like actually chasing survivors, but they do use their traps in unique ways like chasing them into them to get an advantage, a lot of killers are too slow to run around in circles that's why they have unique powers to circumvent that weakness. :)
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No it’s because they don’t just ignore what the survivor does completely. Fact is against nurse you could remove all the pallets from the map and the outcome would be the same.
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"Can you not like chases that don't involve the running in circles genuine question."
Not in Dead By Daylight, considering the chase involves looping and always has.
"Also, the chases in this game have never always been about pallet looping, it is just something the player base added to the game and the devs expanded on it."
The community figured it out near enough week 1. It's always been in the game.
"Also, there are killers the circumvent pallet looping and they still have chases that don't involve running around constantly."
And they don't chase. I main Pyramid Head, one of these anti-pallet killers, because I don't enjoy the chase, I enjoy the feeling of power from the total beatdown completely in my control.
" Like do you not consider a trapper running a survivor into their trap to be chasing? Or a hag trap as chasing, a lot of killers are too slow to run around in circles that's why they have unique powers to circumvent that weakness."
Trapper is a default M1 killer who gets looped. He chases.
Hag doesn't chase. There are no chases vs Hag, that's her entire power. Set up a Web and win. All 110 and slower killers do not chase survivors because they can't be looped with the exception of Trickster.
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I think Nurse is fine, yes a good nurse can destroy you but not all players who play her are godly.
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While I have very little respect for good Nurse players who just pubstomp solo teams a good Nurse is all that can really counter a good, organised gen focused SWF.
She needs to exist at that level and she's already had one kinda unnecessary nerf in recent memory.
All they ever needed to do was remove multi blinks imo.
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She's boring imo
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All i want is that someone playing nurse from a basement with a 56k connection won't hit me from the other side of the map with his 130 ping.
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Accidentally sent two messages sorry. :c
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As someone who has successfully (and purposefully) stunned Nurses, and even won chases against her, I can guarantee you it wouldn't be, at least for me. If you have trouble going up against her, that's on you, and it saddens me that the most fun killer to be chased by is going to be nerfed because people refuse to learn how to play differently.
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I think Nurse is a necessary evil. She was created in order to counter the insanely strong resources that survivors used to have back in the day.
But the thing is, in the highest level of play, survivors still have the advantage and there must be at least 1 killer who can go face to face with that.
Nurse is the killer in question.
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My comment was deleted first by me backspacing the tab and by the forums taking away my comment. x-x Gaaaaah what I was trying to say was sorry if I sound really confusing and a bit dumb I am still waking up it seems. I didn't mean to make it sound like pallet looping doesn't exist I more meant to say its an option in a chase at least in my personal opinion. :) I view chases more in like the beginning when a killer finds a survivor and the time the killer either hits or downs a survivor, I view pallets, vaults, and mind games as options to extend chases as well as perks. The reason I love Nurse is she is able to more so if you can use Nurse correctly take a lot of the sureity out of pallets and vaults. It's more of a mind game killer because you have to place yourself into the survivor's mindsets like I usually when I play Nurse have to figure out the playstyle of each and every survivor, some survivors have the same style while others prefer doing different thingies. It's all about making lightning-fast decision making off of those playstyles and mind gaming the survivor into playing into your hands. :)
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I'd say it's more her Add-ons (again) which make her unfun to play against. Her basekit is fine, you get a 3 second window where you can break Line of sight. (Personally I would've just increased her fatigue instead)
Equip double recharge or modern day Omega Blink (Kavangha's Last Breath + Fragile Wheeze) combined with Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer/BBQ then I understand the complaints.
She is extremely powerful and doesn't need those Perks, but people go overboard again because it's possible to use them on Nurse. You know, Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer on let's say Clown is okay. It's annoying but it's not oppressive. Put that build on Nurse with her strongest Add-ons and she becomes as frustrating to play against as old Omega Blink Nurse or 3, 4 or 5 blink Nurse.
I play her without Add-ons and with the most basic and harmless build you could give her, and she is still powerful. I use Shadowborn/BBQ/Corrupt and 4th Perk is usually something different everytime but I'd use I'm all Ears. Not everyone thinks like that, they just equip the best possible build OR they slug everyone into 1 hook death with Infectious.
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If you’re consistently countering nurses those aren’t good nurses you’re fighting.
Also she’s the most fun killer to be chased by for you not everyone enjoys having little to no I put in their chase
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If you’re consistently countering nurses those aren’t good nurses you’re fighting.
Why is it so difficult for you to consider that you might just be worse than me at countering the Nurse? I'm a former Nurse main, I know how she plays, I know her strengths and weaknesses, and I know how her players think.
Also she’s the most fun killer to be chased by for you not everyone enjoys having little to no I put in their chase
If you have little to no input in your chase, again, that's on you.
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To be honest, I have to agree with Orion on this, it is way easier I noticed for people who play Nurse to counter Nurse players. Even I have had trouble and instantly can tell who knows about Nurse's weaknesses because they actively play into that and know how to counter you by either denying you information feeding you false information or skillfully denying you hits when you should have gotten them because they read you. :)
For me going against nurses are much easier to do because I play Nurse and know how to play into Nurse's weaknesses if more people knew or played Nurse this wouldn't be an issue of her being too powerful in the eyes of many. In my personal opinion yes there are super great Nurse players, but the vast majority are just average and aren't all-knowing they can be countered you just need to know what to counter them with. :)
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Because I'm sick of Nurse and want to play DbD, and I especially hate just how much people stick their neck out for her and crap all over Deathslinger.
People have this insane idea that having the highest initial skill floor makes you the hardest killer. Spoiler alert, it doesn't. Her effort:reward ratio is insane. A mediocre Nurse with only a dozen practice hours can tear through most of their opponents. What other killer can say that? Bubba?
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She has sort of the same problem Spirit has: people say she removes all defenses, but you should never be using standard defenses against Nurse in the first place.
Yeah, if you try to run a jungle gym against a Nurse, you will die quickly. That's because you're doing everything wrong in that chase.
It's completely false to suggest survivors have no defense against a Nurse. Most survivors just don't know what to do or have no practice against a good Nurse. The entirety of the map is viable to run against a Nurse, and 99% of survivors in public matches still stick to conventional tiles. All of those junk tiles are sight blockers.
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Please do not change her. I just learned and mained her on console.
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Nurse is one of these Killers where a nerf wont do.
we either keep her as is and live with her being ridiculously OP, or we completely rework her.
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If I had to make a strong guess a Nurse who is truly mastered is truly unstoppable and someone encountered a god Nurse with Double Recharge and Infections Fright. Only thing on a similar level is a god Spirit with Stridor and MDR and the best duration add-on. But, most Nurses aren't good. And the few who have a decent understanding but aren't mastered can be enjoyable to face.