New Killer Totally Leaked (joke, Shark warning)

(but seriously, can we get a cosmetic pack based on this? It's exactly the kind of amazingly trashy we love. Check the trailer, it would fit so well)
I was expecting king shark from suicide squad lol
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not the only one
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not them?
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Risky risky wiggi wigi, this is a true emergency
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Might just be a joke, but I'd be down for a shark killer, lol. Maybe throw in a Jurassic Park Raptor while were at it. :P
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It would be nice to have it here instead of Jaws. LOL
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Wow @JawsIsTheNextKiller getting slander
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Anyone remembers Gyo?
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Imagine having the Tinkerer perk on that thing!!
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Rotten fields iw balenced blendette are no more
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When the shark hits tier 2
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Oh i remember having a toy like that being a kid
I didnt knew it was a kid show tho
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To be honest, I would be happy for any representative of the shark community to be included in Dead by Daylight. For too long have we been neglected.