Bad Killer perk Rework Ideas.

Forsaken_Ghoul Member Posts: 9
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Beast of Prey: Every time you break a pallet/Get stunned/hit a survivor, gain the undetectable status for 8 seconds

-This changes the perk from a useless chase perk that activates from situational circumstances at best, to one that allows a killer to be far more unpredictable. Being able to hit a survivor and peel off to an unsuspecting third party mid chase, allow for greater mindgame potential at pallets to keep the survivors guessing, while it's short timer keeps the perk from being too oppressive.


Coup de Grâce: Every unique hook increases your effective lunge range.

-Simplified and far more useful, the aim is to reward a various chases with more power. Removing the limitation of completed gens for uses of the perk removes the reward from failure implied in the original, and instead promotes better game play (and removing the need for killers to save their lunges lest they spend their stacks.). The range will be reduced overall, of course, as there is no longer a token requirement to use it.


Deathbound: When a Survivor heals another Survivor for the equivalent of 1 Health State, that Survivor suffers from the incapacitated when farther than 16/12/8 metres away from the healed Survivor.

-Removing the weak detection part of this perk, the new version of it aims to keep survivors grouped up, but instead of inflicting oblivious, which does little to stop survivors from doing gens when they watch the killer chasing someone in the background. Instead of being a situational stealth perk, it makes survivors stick together or risk being unable to perform the objective for a period of time. The overall duration would be reduced so as to not be too overbearing or game changing for gameplay.


Forced Penance: Survivors who take a Protection Hit suffer from the Broken status effect until they have unhooked another survivor, or have entered the Dying state.

-The goal here is to punish the rare act of someone taking a protection hit. While the main version of this is laughable at best with how uncommon a protection hit is in DBD, it's duration is also a non-issue as there is a good chance to be in a chase with the killer for a time unless someone is bombing the hook. This change aims to allow the killer more leeway in the off-chance someone DOES take a protection hit by removing the time limit on broken and adding an alternative condition to fixing it, like Pyramid head's torment.


Furtive Chase: Same as original effect, but simply have reduced terror radius persist for a few seconds after the chase ends.

-The original perk is used nearly exclusively for obssesion based rift challenges, as the effect is only present when it isn't needed; In a chase. Having it persist for a few seconds after leaving or ending a chase lets killers continue their momentum, or change their targets with much less warning for survivors. Duration is small to keep it's strength in check, but allow for synergy.


Gearhead: Same as original effect, but Remove the hit requirement and show an icon to the survivors after they land a great skillcheck.

-The perk suffers horribly from it's situational activation requirements. Removing the hit requirement allows it to be used freely, while the icon popping up tells survivors that they can be seen working on the generator with great skillchecks, so there remains some counterplay for both sides. Survivors can choose to forgo great skillchecks to hide their activity, effectively giving the killer a few more moments of time from the loss of the great skill checks reward progress, OR reveal their location to the killer for the sake of speedier repairs.


Hex: Retribution: Renamed to Retribution. The perk does the same effect as it's current iteration, but is not tied to a totem.

-While interesting, the fact that this situational perk can be removed is what makes it so weak. Making it into a standard perk instead of a Hex lets it's already meager use be more consistent and deadly.


Hoarder: Same as current effect, however, considerably reduces chances of items found being higher than common rarity, and items found spawn with 20-50% less charges.

-The effect, as it stands, does nothing but reward players with more chances for keys and desirable items. The aim of these changes is to reverse that. Acting as the polar opposite of plunderer's instinct, and making the rewards from chests far less reliable. (Also fits in with the twin's lore of being junk scavengers for what it's worth)


Monstrous Shrine: Same effect as current, however, ensures BOTH the main building and killershack basements spawn.

-A terrible perk in it's current iteration, it's 'advanced speed' equates to around three to four seconds less. Not to mention how situational it could be to be near the basement. The improved version of the perk aims to make dangerous basement hooks more available around the map, while keeping it's meager effect around.


Territorial Imperative: Same as current effect, but remove the distance requirement.

-A situational detection perk with a long cooldown that has many steps. The aim is to make the detection more reliable, useable, and have use for anti-stealth against survivors fleeing to the basement.


Unrelenting: Same as current effect, but show the range of your lunge.

-A training wheels perk for new killers mostly, or those without proper perks. As this is an All-killer starter perk, the addition if showing the lunge range helps new killers orient and try to get those max range hits, while helping them when they miss, like the current iteration.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531
    edited July 2021

    Forced penance is actually decent at the moment and that change would bring it overboard imo

    I forgot to add that Gearhead just needs to be all skill checks then it would be great. No need to completely change it

  • Forsaken_Ghoul
    Forsaken_Ghoul Member Posts: 9

    It isn't? There is zero reason to run the perk as it stands. If you wanted to keep people from taking protection hits alltogether you could just run star struck? Even as it is, you have to keep in mind that it requires a protection hit, something that is in itself uncommon in the majority of games. Making it stronger for the rare occasion that it happens shouldn't be an issue if it takes up a perk slot that could be used for pop/ruin/undying/bbq/tinkerer/etc.

    Both perks are never used because they provide so little, work in special circumstances, and have requirements. Gearhead would still be a weak choice over the plethora of other detection perks that do what it does better; Thrilling tremors, surveillance, etc.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Ask anyone who plays in tournaments and they’ll tell you forced penance is quite good

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Nobody plays like they do in tournaments.

    Tournaments usually end up as slug and tunnel fests.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    You think Hex: Retribution is WEAK?! What?!

    I'm going to pretend you never said that.

    As for the others, most of these don't actually address what makes the perks weak.

    Furtive Chase is weak because the effect of reducing your terror radius is useless while in chase. It makes such little difference. And you have to build it up. And it goes away once the Obsession dies. Your 'buff' doesn't address any of that.

    Making Monsterous Shrine affect all hooks won't make it stronger or used more.

    Beast of Prey is just cannibalizing Nemesis at that point.

    Terriorial Imperitive is still a bad basement perk. Its only used in annoying basement builds.

    I like Gearhead changes and the Coup changes.

  • Forsaken_Ghoul
    Forsaken_Ghoul Member Posts: 9

    It is? I've never seen it in game after two thousand hours. The proposed buff to it isn't that crazy, though I suppose you could argue it was also a nerf since it isn't tied to a totem anymore, and cannot be ran by itself? If there's something im missing about this perk that is apparently strong enough to warrant it needing no changes, please let me know.

    The change to furtive DOES, in fact, address the core issue with the perk, as keeping the reduced terror radius after ending a chase or breaking off (for a duration not permanently), allows you to keep your momentum after downing someone to sneak up on someone else. Imagine it being used on a bubba or myers that down a survivor or chase them into a position that's not good to chase at;House of pain, The game's monitor room, etc. They could peel off and sneak up unto another target with the reduced terror radius.

    Did you miss the part where BOTH the basements spawn for monstrous shrine? The entire buff that was proposed? It feels like you didn't read the post at all as I did not say have the buff on all hooks. Simply having both basements to work with is the strength of the perk, not the numbers. They can remain on the basement hooks for a small added bonus as they dont do much.

    Nemesis alienates one survivor and helps to track them while removing their senses. The beast of prey would be to have a small burst of undetectable all across the map. The short duration on it is because the undetectable works against all survivors, not making one oblivious for a long time. Similar, but unique enough to have a decent niche. Much like thrilling tremors and BBQ, they work similarly, but in different ways.

    Yes. Territorial would be used in annoying basement builds. It's a niche perk for a niche playstyle that is never chosen ever. The proposed buff would make it appealing for a small amount of builds, which is better than the virtual unviability it has now. Much like blood warden, insidious, and deerstalker are made for specific playstyles, this would have it's specific spot for these builds.

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    yeah I don't really care honestly, as a Legion main, I was pretty pissy when starstruck was added because it almost completely invalidates mad grit, forced penance, and even iron grasp and agitation for best overall shoulder-carrying perk. I would welcome the change, and I play a lot of survivor now too, whatever it takes to break the current meta I'm up for it.

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    I really like most of the ideas, and would gladly add them if given the chance, except for furitative chase and beast of prey,

    For furative chase, I'd suggest maybe giving survivors the oblivious and blindness effect after the chase is over, and a small gen repair speed penalty and would last for a max of 120 seconds, unless the killer activates another chase or you stick around a teammate for 20 seconds. Furitave chase would have a cooldown of 120/90/60 seconds. Hitting an obsession however, will grant a token and decrease your radius when outside a chase by 4 meters up to a max of 5 tokens.

    As for Beast Of Prey: I suggest applying the same effect but for 16/20/24 seconds as well as revealing both the aura of the survivor who stunned you (almost like an obsession) , and the survivor furthest from you (for ambushing). This new version of Beast Of Prey would have a cool down of 60/45/30 seconds.

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    yeah I think it is too, at least in comparison to other options, I've played a ton of survivor and killer, and have only seen retribution used like 4 out of +2,000 games, even if retribution isn't terrible, there's just better options to choose as killer, and so retribution is pretty irrelevant like how small game and hope was for survivors.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    I'm really at a loss, Retribution is very good and I guess also underrated as a defensive Hex perk.

    45 seconds of oblivious isn't insignificant.

    Nor is 10 seconds of aura reading. Combined with a Devour Hope, that can lead to a very large snowball.