I'm addicted to Lethal Pursuer

I love this perk more than I even thought I would. Now that I have it on Pig... and have her P3'd so I don't have to worry about prestiging her, it's just so comfortable. No more stress of looking for the spawn points and wondering where survivors spawned in at. I get why people wouldn't want to use it -- that's fine. I'd never use a lot of perks. But to me, it just feels so good. No more 30 seconds looking for survivors with Whispers and hoping I guess the right spot. No more using Discordance and HOPING two survivors hop on a generator so I know where they are, then get disappointed when all 4 are working on separate gens. I just look for where they spawn, and head to the nearest survivor to get an early down and start applying pressure. I'm not sure it'll ever come off my build. My stress levels while playing killer are just so much lower.
Oh yeah I believe it's very underrated. Combine it with Ruin and Undying and you have a top tier build guaranteed to regress a generator or 2 in the early game.
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It's a pretty cool perk for early pressure. I usually just walk to the opposite side of the map when I spawn in and I probably miss a lot of people that spawn just on the edge of my terror radius.
Lethal Pursuer / Corrupt Intervention / Zanshin Tactics / I'm All Ears might work for a meme build. Hmm.
You're basically playing with your base kit and down two perks two minutes into the match but who knows, maybe that early start is all you need.
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I run it with Corrupt Intervention on Blight.
Nothing more satisfying than getting that first hit 15 seconds into the match 👌
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I can't knock it as I haven't tried it yet, but while I can see just how powerful it can be for the early game, dedicating an entire perk for all of nine seconds when a match could very well last between 10 to 20 minutes, seems like such a waste. I'd much rather have that as an iridescent add-on more so than an actual perk.
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Saying Lethal Pursuer gets you 9 seconds of value isn't quite right, though. Lethal Pursuer gets you an early first chase, but more importantly, it generally tells you what gen every survivor you didn't harass will be at. It's a snapshot of survivor locations for the first phase of the game; you know which gens to give up on and shouldn't plan to be a part of your 3-gen, and once you have your first down, you have a very good idea of where to go to next, either to stop a mostly completed generator for Ruin/Pop value or just to get your snowball rolling.
It can flop the same way Corrupt Intervention can flop, but it can give a very powerful early game.
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I only use it to see how broken the spawns are so I can confirm I was right all along that spawns were broken
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Indeed - which is why I think it's a little too powerful.
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I just ran it on Nemmy and I had the first survivor down in 40 sec... super helpful and balanced (imo).
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It's neat to have but I usually find people pretty quick anyways. And I like having 4 perks the whole game
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The counterplay is obvious - you just relocate from your initial positions once ten seconds is up. If it became meta, survivors would do that and fake it out the same way they fake out BBQ. As it is, it's not too difficult to guess when a killer has Lethal Pursuer (they'll find their first survivor way faster than anyone else would), so calling it out and acting accordingly isn't too difficult.
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That only helps the survivor/s who wasn't/weren't the one/s unlucky enough to be the ones the game chose to spawn closest to you. Which, given the level of tunneling these days? Can mean a player who gets no chance at all to actually play and enjoy the match.
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Extremely powerful perk.
Broken on Spirit and Nurse.
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I love it so much. It's a huge help during the early game.