

Killer Suggestion: The Dryad (corrupted Claudette)

Member Posts: 75
edited December 2018 in Creations


It's been suggested (although un-confirmed) that IF a survivor loses all hope they may become one of The Entity's servants. So what if our good friend Claudette succumbed to such a fate...


The Dryad would look like a plant-based (or covered) Claudette. Maybe a bit larger as she's been empowered by The Entity.


A thorny vine that lashes out from her hand.

Power: Rootwalker

  • The Dryad can descend into the ground below her and travel the map hidden from sight.
  • While using Rootwalker, she has no terror radius. But a non-directional "burrowing" sound can be heard with 16 meters.
  • Descending into the ground is almost instant, but emerging takes a certain amount of time (adjusted by add-ons), similar to charging a chainsaw.
  • The Dryad can travel under some obstacles while using Rootwalker, but must be away from obstacles to emerge.
  • The Dryad can swing very quickly after emerging (Ultra rare add-on idea would allow instant grab if survivor is close enough upon emerging from ground).
  • While "burrowing", The Dryad goes into a 3rd person view centered on her location. A glowing marker shows where she is and if she can emerge there. Survivors can not see the marker.


Natures Voice - When a survivor moves quickly through plants (tall grass/ reeds etc. dependent on map), those plants glow with an aura visible to the killer from 16/ 24/ 32 meters away. This aura lasts for 2/ 4/ 6 seconds.

Brambles - If a survivor remains in contact with plants (tall grass/ reeds etc. dependent on map) for 20 seconds, they become "Entangled". While affected by "Entangled", survivors movement speed is reduced by 3%/ 6%/ 10% and Exhaustion perks will not activate. "Entangled" can be removed by performing a "Release" action (while standing still) which takes 10 seconds, and progress does not reset if interrupted. Once "Release" is completed, you are immune to "Entangled" for 60 seconds.

Enchanted Wood - "These hooks are constructed from something different..." Hooks take 10%/ 20%/ 30% longer to sabotage. When a survivor begins to sabotage a hook, a sound alert is shown to the killer.

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  • Member Posts: 3

    This is a really good concept, but I see some problems:
    First, her aspect is really similar to the Photosyntesis Hag Skin, but that is a minor problem.
    Second, the Perks "Natures Voice" and "Brambles" don't work on the Gideon Meat Plant, because there's no grass or reeds there, and they will be, literraly, uselessl Perks.

  • Member Posts: 3

    This is a really good concept, but I see some problems:
    Fisrt, her aspect is really similar to the Photosyntesis Hag Skin, but that is a minor problem.
    Second, the Perks "Natures Voice" and "Brambles" don't work on the Gideon Meat Plant, because there's no grass or reeds there, and they will be, literraly, usefull Perks.

  • Member Posts: 571

    I like the idea and the power, but I think her perks need to be changed

  • Member Posts: 33

    Cool concept, but

    1. It would be hard to make her look visually distinct from the Hag.
    2. Her power is very similar to the Spirit's.
    3. The perks are pretty underpowered.
  • Member Posts: 3,272

    Her power is kinda like people wanted spirit's to be, minus the blindness weakness.
    But in this barebones concept i guess its closer to wrath or pig, depending on how the reemerge works, but without a movement modification, i guess.
    Would probably become a 110% killer.

    I think she shouldnt need to be hunched over like hag, i somehow imagine a female trapper just that the mask starts growing into her head. The size would be like legionF plus maybe roots or branches sticking outward to artificially make her slightly bigger (easier to see)

  • Member Posts: 361

    The last perk is similar to Hangman's Trick except without the sabotage penalty.

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