Gen Rushing

I play on PS4 and gen rushing is getting worse. It has gotten to the point where playing isn't even enjoyable for me anymore. I'll just go through a typical game for me:
I'll start off on a killer (any killer I don't really have a main). I manage to find a survivor, chase them and hook them. At this time, less than a minute is gone, two gens down. I don't like to camp so I go off and hunt survivors. I find another survivor, down them and hook them. At this point, the survivor I hooked before is back up at full health and another gen is down. I down survivors a few more times and then we are on one. Most of the time, no-one has died. If I'm lucky, I've got one by a bit of a non-intentional tunnel. I chase a survivor for about 30 seconds and hook 'em up. Then the last generator goes. I have always got NOED, since it's basically essential nowadays. I usually get my only kill of the game around here. Boom, my NOED is is gone already. Okay... well I'll just hook this guy up. I do so and then, when I'm breaking a nearby pallet or something, someone gets the save. The survivors that are not injured body block me until the reach the gates. Then, I try to hit and of-course, they dead hard out. One kill, if I'm lucky. Then I just get taunted on Playstation messages by the survivors for being a "noed noob".
And this happens almost every game. It's just a bit ridiculous. I understand that this is a hard thing to combat on the dev's side but I feel like I just can't enjoy killer at high ranks. Ruin doesn't help too much easier because they get the hex totem right off the bat. I know people complain about this a lot but I just can't take it anymore. Killers get bloody abused by a mix of gen rushing and toxic survivors. Killers just aren't scary anymore due to the survivors' 75% chance of escaping. Survivors are a lot stronger than killers, and I can say this not even being a killer main. I play killer/survivor at a 50/50 rate. Soon I feel like it will start leaning towards the survivor side.
I agree fully on this. Gen Rushing is getting out of hand. I have only rounds where I hook one surv and BOOM two gens or maybe three done. It is coming to a point where I just stood there and thought about my life, why is this happening to me.
It doesn't make any fun. This is my first time on high Rank at 4 or above and it's ridiculous how fast they are. Also, it increases with them wonderful toolboxes. It feels like a killer you are too slow. YOU NEED to have Ruin otherwise you are (and I want to say that) ######### up. Because of that, the only perk which slows the game down. Improve it. Please.
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The problem is that there isn't anything else for the survivors to do. The only objective is to do generators. I guess it really depends if you're playing against a swf or not. Because of all of the changes they have made to favour killers and buff them, the only way to play this game is with a set of friends. If you solo queue as a survivor, you get horrible teammates who don't save you and you're guaranteed to die if you don't play super immersed (And I've got over 1200+ hours on xbox one, so playing the game immersed as a survivor is extremely boring).1
@UltimateHit47 said:
I don't like to camp so I go off and hunt survivors.
So, how about: try camping?
If you get one kill max anyway, why not just the first?
The fun part will be, the other survivor will come to the rescue anyway, even if you are there.
It's called "bait".
Usually at least 2 will stop doing gens and go for the rescue. Only one keeps doing gens, while you deal out some hits and watch the one guy die.
With Noed you might get the 2nd one on the hook and camp him too.
That way you doubled your regular
kill count and when the survivor start insulting you, you just answer "The Devs said 2 dead and 2 escape is a perfectly balanced match."
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@kazzymoyashi said:
The problem is that there isn't anything else for the survivors to do. The only objective is to do generators. I guess it really depends if you're playing against a swf or not. Because of all of the changes they have made to favour killers and buff them, the only way to play this game is with a set of friends. If you solo queue as a survivor, you get horrible teammates who don't save you and you're guaranteed to die if you don't play super immersed (And I've got over 1200+ hours on xbox one, so playing the game immersed as a survivor is extremely boring).And here we go.
1. Killer have hardly been buffed and they got buffed, because SWF is to strong. SWF is not the solution, but the problem.
2. Immersed should be the way to go. Instead survivor enjoy playing ring-around-the-rosie and bully the killer by playing pig-in-the-middle
3. The time survivor objectives take to do is way to short and killer objectives take way to long. That's what is called "gen rush". By the time the killer got his first hook, survivor can do 3 gens. Survivor need to do 5 gens and 1 gate = 6 objectives and half of them are done. The killer needs at least 6 hooks to kill 2 survivor for a "balanced" match. To "win" (3+kills) it would be at least 9 hooks, 11 if you spread the hooks among the team. And that's just the hooks, because every hook needs a successful chase, with DS, Insta heals, palletsaves and flashlightsaves that' could skyrocket. But let's just stick to the hooks, depending on what you call a killers "win", it's 6-11 hooks. Let's meet somewhere in the middle, like 8(+1/") hooks. So the killer did 1/8 of his objectives, while the survivor did 3/6 of their objectives. Do you see the problem now? So don't come here and complain about how hard survivor is after all those "buffs" to killer (and don't turn a blind eye on survivor buffs please, ok?)5 -
@Wolf74 said:
So, how about: try camping?
If you get one kill max anyway, why not just the first?
The fun part will be, the other survivor will come to the rescue anyway, even if you are there.
It's called "bait".Yes but camping is something you shouldn’t do. It actually TAKES AWAY bloodpoints and it’s not fair on survivors. Like I said, I’m 50/50 for whether I play survivor or killer. So, I know how crappy it is for the survivor when they get camped at the very start of the match.
Also, at high ranks, they don’t come for the rescue. The survivors let them die on the hook and do all of the gens instead.
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@UltimateHit47 said:
@Wolf74 said:
So, how about: try camping?
If you get one kill max anyway, why not just the first?
The fun part will be, the other survivor will come to the rescue anyway, even if you are there.
It's called "bait".Yes but camping is something you shouldn’t do. It actually TAKES AWAY bloodpoints and it’s not fair on survivors. Like I said, I’m 50/50 for whether I play survivor or killer. So, I know how crappy it is for the survivor when they get camped at the very start of the match.
Also, at high ranks, they don’t come for the rescue. The survivors let them die on the hook and do all of the gens instead.
Is it fair to get looped, gen rushed, tbagged?
Choose your poison, either you get mocked for not being able to kill or you kill and get insulted for camping.
Survivor ain't fair to killer, why should killer be fair to them?6 -
@UltimateHit47 said:
@Wolf74 said:
So, how about: try camping?
If you get one kill max anyway, why not just the first?
The fun part will be, the other survivor will come to the rescue anyway, even if you are there.
It's called "bait".Yes but camping is something you shouldn’t do. It actually TAKES AWAY bloodpoints and it’s not fair on survivors. Like I said, I’m 50/50 for whether I play survivor or killer. So, I know how crappy it is for the survivor when they get camped at the very start of the match.
Also, at high ranks, they don’t come for the rescue. The survivors let them die on the hook and do all of the gens instead.
If a lot of survivors would start ignoring campers and camped survivors, camping would lose its effective use and we would start seeing less of it beacuse of that. But until survivors stop make camping work, there will be camping.
Adding to this is the urge to get those sweet unhook points. Gaining more in an instant than in 80 secs on a gen is quite tempting, I guess.
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@Wolf74 said:
Is it fair to get looped, gen rushed, tbagged?
Choose your poison, either you get mocked for not being able to kill or you kill and get insulted for camping.
Survivor ain't fair to killer, why should killer be fair to them?Yes, but I DO tunnel and camp the ones who deserve it. Some survivors just want to have fun in the game and they get found first by luck and end up having their game ruined. I don’t wanna be the one to do that.
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Now I get gen rushed as Legion. :c
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well the game is already favored for the survivors (this patch just made it worse)
1. is 4vs 1
2. there are 3 possible exits very far apart
3. pallets and vaults
4. killers are a tiny bit faster going straight but get looped because they are slower to turn
5. lots and lots of perk and abilitiesand still they complain when you act like a natural hunter would (think like a male lion in Africa, would he say nooo that's not fair?):
tunnel into the wounded animal and chase the one that's closest to you, wounded and dying --- you are called a tunneler
defend that kill and called a camper - don't care how far away you go from it you are still called a camper
solution being: don't listen to the survivor bs - get 2 survivors out of the round w/e the cost, then get both on the ground then both on the hook. Try to establish a territory where there are a clump of gens close together and let them have the ones on the edges (well not have easily). Remember these are mostly millennials who think they are entitled to escape and they live in the world where everyone gets a ribbon - but lions know differently.
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And here we go.
1. Killer have hardly been buffed and they got buffed, because SWF is to strong. SWF is not the solution, but the problem.
2. Immersed should be the way to go. Instead survivor enjoy playing ring-around-the-rosie and bully the killer by playing pig-in-the-middle
3. The time survivor objectives take to do is way to short and killer objectives take way to long. That's what is called "gen rush". By the time the killer got his first hook, survivor can do 3 gens. Survivor need to do 5 gens and 1 gate = 6 objectives and half of them are done. The killer needs at least 6 hooks to kill 2 survivor for a "balanced" match. To "win" (3+kills) it would be at least 9 hooks, 11 if you spread the hooks among the team. And that's just the hooks, because every hook needs a successful chase, with DS, Insta heals, palletsaves and flashlightsaves that' could skyrocket. But let's just stick to the hooks, depending on what you call a killers "win", it's 6-11 hooks. Let's meet somewhere in the middle, like 8(+1/") hooks. So the killer did 1/8 of his objectives, while the survivor did 3/6 of their objectives. Do you see the problem now? So don't come here and complain about how hard survivor is after all those "buffs" to killer (and don't turn a blind eye on survivor buffs please, ok?)
2. But why? Why should it HAVE to be that way? Why can't we play however we like? If you choose to camp, which clearly you endorse, then I will choose to run around and make you feel like an idiot for choosing to chase me. It's all about choosing who to chase. If you are chasing someone and they are good at looping and such, then STOP CHASING THEM. Is your pride really worth it? I can get a 4 kill at rank 8. No, it's not red ranks, I admit, but it really depends on your play style and your perk load out. It's not rocket science.
3. Then GIVE UP THE CHASE. Play a different killer if you struggle with one of them. Here's the thing that you clearly need to learn... YOU DON'T NEED A FOUR KILL EVERY SINGLE MATCH. It was the hardest thing I had to learn as both survivor and killer - you won't escape/survive every match and you won't get a four kill every match. Once you accept that, the game gets more fun. Stop being so competitive. What do you honestly gain? It's just a game. If you want to be competitive, go to call of duty or something else.1 -
@kazzymoyashi said:
And here we go.Killer have hardly been buffed and they got buffed, because SWF is to strong. SWF is not the solution, but the problem.
Immersed should be the way to go. Instead survivor enjoy playing ring-around-the-rosie and bully the killer by playing pig-in-the-middle
The time survivor objectives take to do is way to short and killer objectives take way to long. That's what is called "gen rush". By the time the killer got his first hook, survivor can do 3 gens. Survivor need to do 5 gens and 1 gate = 6 objectives and half of them are done. The killer needs at least 6 hooks to kill 2 survivor for a "balanced" match. To "win" (3+kills) it would be at least 9 hooks, 11 if you spread the hooks among the team. And that's just the hooks, because every hook needs a successful chase, with DS, Insta heals, palletsaves and flashlightsaves that' could skyrocket. But let's just stick to the hooks, depending on what you call a killers "win", it's 6-11 hooks. Let's meet somewhere in the middle, like 8(+1/") hooks. So the killer did 1/8 of his objectives, while the survivor did 3/6 of their objectives. Do you see the problem now? So don't come here and complain about how hard survivor is after all those "buffs" to killer (and don't turn a blind eye on survivor buffs please, ok?)
- Okay, so adjust SWF - create a nerf specifically for SWF, not solo queuing. It's unfair to nerf ALL survivors. If I play survivor, I usually solo queue or play with one friend. I honestly can't remember the last time I played with a full team of 4. Also, how long have you been playing this game? I've been playing it since the release on console and you see 5+ buffs for killers to maybe 1 buff for survivors with each patch. The game isn't meant to be 'fair'. It's called an asymmetrical horror game for a reason, and even then, it has lost its horror element.
- But why? Why should it HAVE to be that way? Why can't we play however we like? If you choose to camp, which clearly you endorse, then I will choose to run around and make you feel like an idiot for choosing to chase me. It's all about choosing who to chase. If you are chasing someone and they are good at looping and such, then STOP CHASING THEM. Is your pride really worth it? I can get a 4 kill at rank 8. No, it's not red ranks, I admit, but it really depends on your play style and your perk load out. It's not rocket science.
- Then GIVE UP THE CHASE. Play a different killer if you struggle with one of them. Here's the thing that you clearly need to learn... YOU DON'T NEED A FOUR KILL EVERY SINGLE MATCH. It was the hardest thing I had to learn as both survivor and killer - you won't escape/survive every match and you won't get a four kill every match. Once you accept that, the game gets more fun. Stop being so competitive. What do you honestly gain? It's just a game. If you want to be competitive, go to call of duty or something else.
- Yes, I would be ok with just nerfing SWF.
1.1 I am playing for 2500+hrs and if you want to tell me that killer have gotten more buffs than survivor, you must be playing a different game or you are turning a blind eye on one side. Basically every patch was 2 buffs for survivor and 1 buff for survivor for almost 2 years. - It should be that way, because the killer are supposed to be the powerrole. The killer should be the scary big bad, that you try to avoid to fight directly, instead survivor WANT to directly interact with the killer and some streamer even go as far as calling crap like "the chase IS the whole game".
2.1 No need trying to educate me, I know when to drop a chase. Don't talk to me like I am a noob if you know jack crap about me. - Again, stop trying to lecture me, you obviously not in the position for that. Have ever read me posting that crap anywhere about "4K every match"? No, because I never that that, so please stop trying to put words into my mouth just because you have nothing else to bring to the table.
3.1 The game IS competitive in nature. 2 sides versus each other. One team vs one single player. PVP! You do not play Pvp "non competitive". That's impossible, because you play versus other human beings. If you don't want o compete, go play some coop games like Left 4 Dead, but stop telling people that this is non competitive.
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Wolf74 said:
- Yes, I would be ok with just nerfing SWF.
1.1 I am playing for 2500+hrs and if you want to tell me that killer have gotten more buffs than survivor, you must be playing a different game or you are turning a blind eye on one side. Basically every patch was 2 buffs for survivor and 1 buff for survivor for almost 2 years. - It should be that way, because the killer are supposed to be the powerrole. The killer should be the scary big bad, that you try to avoid to fight directly, instead survivor WANT to directly interact with the killer and some streamer even go as far as calling crap like "the chase IS the whole game".
2.1 No need trying to educate me, I know when to drop a chase. Don't talk to me like I am a noob if you know jack crap about me. - Again, stop trying to lecture me, you obviously not in the position for that. Have ever read me posting that crap anywhere about "4K every match"? No, because I never that that, so please stop trying to put words into my mouth just because you have nothing else to bring to the table.
3.1 The game IS competitive in nature. 2 sides versus each other. One team vs one single player. PVP! You do not play Pvp "non competitive". That's impossible, because you play versus other human beings. If you don't want o compete, go play some coop games like Left 4 Dead, but stop telling people that this is non competitive.
1. Then that's something we agree on - I would 100% be okay with a nerf to SWF.
1.1 fair enough, but for example, there was the patch that buffed the trapper and the hag exponentially. Granted, I admit, they desperately needed those buffs to be more playable and useable. However, there wasn't many buffs to survivors then - and there was the pallet change, which I am fine with, I just dislike the latency lag that happens where you pull a pallet and the killer hits you, then is stunned on the other side of the pallet. I mean, I adjusted where I pull them earlier, but it can still be frustrating in a chase as survivor. And I speak from playing killer where I make certain moves because I KNOW I can hit them and such, which shouldn't honestly be something I factor in.
2. Then the devs need to implement something scarier. Killers honestly aren't scary anymore. The most 'scare' I get is at the beginning of the match where I don't know what the killer is and it turns out to be a Michael that I just ran head first into. Otherwise, killers just aren't that scary. They need to implement more of a fear factor. Playing immersed is boring because it's always the same. I get more of an adrenaline rush and have more fun being chased. Mind you, I don't go out of my way to run at a killer. I try to do gens and then when I know I've been spotted, I have fun running around and toying with them. But that also plays into my play style as a killer. I don't care if I kill anyone. I want the game to be more fair and if I'm really in the mood to make sure people die, I bring in a mori. I have so much more fun as a killer by chasing people. Camping and tunnelling isn't my style unless that person t bagged me, and that generally only happens if I camped or tunneled to begin with, or it's a super cocky SWF group. So I learned early on that camping and tunnelling just isn't fun for anyone, so chase away.
3. But so many killers expect a four kill each match and that's half of the problem, just like survivors expect to escape every match. It just isn't going to happen.
3.1 But it doesn't have to be competitive. I'm not saying that it is or isn't competitive. But once I decided to stop being competitive and stopped caring about the match, it's amazing how much more fun I have. And the survivors too, if I'm playing killer - I shouldn't have to get 'thank you so much for not camping. You're an awesome killer. We need more like you out there. ' in messages because I played as I would want to be playing against.0 - Yes, I would be ok with just nerfing SWF.
New chapter has reinforced this from what I can tell. Every match I've had, even solo teammates, are splitting up and spreading out. The only exception I saw was 2 rank 20s popped in and tried to double leader.0
I think the overall speed that gens are done needs to be lowered a tad, maybe 5 or 10%
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@DemonDaddy said:
New chapter has reinforced this from what I can tell. Every match I've had, even solo teammates, are splitting up and spreading out. The only exception I saw was 2 rank 20s popped in and tried to double leader.One of the terrible things is that the killer side has the offering to spread them out and the survivor have the offering to start together.
That shows the Devs are not aware how the game is actually played.1 -
i set up a suggestion post advertising my idea of fixing the core mechanics of Gen speed and Hook mechanics... i apologize it's hard to read but i want to know People's opinion on my suggestion.
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only1biggs said:
@Wolf74 said:
@kazzymoyashi said:
No need trying to educate me, I know when to drop a chase. Don't talk to me like I am a noob if you know jack crap about me.
The game IS competitive in nature. 2 sides versus each other. One team vs one single player. PVP! You do not play Pvp "non competitive". That's impossible, because you play versus other human beings. If you don't want o compete, go play some coop games like Left 4 Dead, but stop telling people that this is non competitive.
You clearly ARE a noob, if you get embarrassed as Myers at rank 13 and have to pull your internet cord.
Saying DbD is a competitive game is like saying Rock, Paper, Scissors is "competitive".
Please, for the love of god, just stop.
The game IS competitive. It has all the things from a competitive game:
Two sides, customizable choices pre-game, clear objectives and the most important, a team behind the game that pretends to care about it's balance1 -
Gen itself is not the problem, since is the only and main objective for survivor, the game needs a second objective to delay the game a little bit, if they increased the points you gain for breaking Dull Totems would be a great, also use NOED and Remember Me to "Counter" GenRush, i now that use perks to counter a game mechanics is a bad game desing but you now... Behaviour being behaviour...
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Almost every game? Sorry mate, but it's not that bad for me.
Maybe can happen once per day, but most of the times i get 3K at least. (i'm on ps4 as well)0 -
What killer are you using?
The problem is you can't just be good at chases. You can end all your chases quick and still end up with no kills and survivors tebagging at the exit gates.
You need pressure. You need ro absolutely overwhelm them. This is why Billy is so common at high ranks.
Instadown one survivor with chainsaw. Fly across the map and instadown another. Now this ones getting hooked as the first is only just getting unhooked. Fly back to where the first got unhooked, down them again, now the 4th guy needs to get off the gen to save the other one you hooked.
Picking any of the standard killers, by the time you've slowly waddled your way over the map to even begin your next chase the first guy is probably unhooked and halfway healed.
Most of the killers are too slow to create pressure.0