So I see your servers are worse than ever

1st day back in 6 months and it's worse than when I left it. Sad to see this game get worse instead of improve. Frame rate drops and connection are worse than trash on PS4. Completely unplayable.
Welcome to the party.
10 -
Given that the devs have officially acknowledged that there's issues with the performance on consoles, you really don't know what you're talking about.
21 -
You must not play in PS4. The game literally has an FPS stutter every few seconds where it drops to 0 then goes back to normal. It's annoying during regular gameplay but also can completely mess you up during chases as survivor and killer, as well as on skillchecks.
The original poster is correct. The game is near unplayable on PS4. I don't know if Xbox players have the framerate issues.
8 -
I never complained about the servers. I haven't had issues. I have issues with the game being poorly optimized.
Way more demanding games run great on PS4 and XB1. Games such as Battlefield 1 and V, Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2, Rainbow 6, COD, etc. All games are larger than DBD in terms of GB and also more graphically demanding. If those games can run smoothly on PS4 there is no reason why Dead by Daylight shouldn't.
Also, DBD used to run fine 98% of the time on console. Now I can't go more then a few seconds with the fps dropping to 0 (freezing) then going back up, essentially teleporting me mid game.
9 -
There is no reason why DBD shouldn't run well on console when plenty of other larger, more graphically demanding games run perfectly on console.
It is called poor optimization. And for all your "upgrade" comments, consider that the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 are still very difficult to find and purchase for retail price.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on8 -
Then explain why games such as Resident Evil Village, Resident Evil 2 and 3 Remakes, and Red Dead 2 do not run as bad as DBD on PS4.
8 -
Thank you. Plenty of other AAA games run perfectly fine on PS4 and XB1. @MegaDwight even claims that the performance on console is perfectly fine on DBD when nearly every other console player is claiming otherwise.
Cmon now... you gotta be smarter than that.
4 -
And I quote, "Both the servers and the framerate are fine."
You stated this in response to the OP who was clearly referring to PS4 when speaking about framerate and servers.
7 -
So you are telling me that you play console and get none of the issues the entire community sees all day long?
7 -
Oh we do, chases are free dead hard time cause I pause and they keep running. Or I swing and it takes 3 seconds to finish the animation. Hooking is the same way, I start the hook and get blinded on the way up, so PC players are just cracking up playing me.
0 -
So I have to purchase a new system to play a game that is available and supported on the one I already have? So it is my fault the game plays poorly, cause it was good enough 2 weeks ago. Did my system become dated in 2 weeks? Would you continue to play if you had to get a new graphics card and more memory every update? We both already know the answer to that.
5 -
nice bait bud
5 -
Are you trolling for laughs? You didnt answer my question, you avoided it by saying I had to once in 5 years, not what I asked. So you are either a troll and thats fine too or lack the cognitive ability to discern between fact and fiction. You posted nothing factual, you posted conjecture. Software evolves, it doesnt degrade. Performance does, and only on systems outdated completely. So my new gen x box isnt good enough??
5 -
How about you help everyone out with our outdated hardware and buy us PS5's or the new Xbox since apparently to you they're so readily available to buy anywhere and everywhere.
4 -
They are gonna fix it just give em time
0 -
But I want a longer lecture from our PC Master Race Overlord. By all means, tell us more about how it's our fault they broke the game again.
3 -
Bad servers + console killer + killer ping assumedly from Middle East when I'm EU West from their PS4/XBOX tag = ??? Free downs.
1 -
Not everyone can have the chance to get a better console. It'd be nice of you to check your privilege.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on4 -
having fun in make-believe world? servers are trash rn
4 -
not everyone can afford that. privileged much?
5 -
you are the one baiting here lol
3 -
again with the privelege man!
4 -
ignore their argument to feel better I guess. lol
5 -
I have a less-than-1-month-old PC, with an RTX 3090, 32G ram. I have FTTH. I still get hitches.
Your attitude is embarrassing, not the rest of the people here.
3 -
lag and poor optimization are now about ""maturity""
5 -
so just ignore the hundreds of people that complain about lag i guess
lmao hows it feel to be so wrong and yet still keep arguing?
5 -
If it's provable, then disprove all the people here. Your anecdotal experience means nothing.
4 -
There are many, many witnesses that state that there is lag. So much so, that there is a statement by the devs on the front of the forums that states, and I quote, "We're currently investigating a HDD issue that is affecting console performance and hope to have that included.".
It appears sir, there is evidence to back up their statements, and none to back up yours.
1 -
The problem here is, those performance issues on HDDs can cause skipping, which looks like lag. So yeah. Sorry, you still have no proof that there is nothing wrong, with many, many reports to the contrary.
You've yet to disprove these people wrong.
1 -
You are trying too hard
2 -
Sorry, who doesn't take me seriously? Who is this your referring to?
I don't need to prove otherwise - the dev announcement makes my case for me. And I'm not saying they're confused - again, HDD skipping/issues can cause what looks like lag spikes. Hence why they're investigating it.
You still have no proof that the servers are fine. You have nothing but your word that it's fine to back you up - yet the forums are filled with people who state otherwise.
Sounds like you're just mad you can't back up your statements to me.
0 -
Hey man, the forum is filled with people with issues. You can't disprove their claims. The best part is, there are videos backing up their statements that there are issues. You have... your word. Which means all of nothing LOL