You currently need to get 1.6 Million BPs just to Level 50 a Character

This is absurd... I'm currently grinding Pig and Ghostface to Prestige 3 and just noticed that to get a character to Level 50, you have spend 1.6 Million BPs as 1 Million will only get you to Level 38 and it's 600K BPs to get to Level 50. To get to Prestige 3 and make your your character have the perks you want, you have to farm 4.8 Million to get it to Prestige 3 and 3 Million to get all the current Perks making a Total of 7.8 Million Grind per Character.
The Grind is at the level of a looter shooter... DBD is casual horror game by the Devs standards.
Edit: On Prestiging I'm currently ignoring Purple and Red items the best I can. I also currently have all the teachables on my Killers and it's currently 1.6 Million Grind for me.
Yeah, it’s absurd. I’ve played about 40-50 games this anniversary, which is nothing, but have been able to prestige 5 characters.
The thing is, this is all with the help of people bringing cakes, and well, cakes are currently common. When it goes back to normal, the grind will be ever so more painful again.
To me, I think they should reduce the amount to get to lvl50 to 1M + perk rarities no longer exist, providing you the purple variant upon getting the perk.
This is especially true for one perk called..: BB…
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Completely fair. I've lost count of the matches I've done pre anniversary where I'll get 15-20k (because I admitably suck, or I'll play survivor and get the same amount) and get halfway through a BW between each match because I want items that actually matter. Now it's about double or triple, so it isn't horrible...for now. Best believe I'm grinding the hell out of this event to P3 Trickster and Cheryl.
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Honestly if you know what youre doing and have bbq you can get 1 million in 8 hours or so. Its really not that bad.
Whats bad is having to do that across several characters that youre either going to buy or hoard shards for on top of earning the bps for all of them just to get a decent build
And like i said you have to know what youre doing, noobies dont making it harder
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Maybe I’m the out of touch one here, but if you don't like grinding blood points, then just don’t prestige.
Prestige is a fully optional thing that has almost no effect except for the cosmetics. In every game where prestige exists in fact it exists purely as a optional achievement to show dedication to the game, it’s not supposed to be easy or fast to P3 characters.
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My Reason for prestiging is for the cosmetics. I prestiged 3 my Myers because of the cool blood spatter on the face. I prestiged 3 my Pyramid Head because PH was first seen in Silent Hill 2 as a very bloody(James: What was that red pyramid thing...). Pig's Blood covered weapon and Ghostface's Blood spattered mask looks cool to me.
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I agree that a lot of the Prestige cosmetics are cool, but 90% of people complaining about the grind in this game are asking the devs to rework bloodweb generation/perk levels because they dont like that it takes a long time to get in game items that have no effect on normal gameplay.
It’s basically a non-issue that gets argued everywhere all the time, and while its maybe something the devs could look at down the line (especially as the perk pools get more inflated), any work that they did on it now would be diverting resources towards something that isn’t a big deal, and away from bigger problems like game optimization, bug fixes, and game balancing.
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Not like you can do 1 million in a week or so anyway,
Beside prestige, its purely a secondary and non obigztory thing to do to show that you play the game a lot
Yet the devs should rework the web some to at least let us get more perk after reaching level 35-40 so we get a 3 or 4 perks to get at rank 50
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This is why I don't prestige. I'm completely fine with keeping a character level 50. I even have a character with every single survivor perk in the game level 3 and that's only because I didn't prestige them lol. I only really prestige the characters if I would actually use their bloody cosmetic like Ash, Tapp, or Quentin.
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8 hours? this is a casual game and some of us have lives lol
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1.6 Mil? If you actually go out of your way to make Bloodwebs as cheap as possible you can get a character to Level 50 with about 1.2 mil.
I had saved up about 2.6 mil BP for Nemesis and was just short of getting him to P2 right after his release (Was like P1 Level 48 or something)
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To be fair, his rate seems really off. You can easily get 100 to 200k a game if 3 to 5 cakes are in play. As killer, anyways, which is what you should be playing if you are grinding bloodpoints.
Obviously you need to account for those games with only 1 to 2 cakes in play, or 3 to 4 and they gen rush you. But 8 hours is WAY overboard.
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8 hours to hit 1m bp?
I dunno what kinda stuff yer on but i want some of that lol
At minimum. it can take between 1-3 hours of playing, with bbq and cakes stacked
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Takes me like 2-4 hours to get 1.6m BP with the current event with a lot of that time being in between matches. Running WGLF and BBQ respectively, though.
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Someone mad a calculation and they came up that it takes more than 1,5 billion bp to get (i think) all charact RS to P3 with all perks.
But that was at least a year ago.
So now probably 2 billion is more appropriate.
Edit: That's also why I probably will never prestige any character. My goal ATM is to get every character to 40 and then focus the "getting all perks" on one survivor and my main killer. So everything after that is relaxed luxury for me. Still can't decide between Kate and nea.
And in respect to skins, i will MAYBE buy one each for my main characters and that's it. Killer wise I don't even see any real value in skins for myself outside of Moris or the endgame screen and maybe the weapon that is filling half of my screen 😝.
But it is definitely not worth for me to prestige for a skin and take the stress of grinding up from scratch on certain characters.
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I meant not during event when youve got 5 cakes being run. Just regular normal games. Weird i thought that would be pretty obvious
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Nobody said you had to do 8 hours in one day. 8 hours aint ######### tbh. If you played an hour a day thats just a little over a week
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While I agree mostly prestige is meant to be hard to get. That’s kinda the whole point of the mechanic