So should killers get corrupt intervention or noed as base kit?

...then you can nerf camping and tunneling since a second objective for survivors seems off the table🤑
I'd be in favor of NoEd as base kit only if they increased the amount of totems to 7 but gave survivors a totem counter as base as well as a smaller ranged Kindred.
But since the forums and social media will get nuked with complaints and rage, I would settle for killers getting Whispers as basekit to help balance out the free information that swf get with the use of comms.
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How high are you right now?
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Ideally, I'd want corrupt base but all the other regression perks nerfed
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Basekit whispers wouldnt be enough to balance out swfs 😂
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i don't understand a word of what mans lat said bro.
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Ehh, I think are other solutions to gen speeds then making Noed or Corrupt base kit.
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this literally makes camping and tunneling more viable, I love how killers keep suggesting things that make camping better as an excuse to "nerf camping".
Yea make gens take longer so camping is stronger.
Give survivors another objective so camping is stronger
Give me noed base kit so when I camp survivors literally don't even have enough time to do gens and totems while this survivor dies as i camp them
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corrupt intervention as basekit would fix the gen problem and the spawn problem without having to fix all the map spawns wastiung hundreds of dev time.
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hell no.
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A weaker version of corrupt would be neat.
Maybe something like 15 or 30 seconds?
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Never said it would be enough, but it would be a good start.
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I like the idea of Corrupt as base kit for killers and Kindred base kit for survivors (if they took away the killer aura reading).
It would give killers a bit of time at the start of the game which is needed. As for survivors it would really help with solo-q and also making Blinding perks and add ons more viable ^^ Just my hot hot take!
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Corrupt I can get behind but with, NOED... nah. Out of all the things that could help killer and not hinder soloq that ain't it. I would make kicking gens actually mean something, like 10% each kick(reduce pop to compensate), thus making it detrimental for players to tap gens as well.
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Corrupt but nerfed maybe, NOED heck no.
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Basekit noed would actually help solve many problems. For a variety of reasons.
Survivors would stop complaining about it because "JUST DO BONES" would be something you would want to do every single game. They can stop complaining about assuming killers have noed, because EVERY killer has NOED. As part of that, it makes the game slow down a bit, because survivors will have to either cleanse the totems or deal with it. It creates a secondary objective with a good risk/reward ratio. Survivors can take the risk, and slam the gens, but then they deal with noed. Or, they can spend time cleansing totems to avoid it, but then of course they aren't on gens and the game is slowed down naturally a bit. Additionally, since noed is in ever game, survivors are more incentivized to carry a totem tracking perk, or a map. At least one on their team, so they can cleanse the totems.
I have long thought that they should use dull totems as a way to slow the game down, by making them do some other effect like slow gen speeds or something.
As for making CI base kit, that i disagree with. With my time of running Lethal Pursuer since it came out, it is clear the biggest problem there is spawns. I can have some games, where all 4 survivors spawn next to each other slightly on the side of the map, and other ones where all 4 survivors spawn on the opposite side of the map completely spread out from each other, 3 on different gens and 1 spawned on my hex. It is ridiculous to watch 3 survivors start repairing 3 different gens before LP is even up while the 4th cleanses your hex.
Spawns should setup such that every survivor always spawns on the opposite end of the map from the killer, on top of a generator that can only be repaired by 1 person. Hex perks, and totems for that matter, should never spawn next to a generator or out in the open.
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generators don't need to be blocked per say, but being killer and having a gen pop in your face when you cross the map is stupid.
and noed just punishes people for not escaping when they can.
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Corrupt intervention should definitely be base kit.
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I don't think this should be the case.
I don't think the problem is necessarily gens being too fast. I think the problem is they're too simple and too safe.
Base corrupt at least makes survivors go around the map to find a gen, which means they might stumble upon a killer, but now that we have lethal pursuer it seems like it could destroy survivors with higher tier killers.
I think gens should be harder to complete, not take longer, just be harder. I think gens should be less safe, maybe reduce the killer's TR the more completed the gen is, or maybe gens require survivors to go around the map for parts, something to make it less safe.
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That would be another nice basekit addon since "oh crap we 3 gennned ourselves let's hide for 20 minute games" still haven't been fixed yet🙄
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Not really...killers complain about short games from gen rushing and no second objectives for survivors. In turn survivors complain about tunneling and camping (which killers say happen because of gen rushing). Having them base kit (one or the other) fixes the short games to an extent.
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And your contribution? Come on let's hear your ideas instead of bashing others😴
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Nerfed how?
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Such as?
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Reduce its duration to 30 or 60 or something, then have Corrupt increase that duration.
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See that would work🙂
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And your suggestions? Are you saying survivors don't need a second objective...this would be a quick fix to save developer time from implementing gen parts or oil cans or whatever. I mean look how long it's taking them to fix the lag spikes and dcs during the anniversary.
Oh wait they are spending that time implementing that key nerf😏
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Yeah gen tapping is ridiculous especially during a chase😛
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Kind of a mini tinkerer effect...make the game scarier for survivors again🤔
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I'd keep gen speeds the same, but add some other objective the survivors must do before they can escape. Such making the survivors find fuses to power the exit gates, or maybe parts they need to install into the generators.
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Was the game ever really scary for survivors? I wasn't here for the beginning, but from my understanding, it was always the survivors bullying the killer.
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Something like that.. I'm thinking maybe every 25% of a completed generator you all sounds around you are reduced by a percentage. Obviiously you should never remove a TR fully, and the effects of the TR should still be there just you can't hear it as well if you're working on the gen.
it will definitely help weaker killers against survivors who hold W as soon as they hear a TR coming for them.
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From early players I heard Myers provided plenty of jump scares during his release and ghostface...besides that no 🤔🤣 but imagine the possible change in this horror game.
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Especially with spine chill used almost religiously right now.
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I admit, when I first started, the stealth killers did scare me for the first two weeks, and I still get scared from some really good killers who manage to counter my Spine Chill and pull me off of a gen, but the scariness of all the other killers wore off in about 3 days. I do wish they could make it scarier and give me back some of that feeling I got when I entered a game back when I was a baby, but it'll never happen.
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to counter that I considered adding a version of whispers as basekit for killers that only activates if the killer hasn't activated a chase in more than two minutes.
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They've nerfed everything on the survivors side after stating they would so I don't see why they won't eventually get keys done after saying they would. (DS, BNPs, OoO, toolboxes, insta blinds) of course killers want everything to favour their side immediately so despite killer being incredibly easy currently they still can't just wait a little while for a key change, which in all honesty, are pretty rarely seen when I play.
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It might also be being more nervous as a newer that you are more experienced, it is harder to shock you right?
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That would help stop the stand still of those lengthier games😎
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How long have moris been nerfed compared to keys? The ds nerf compared to undying hex? I know there are more but those are the two major ones I can think of😶
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Yea, and it is contributing to my burnout of this game. I'm about to delete it and take a nice long vacation from it because nothing "fresh" and exciting is happening with it. Every chapter just feels like a rehash of the one before it. The last good chapter we had was Silent Hill.
They need to introduce new mechanics and events that switch things up from time to time.
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Sure, just let me have vault build as base vault speed and maybe base kit Ds.
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Because despite your bias, mories affected a match way more than keys ever have, and the same can be said for Ruin / Undying, you can't really do anything about ruin undying unless you find the totems (which could have meant cleansing every totem in the match before it was gone) where as dun dun dun, you can just not pick up the guy who has just been unhooked.
and again, keys are a whole item, tied to challenges in the tome, they have a whole slew of addons and are even affected by perks, so obviously it's a lot more work than just changing mories from one hook to two.
Undying was way too strong of a perk, and survivors get way more nerfs than killers anyway so why does it matter if something takes a little longer as long as it is changed.
BNPs were compared to Mories yet BNPs were nerfed 2 years before Mories were, DS was changed (multiple times) and one of those times was before Ruin and before Undying existed.
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The main reason they wont give extra steps for gens, is because if the object bugs out, it makes the game unplayable and can't be finished. If you see BHVR's track record with bugs, you would avoid this suggestion like.... the plague.. ahaha but no seriously.
Something else needs to be done. I agree with an extra objective though. But adding TO the generators would be a bad idea imo
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Maybe it woyuld be fine if you make also soloq good perks basekit, but I dont thik devs will do It.
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NOED baseline is an option, which would still require a ton of work to do. For starters, the totem counter would need to be basekit on survivors, and we'd need to see more of a gradation of NOED levels based on how many totems weren't finished, because survivors shouldn't be screwed over by a nasty godspawn or proxy camp. But overall, I quite like the idea of totems becoming a more pressing matter for survivors. Just not in its current form, where it is doing the exact opposite and basically urges survivors not to do totems.
Corrupt intervention baseline seems... Impractical? And you need to nerf camping simultaneous with any direct or indirect gen speed nerfing, otherwise you're buffing camping.
EDIT: Another option for survivor slow-down is to greatly reduce solo gen speeds, but greatly increase co-op gen speeds. This would make it easier for the killer to pressure effectively, and increases the amount of time survivors lose when one of them is on the hook, making gameplay more rewarding for the killer.
Again though, not without a harsh camping nerf.
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I can tell you use main spirit & use noed
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######### no are you on drugs
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Ds has always been a busted perk until recently...there is a reason it was nerfed that even the developers could see. Before you could use it without getting hooked...until recently it was abused.
Oh you got unhooked and want to work on a gen go ahead 60 sec to be used pair it with unbreakable and a killer lost pressure for 60 sec? You consider that fair.
On keys...fine keep keys the way they are and make it so hatch only spawns when all gens are finished or there is only 1 survivor left...that's hard to code right?
It doesn't matter if it takes longer as long as its changed...nice mindset I bet you if the old ruin or undying were still around you would be content to just wait for the change 🙄
And maybe I do have a killer bias but it's because it's a 4 vs 1 game that finishes in about 5 minutes if there are no gen regression perks and gens are rushed (lack of a secondary objective).
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