Ok does BHVR know how to fix their code or not?

And if they dont can someone else fix it?
I sincerely doubt it cause if they did, presumably it would be fixed by now. Last gen players are ready to burn the game to the ground in anger (and I assume a bunch are abandoning the game, meaning there goes potential sales) so if they had the ability to fix it, they would have.
I am not a game scientist so I'm sure it's a bit more complicated than just changing a few lines but the game has been a technical flustercuck for a good year now. At this point, this isn't some mild bump in the road, the damn bridge is out and everything is on fire as zombies try to climb in through the window.
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ETA on "fixing" this code is 6-9 months so its not happening. We need new content every 3 months to add up on spaghetti after all
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Optimization team is basically nonexistent at this point.Cant they atleast hire people who can fix it?
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I mean, at this point do they need to go the 'A Realm Reborn' route?
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A "DBD 2" might come in hand lol
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They could start putting stuff into the lore about the entity wanting to create a new realm for itself and the dev/director diaries could be from the entity's perspective as it tries to build the new realm.
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If they did we wouldn't have bugs that persist for years, a great example is the no sound bug on injured/down survivors that arent running iron will.
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And most of these issues could be fixed if they didnt follow the "DLC every 3 months" rule by the suits.
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Very clearly not, probably because it's so convoluted. Programs often reach a point where it would be quicker to build it back up again from scratch.
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Iv been hoping they skip chapters 1&3 for a year so during them periods they can do lots of fixes, map balances, addon changes as well as smaller new things like additional map variants for ormand. This way all team members have stuff to work on without it being a huge chapter with new issues
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Their higher ups only care about money unfortunately
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its Unreal Engine 4....the most widely used game engine so yeah, PLENTY of people around who know their way around that engine...but hiring people cost money and BHVR is more about making money then spending money/effort sooooo aint happening
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I was honestly thinking they could create a second team to handle the code rework. Which they NEED to do if they're serious on supporting this game for years to come. Their track record has been terrible so far.
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They have to.Its their most popular game and the only one they will be known of.Like they dont have any good games besides dbd.
And dbd is not even good.
They need to hire a new team as you said to re-do the code of the game.